“你就当这人已从家里走了,哪天回来了, 再当浪子回头,从头来过……”;
“你就当这人已从家里走了,哪天回来了, 就当浪子回头,从头来过……”真得要如此悲观的打算吗?难道世间真情真如此之薄,十年、二十年相濡以沫,甘苦同担,一段时空,一条大洋,一次分离,就会随风而逝,那我们天天守着的就是这么薄的一份情,我怎么觉得守的几分悲凉。所以俺愿意相信俺现在拥有的是一份厚重的,能经受住考验的情感,不是说她能避开任何冲击,而是说她最终能经受住。就像俺今天的坚持,不是说没有过苦,是最终要挺过去,既然一定要过去,俺何不把“一个人带着两个孩子”的日子也过的甜美安详,更何况俺们一家人还成就着一个不大的理想——先生的事业(记得到
Don't know what to say. My hubby went to back to China for a few years. He told me that almost all his colleagues with wives still in US are either divorced or are having affairs behind wives backs. He told me that he is probably the only exception. I trusted him with all my heart and he told me often how much he loves me. We believe that we have the strongest love among our friends. I told him that if he ever did anything wrong, I would kill myself. But, finally the most heartbreaking thing happened: he is having a lover in China now. He told me that he still loves me very much but can't break up with the lover. I cried, cried and lost lots of weight in just a few days. I can't believe this can happen to me. Not even his family and friends believe this can happen. But it happened. I feel I am dying inside. I realized now that overconfidence is disaster waiting to happen. I never imagined I could possibly forgive him if he ever had an affair. But when divorce becomes a real possibility, I totally lost it. I realized how painful it is to ignore 17 years of loving marriage and start new again. I realized how much I still love him. He cried a lot too and even wants to kill himself because he feels sorry to both me and his lover. His lover knows that he is married and wouldn’t divorce, but still wants to be with him. Believe me, it is the most painful thing that can happen to you and you will not be as cool as you are now once you are in it. I just feel really stupid right now to leave him alone in China for so long despite all the warnings from other people. I wanted to go with him to China, but my kid didn't. So, going back to China was just kind of in holding pattern until this happened. Regardless of his relationship with his lover, I have decided to go back China very soon. I want to give my last try to save my marriage. I don't believe divorce is in the best interest for either of us. I deeply believe he still loves me. It is just that fresh love passion blinds him now. Telling you all this because I don’t want to see another person going through what I am going through now. Believe me: no body is immune to temptation. I don’t want to see another overconfident wife to realize that her loving husband can be part of that 100% too. Deep down, all people and families are similar.
知道这件事后,我的第一感觉就是痛苦和麻木,不敢相信这样的事会发生在我的身上,还有就是觉得自己输得很惨,也不知道输到哪里。所有的症状都和brokendream 一样。他也很后悔,说自己并不想怎末样 云云。可是,又有什末意义呢,彼此之间失去信任的婚姻,又能够维持多久呢。我常常安慰自己,愿赌服输吧。不是你的,终究不是你的,无论你们在一起有多久。女人常常把自己全部的精力都放在先生和孩子身上而忽略了自己,所以,当头顶上的那片天不在为你遮风挡雨的时候,就觉着什末都没有了。 其实,想明白了,自己做自己头上的那片天又有什末不好,最起码,不会受到伤害。