(2007-01-02 12:44:38)
关于新手怎样克服交易时候的恐惧感,很多新手认为要想以交易为生,至少要保证八成的成功率,Doug并不同意这个观点,最好的交易员也只是在53% 的时间挣钱,So stop trying to be perfect. Just make smart trades and take smart losses.
至于决定是否开仓的最重要因素,我和Doug的想法一样,就是评估风险和收益。What is the probability of it working and how much will you make vs. what is the probability of it not working and how much will you lose. If the reward outweighs the risk by at least 2:1, then you can put the trade on knowing you made an objective trading decision. This does not guarantee the trade will work (remember it is a 50-50 game) but if cut your losses and employ this objective strategy consistently then, over time, you will make money trading. It works for the Casinos.