
Maurice R. Greenberg 中国保险和基金

(2023-07-23 12:35:24) 下一个

Maurice R. Greenberg

Chairman of Starr Insurance Companies wa found in 1919 in Shanghai, China. 

Starr Insurance Companies


399 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States, New York
Chairman and CEO of C.V. Starr & Co. Inc., Starr Insurance Companies and The Starr Foundation
Maurice R GreenbergMaurice R. Greenberg is Chairman of Starr Insurance Companies, a global insurance and investment organization founded by Cornelius Vander Starr in 1919 in Shanghai, China.

Mr. Greenberg retired as Chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), a former Starr subsidiary, which became the first fully licensed foreign insurance company in China. Under his nearly 40 years of leadership, AIG grew from an initial market value of $300 million to $180 billion, becoming the largest insurance company in the world. Mr. Greenberg is also the chairman of The Starr Foundation, a philanthropic organization initially funded by Cornelius Vander Starr’s estate. Under his leadership, the Starr Foundation has grown to become one of the largest private foundations in the United States. The Foundation has made more than $3.8 billion in grants worldwide to many academic, medical, cultural and public policy organizations around the world.

Among his numerous awards and appointments, Mr. Greenberg serves as Vice Chairman of the National Committee on United States-China Relations, Honorary Vice Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, and as a member of the Board of the US-China Business Council. In 1990, he was appointed by Zhu Rongji as Shanghai’s first Chairman of the International Business Leaders’ Advisory Council (IBLAC). Greenberg has been named an honorary citizen of Shanghai and was appointed as a Senior Economic Advisor to the Beijing Municipal Government.

Mr. Greenberg was presented with the Friendship Medal for Contribution to China’s Reform by President Xi Jinping in 2018 – one of only two Americans among 10 foreign leaders to receive the award.

Under Mr. Greenberg’s leadership, Starr has invested more than $1 billion in China since 2005. Starr led the IPO for the People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC), and acquired Dazhong Insurance, the first privatization of a state-owned insurance company.


史带保险公司董事长于 1919 年在中国上海成立。



399 Park Avenue, 纽约, NY, 美国, 纽约
[email protected]



C.V. 董事长兼首席执行官 史带公司、史带保险公司和史带基金会

莫里斯·R·格林伯格 (Maurice R. Greenberg) 是史带保险公司 (Starr Insurance Companies) 的董事长,该公司是一家全球性保险和投资组织,由科尼利厄斯·范德·史带 (Cornelius Vander Starr) 于 1919 年在中国上海创立。

格林伯格先生从美国国际集团 (AIG) 董事长兼首席执行官的职位上退休,该集团是史带前子公司,成为中国第一家获得全面牌照的外资保险公司。 在他近 40 年的领导下,AIG 的市值从最初的 3 亿美元增长到 1800 亿美元,成为全球最大的保险公司。 格林伯格先生还是斯塔尔基金会的主席,该基金会是一个慈善组织,最初由科尼利厄斯·范德·斯塔尔的遗产资助。 在他的领导下,斯塔尔基金会已发展成为美国最大的私人基金会之一。 该基金会已向全球许多学术、医疗、文化和公共政策组织提供了超过 38 亿美元的赠款。

格林伯格先生获得过众多奖项和任命,其中包括美中关系全国委员会副主席、外交关系委员会名誉副主席以及美中贸易全国委员会董事会成员。 1990年,他被朱镕基任命为上海首任国际商业领袖咨询委员会(IBLAC)主席。 格林伯格被授予上海市荣誉市民称号,并被任命为北京市政府高级经济顾问。

2018 年,习近平主席授予格林伯格先生“中国改革贡献友谊奖章”,他是 10 名外国领导人中仅有的两名获此殊荣的美国人之一。


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