
Vinegar is able to end pandemic Covid-19

(2023-01-20 11:39:24) 下一个

Vinegar is able to end pandemic Covid-19

This topic is not for hatred attacking; but for exploring a way out by digging the reasons.

 Frank (Hongde) Li; Feb 12 - 19, updated Mar 9 -12, April 9 – May 3, 2022, in Waterloo


Studies prove that tear film and stomach acid have antiviral effect; so that eyes and foods are not easy to cause infection, it is the ACE2 receptor in helping virus entering the cells of mammalian respiratory tract as primary host in days’ incubation then replicates and spreads; so, targeting on respiratory tract kills virus to stop their reproduction is best way out for ending the pandemic, and which is easier and safer than that of costly vaccination with harm of DNA rewriting.

Since Mar. 12, 2020; inspired by China’s factories in Iran zero infection by daily disinfection; I conduct a meats plant DC Foods Waterloo Canada in zero infection also; which inspired me with that inhaling daily disinfection produced antiviral air is able to stop the potential virus in respiratory tract of people to replicate as disease. More than two years of practice has proved that inhaling Hypochlorite disinfection produced antiviral air is effective and safe without complications.

It is understandable that the hypochlorite disinfection is able to kill the viruses in environment; then the disinfection produced antiviral air is certainly able to kill the viruses in Mammalian respiratory tract after being inhaled. So that if everyone inhaling antiviral air in daily once will avoid the potential Coronavirus replicating as diseases; then people will fearlessly engage in social activities to develop economy as that of pre-pandemic without need of vaccination and Covid test.  

Then all people stop to serve as hosts for replicationg virus; the pandemic will be ended naturally.

For ending such a wild spreading airborne infectious disease; we must stop the reproduction of virus in globally synchronous action as that of extinguishing the wildfire; all of the flames must be extinguished at the same time; the used medicinals must be safe for people self-help, cheaper handy available for anyone; so that I suggest daily diets and diet supplements.

Currently; among the available diets and diet supplements; the vinegar is the one with Labs confirmed killing SARS-CoV-2 and long use proved safe in-taking. Due to that vinegar kills virus by the electronegativity of the oxygen atom in Vinegar molecule; it is to kill virus by destroying their covalent bonded structure as that of taking off the parts; so that vinegar will be able to kill all kind of viruses and bacteria that cause diseases in airborne or contact without formation of resistance.

The electronegativity is also able to stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bond structured human body to produce full-cover therapeutic effects with Labs confirmed to increases immune cells in any dosage. So that vinegar alone is able to clean up virus caused multi-lesions to cure Covid-19 patients quickly without complications; and also it is able to cure the severe complications of Covid survivors to improve the quality of life and the quality of labors for developing economy.

According above convincing facts; I suggest formula as below..

A... To inhale diet vinegar mixed air in daily once will be able to kill the virus in respiratory tract; while it will increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with wide range of health-benefits.

B... We may make a portable sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use in daily once; then people will be able to fearlessly engage in social activities without the waste in the vaccination and Covid test.

C... To set antiviral air generator in the public facilities and home rooms; to ensure all people globally able to inhale flavor added vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once; then the pandemic will be ended in a period of weeks.

The approach of inhaling diet vinegar mixed air as prevention and treatment for Covid-19 will be warm welcomed, due to that vinegar has broader health benefits to attract people willingly enjoying than that of promoting vaccinations.

According to the atomic structure of the Hypochlorite; I infer its physiological function similar as that of vinegar in good than bad when being properly used.

D... To cure covid-19 patients by vinegar or Hypochlorite fumigating hospitals’ wards or homes’ rooms in several times daily, add several milliliters of diet vinegar in water for filtering oxygen to the patients who are in oxygenating.

E... Water dilute 20ml 5% diet vinegar (or 2 x 500 mg Capsules) per 50 kg body weight in 4 times daily; it will be able to cure covid-19 patients in 1 or 2 days without complications; no matter the patients are in mild or critical state.

F... It is better to use diet vinegar combining with any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + Vitamin B3 1g, Vitamin D in vitamin D in 50 000 IU, and OTC medicinals of TCM, such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule.

I firmly believe that; after first dose sleep hours; patients will seek for drink and eat. After second dose sleep hours; patients will feel much better. After third dose sleep hours, patents will Covid test negative and to walk out of hospital.

Here, I infer that inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once will be able to eliminate all kind of airborne infectious diseases. The diet vinegar combines diet supplements will be able to cure contact infectious diseases.

Thank for diet vinegar.

Note: This topic is excerpt-reedited from my writings before, especially Jan. 26, 2020 article Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases, May 1, 2020, The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19 and Feb.11, 2021 article Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus. My purpose is not for hatred attacking; but for exploring a way out by digging the reasons. I never deny the great contribution of Western medicine; but in the development of drugs and genetic studies; it has been going on wrong way in dooming human life.

       Contents of the topic

General introduction

The process of anti-pandemic is typical psychotic attack of social system

The complications of Covid survivors in suffering is easily cured by vinegar based combo

It is the flaw of human intelligence in causing people wrongful behaving

The experience of Prof. Lidia Morawska exposed that how the social psychotic attack is in playing

My failing experience is also exposed the fact that how the social psychotic attack is to be played

Revolutionize medical philosophy by philosophy of TCM integrating with philosophy of Western medicine

The amazing therapeutic effect of diet vinegar

The vinegar based combinations will be able to cure Covid complications and degenerative diseases

1... The solutions for ending pandemic Covid-19

1.1... The mechanism of Covid-19 transmission: it is not eyes and foods; but inhaling viruses cause infection

1.2... The daily disinfection produced antiviral air made the employee of meats plant in zero infection

1.2.1... Hypochlorite disinfectant mixed air reduced Cocid-19 infection

1.2.2... Disinfectants reduced Cocid-19 infection and death in Indian Slum

1.2.3... In Canada and Britain, the public areas keep no smell of the disinfectants

1.3... The only needed concern is the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air

1.3.1... The 0.1% sodium hypochlorite can inactivate Covid-19 virus

1.3.2... The toxic effect of sodium hypochlorite on human health

1.4... The virus killing function and the therapeutic effect of diet Vinegar

1.5... The hypochlorous acid will be safe as inhalable disinfectant

1.6... Epidemic will be ended by inhaling vinegar or hypochlorite mixed air in daily once

1.7... We should have the disinfection operators physical tested

2... The solutions for curing the infection of Covid-19

2.1... Traditional Chinese Medicine is suitable for human life

2.1.1... The compound medication is the best medication by producing synergistic effect

2.1.2... Lianhua Qingwen Capsule revealed mechanism of synergistic effect of multi-medicinals

2.1.3... The study and cured Covid-19 patients proved the correctness of TCM

2.1.4... Morden studies proved therapeutic mechanism of the natural therapies of TCM

2.1.5...The self-recover of human body proves that correctness of restoring Yin and Yang balance

2.1.6... The top leadership of China forced Western medicine cooperating with TCM

2.2... The Reductionism guided Western Medicine is not suitable for human life

2.3... Western medicine is not suitable for numan life and distort people misleading WNO

2.3.1... Ban the use of HCQ and Remdesivir caused over 50% and 83% of global 6 million Covid deaths

2.3.2... Ban the use of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule of TCM caused 90% unnecessary death

2.3.3... The example of without proper medications in Britain

2.3.4... The genetic studies can never good for human life besides evil used dooming human life

2.4... By Daoism integrating Reductionism to revolutionize Medical philosophy

2.5... Vinegar based combinations will be the best medication

2.5.1... Vinegar can unload overloaded hospitals

2.5.2... Vinegar is able to cure Covid complications

2.5.3... Amazing full cover therapeutic effects of vinegar

2.6... Electronegativity of polar molecules will be best medication

2.6.1...The physiological function for therapeutic potential of chloride ion in hypochlorous acid

2.6.2...The physiological function for therapeutic potential of carbonate ion in calcium carbonate

2.6.3...Chlorine dioxide will be potential medication by electronegativities of Oxygen atom and Chlorine atom

2.6.4...NaF reduced mortality percentage of influenza virus H0N1 in mice

2.7... The orthomolecular medicine and therapeutic effect of Vitamins  

2.7.1... Vitamin C has multi-therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases

2.7.2... Intravenous infusion of vitamin C 11g cured critical patient of Covid-19

2.7.3... Vitamin B3 increase the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times

2.7.4... Large dose of Vitamin D is able to cure flu or influenzalike illness

General introduction

As a Metallographic specialist, my career time is spent in the laboratories and libraries with plenty of time for free reading. As hobby, I interested in the results of modern studies on bio-ingredients, pharmacological effects and clinical applications of natural medicinals that identified and used by TCM in about 11,146 plants; 1581 animals; 80 minerals and 100 thousands of experience based formulas in covering all of known diseases. In this process, I inevitably got in touching some knowledge in Western medicine; which enabled me able to view clear the pros and cons between two kind of medicine crossing the different philosophies.

Since the outbreak of pandemic Covid-19; I have been in concerning the practice of anti-pandemic and writing articles in the treatment and prevention of Covid-19.

In this topic; the findings will subvert traditional cognition, in the philosophical basis, the experience based Traditional Chinese medicine - TCM is suitable for human life; and exact experimental based Western medicine is not good for human life.

Now, there is much retrospective analysis from the large amount of hospital treatment records of Covid-19 patients revealed a fact that many banned drugs for treating Covid-19 infections are safe and effective; suppose that Western medicine trained people do not endlessly yell unscientific or unproven and they do not ban the use of any drugs; people would be able to freely chosen plenty of medications, and then there more than 90% of people who have died of Covid-19 would be still alive.

We must get out of the hijack of Western medicine trained people to stop coexisting with viruses by DNA rewriting vaccination; the pandemic Covid-19 will be easily uprooted by antiviral air killing the virus in respiratory tract of people in daily one.

The process of anti-pandemic is typical psychotic attack of social diseases

In Jan 24, 2022 YouTube video The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the resigned White House Coronavirus Adviser, Professor Scott Atlas disappointed sighs with that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”

Obviously, Professor Scott Atlas clearly described the fact that the process of anti-pandemic is a process of psychotic attack of social disease; which is actively played by the social elites from all of social aspect; which is not limited in the US but it is in playing globally.

In dealing with Covid-19; the psychotic players do not end pandemic from the root of stopping the replication of virus; but addicted in negative prevention by vaccinations, Covid test and quarantines without sense that it is in finishing human beings by destructing the supply of life necessaries.

I never deny the contribution of Western medicine. However, in the face of global 6 million Covid deaths, I must help people see clearly that in terms of drug development and utilization, the Western medicine has fatal flaw. Since 1955; the placebo effect was found; the double blind clinic trial has been used to kick away effective drugs that used in combo by testing in single.

In fighting against pandemic Covid-19, the Western medicine trained people endlessly yell unscientific or unproven to have banned the use of experience based medicines, such as the OTC medicinals of TCM, by double blind clinic trial sentenced WHO suggested effective drugs in Western medicine as ineffective; by such a way blocked the way for people seeking survival.

According to the statistic data on the clinic records of patients’ treatment, the ban in the use of HCQ contributed more than 50% of global 6.3 million Covid death; the ban in the use of Remdesivir contributed more than 80% of global 6.3 million Covid death and the ban in use of OTC Lianhua Qingwen Capsule of TCM contributed more than 90% of global 6.3 million Covid death.

It is not the Covid-19; but it is the Western medicine in wrongfully training people to help virus killing people.

Also, the Omicron families are not pandemic terminators as that of argued by Western medicine trained people; but the messengers to say thanks for developing vaccines to cheat people sacrificing bodies as hosts for the reproduction and mutation of viruses; and thank for endless yelling unscientific or unproven to scare people giving up seeking survival by experience based medications; and lures people to live a life of co-existing with the Covid viruses; without stops their replication. 

So that the virus variant strain is able to develop trickier in more contagious and difficult prevent by mild symptoms covering their fatal complications with gifting brain damage, type II diabetes and killing kids. We must stop the play of coexisting with virus to uproot the pandemic by stopping the replication of virus; and which is easier than that of repeated vaccination.

May 2, 2022, a preprint report on Research Square SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant is as Deadly as Previous Waves After Adjusting for Vaccinations, Demographics, and Comorbidities suggests that “the risks of hospitalization and mortality were nearly identical between periods. Our analysis suggests that the intrinsic severity of the Omicron variant may be as severe as previous variants.”


The complications of Covid survivors in suffering is easily cured by vinegar based combo

Feb. 23, 2020, I once wrote article Some medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2 to have indicated that there are increasing reports of deaths from COVID-19; this could have been easily prevented by the treatment of experience based medicines, but the effective cheaper cures were not allowed to use clinically by the name of unscientific or unproven; which was same in China, the TCM was rejected by those Western medicine trained people. The top leadership of China has to hold special meeting to force the doctors of Western medicine must cooperate with the doctors of TCM; then the patients were treated by integrated combo of synthetic drugs and natural medicinals of TCM to have reduced deaths and complications.

Because of, though the Covid-19 virus is the single inducement in causing disease, but it caused disease is in syndrome with multi-lesions on body in the state of ever developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop symptomatic drugs by making clear the cause of each symptom. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; the multiple combined medicinals will heal multiple lesions at the same time as that of the multiple projectiles of a shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot.

Amazingly, please Google; you will be convinced by that the therapeutic effect of vinegar along is able to exceed that of the multi-medicinal compounded combo. This is the reason that I infer that vinegar along is able to quickly cure Covid-19 patients and the complications of Covid survivors. Also, at the time that cures Covid-19, vinegar is able to cure existing other diseases.

It is the flaw of human intelligence in causing people wrongful behaving

For well understanding this topic, we have to understand the mechanism of human brain producing intelligence; by which understands that why Western medicine is able to distort the cognitive function of so many people; so that they take wrong as right and promote bad for good to help Covid-19 virus killing people.

The computer program AlphaGo beats human professional Go player demonstrated work mechanism of human brain in producing intelligence by referring to the electronic structure and working principle of computers, it is the acquired knowledge as reference in supporting human brain reasoning for signaling physical behaving.

Views in this way, humans are acting as a kind of Robot in driving by acquired knowledge as software driver. The wrongful knowledge will drive people wrongful behaving.


The experience of Prof. Lidia Morawska exposed that how the social psychotic attack is in playing

April 6, 2022, the Nature News Feature published article Why the WHO took two years to say COVID is airborne revealed secret that it is not the officials of governments and WHO; but it is that Western medicine trained too many scientific medical players are in misleading the practice of anti-pandemic Covid-19.

As far back as Feb 2020, Lidia Morawska, an aerosol scientist and Professor at the Queensland University of Technology of Australia, spearheaded several efforts to convince WHO that airborne transmission of Coronavirus was “so obvious” and that omitting it from official guidelines was disastrous; but all failed.

Maybe cannot bear the torture of seeing too many people in unnecessary Covid deaths, July 6, 2020, again, Professor Lidia Morawska associated 239 scientists from 32 countries to published article It Is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); but it was still helpless.

The article Why the WHO took two years to say COVID is airborne indicates that it was an external group of about 40 clinicians and researchers formed Infection Prevention and Control Guidance Development Group (IPC GDG) in advising the officials of WHO to issue the polices for infection containment.

Facts are clear; it is not Coronavirus, but it is Western medicine cultured people in helping virus killing people.


My failing experience is also exposed the fact that how the social psychotic attack is to be played

Since the outbreak of the epidemic Covid-19, I have sent hundreds emails and dozens phone calls to persuade medical experts and officials to uproot epidemic by antiviral air uprooting pandemic; but all failed. On a phone call, a Professor said to me with that he is not interested in my suggestion to study of vinegar mixing air to stop the replication of virus; which wakens me up that it is the greedy nature of people in purposefully delaying the end of pandemic.

It is understandable that in comparison with the study of expensive genetic products; the study of vinegar mixed air stopping virus’ replication is valueless academically and commercially; but the way for ending the pandemic is just simple in valueless for meeting such greedy. So that, I said that human society has not been humanized yet; due to that people in leading anti-pandemic position are in individualistic play without sense for collectivistic interest.

The individualistic people have no brain cells to reasoning the bad consequence of what they are in doing or going to do; no sense for reasoning that they are in ruining the life of themselves and their families.


We have to revolutionize medical philosophy by philosophy of TCM integrating with philosophy of Western medicine

The higher cure-rate in Covid-19 infections revealed the fact that people despised experience based Traditional Chinese Medicine–TCM is perfect matching human life in the base of philosophy; while people trust-addicted scientific Western medicine is just with fatal flaws that have been in harming human life in the root of philosophy.

The failure in anti-pandemic Covid-19 revealed the failure of philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine. The manmade tragedy triggered the urgency in the rationalization of medical philosophy by philosophy Daoism of TCM rationalizing philosophy Reductionism of Western medicine to make the complementary in the advantage of each others; thereby rationalizing the way in disease treatment from looking for killing and genetic patching to be looking for restoration of natural Yin-Yang balance; then the concept of disease treatment and drugs will be rationalized also.

Drug concept revolution: The electro-negativity of atom in polar molecular has full cover therapeutic effects.

Drug concept revolution: The best medication comes from synergistic effect of compound medication of TCM.

Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the God medicine by optimizing Intestinal Microorganism and nerves renew.

Drug concept revolution: The orthomolecular medicine and natural medicinals of TCM are the best drug sources.

By cheaper daily diet and diet supplements; we will make breakthrough in disease treatment.

As airborne infectious disease, the Covid-19 is easily containable. If it is without the misleading of Western medicine poisoned people; we would have ended pandemic by stopping the replication of virus; then Covid-19 would not be worsened as pandemic. The thorny diseases for treatment are those degenerative one; such as, Alzheimer.

The revolutionization in medical philosophy will be able to solve the long dilemma in disease treatment globally; especially in the universal healthcare system of Canada and Britain; it is not at lack of investment; but at lack of effective medication; because of, doctors are unable to cure patients timely and people cannot self help in disease treatment and cannot keep in health to be disease free.


The amazing therapeutic effect of diet vinegar

Now we have convinced the magic therapeutic effect of compound medication. Please Google; you will surprised that the therapeutic effects of diet vinegar are covering wide range of diseases; which means that vinegar along will be able to achieve a therapeutic effect that is able to exceed any compounded multi-medicinals; In section 5.4...Drug concept revolution:The electronegativities of atoms in vinegar can be used for therapy of attached article Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus; I Googled 32 therapeutic effects of vinegar.

The LD50 of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, which is 165g/50kg; and 20ml 5%vinegar is equal to pure in 1gram. Since ancient, the people of China have been using vinegar as main ingredients to cure various thorny diseases. Thousands of years’ global folk use as diet and medication has proved that vinegar is safe in-taking without side effect. Practical cases showed that the corrosive injury of high concentration of vinegar can quickly self recover without complications.

Studies proved that vinegar has Coronavirus killing effect: Jun. 24, 2020, Japan, Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2, July 20, 2020, Italy, Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo both reported that acetic acid aqueous solutions effectively inactivated the Covid-19 virus. Italy, the fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Study proved that vinegar can increase immune cells: 2001, article The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice reports that mice treated with daily oral doses of 0.17, 0.51 and 1.02 ml of the vinegar/kg body weight for 4 weeks. In all treated groups; the Hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised; and at same time that mean liver and spleen weight are significant increased.

I infer that, for curing Covid-19 patients; water dilute 20ml 5% diet vinegar (or 2 x 500 mg vinegar Capsules) per 50 kg body weight in 4 times daily; it will be able to cure covid-19 patients in 1 or 2 days without complications; no matter the patients are in mild or critical state.

I firmly believe that is safe without side effect; after first dose and sleep hours; patients will seek for drink & eat. After second dose and sleep hours; patients will feel much better. After third dose and sleep hours, patents will Covid test negative and to self walk out of hospital.


The vinegar based combinations will be able to cure Covid complications and degenerative diseases

Also the multi-therapeutic effects from synergistic reaction of vinegar based combinations are perfect medication for curing complications to return those Covid survivors a healthier life; while also to ensure quality labor to develop a prosperous economy for enjoying a healthier life.

The diet and diet supplements of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM will be able to quickly uproot pandemic covid-19 and make breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases.

In TCM, there is a belief that a superior doctor helps people keeping in diseases free; a common doctor rescues people from diseases; and an inferior doctor says to patients by that see you in next world.

The vinegar based combinations will be able to act as that of superior doctor helping people in disease free and thereby reducing the reliance on public healthcare to reduce the burden of individual and government.


1... The solutions for ending pandemic Covid-19

1.1... The mechanism of Covid-19 transmission: it is not eyes and foods; but inhaling viruses cause infection

May 7, 2020, article Tropism, replication competence, and innate immune responses of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in human respiratory tract and conjunctiva: an analysis in ex-vivo and in-vitro cultures and July, 2020 article SARS-CoV-2 infection in conjunctival tissue show that the eyes are not easy to cause infection, due to tear film has antiviral function.

Sep. 22, 2020, article Oral SARS-CoV-2 inoculation establishes subclinical respiratory infection with virus shedding in golden Syrian hamsters indicate that by nasal inhalation of 100 PFU of virus infected all lab mice in difficult breath and weight loss; while virus shedding in oral swabs and faeces indicate that only 83% of mice were infected by oral inoculation with high dose of 100,000 PFU virus; but the oral inoculation infected mice are all in asymptomatic, the breath and weight are both in normal.

Studies revealed that mammalian respiratory tract with the help of the ACE2 receptor works as the primary host for Covid-19 virus invading, replicating and spreading with a certain incubation period.


1.2... The daily disinfection produced antiviral air made the employee of meats plant in zero infection

Since Mar. 12, 2020; inspired by the report of medical team of Chine aid to Iran, China’s factories in Iran kept in zero infection by copying the practice of domestic China - masks and daily disinfection; I conduct meats plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario, Canada in zero infection also. In attached article The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19, I introduce 6 emails to DC Foods Waterloo.

The plant set several people for daily disinfection with sprayer to spray disinfectant on the area of people just touched. Due to the lunchroom is small, for keeping social distance, employees have to taking lunch in several groups; so that lunchroom has to be repeatedly disinfected in a short period. In this way, the lunchroom is filled with strong smell of disinfectant volatile.

The disinfection produced antiviral air was inevitably inhaled by employees who use the lunchroom and kill the possible viruses in the respiratory tracts; thus stopped the onset of the infection; because of, the mask and disinfection in the plant cannot avoid employee to be infected in home where is the major source of cluster infections.

It is understandable that the hypochlorite disinfection is able to kill the viruses in environment; then the disinfection produced antiviral air is certainly able to kill the viruses in the respiratory tract of people after being inhaled with normal breathing.

On this regard, there is favorable factor; it is that the harm of virus is at replication; we don't need to completely destroy them; but just castrates to lose their ability for replication as that of castrating rape criminals; and in this way, it may only need a weaker toxic disinfectant or a lower concentration of the disinfectant in lesser toxic harm.

Thus may produce a phenomenon that the tests showing the virus is in existing; but it is harmless; so that we need an anti-infection method that is without the need of testing virus. The hypochlorite and vinegar is able to help to achieve this goal.

Globally the meats plants have been the hotpots of infections; due to that workers have to operate manually by shoulder to shoulder in the work environment of low temperature with fans blow circulation; Though all of the plants carefully disinfecting every day, even if, in some plants, the employees took full PPE; but they still cannot avoid employee to be infected. I guessed that the reason is that there is no residual of the disinfectant in air under the regulation of government in before the epidemic.

The finding in the anti-epidemic practice of meats plant reveals a fact that the environment disinfection cannot stop the virus airborne transmission from the respiratory tract of infected people to the respiratory tract of uninfected people; and also provided an inspiration to stop the viruses’ airborne transmission; which is to produce antiviral air.

Though; the Mammalian breath provides convenience for Coronavirus transmission; but also it provides the convenient way for killing them; because of even if the most infectious variant strain also needs a incubation period before replicates as disease; this is the best time window for killing them.


1.2.1... Hypochlorite disinfectant mixed air reduced Cocid-19 infection

According to the phone call friends in different cities of China, the commonly used disinfectant is the sodium hypochlorite that called as 84 in China.

In China, the sodium hypochlorite has been widely used in the disinfection of homes and public places. It said that in the room of hotels, the disinfectant on floor needs 3 days dried up. Now it has over a half year, the long term harm of inhaling the volatile should be emerged already, however, as of right now, I eagerly Google, did not see any such case related report. Also, I did not find the notice of prohibiting the use of the sodium hypochlorite by government.

I phone call and learn that in China, the classrooms, the Gov-offices and plant-offices are all disinfected daily with produced smell of antiviral volatile. I read Mandarin reports that in China, at airports, the luggage is disinfected, and the corridors of the hotels that used to isolate passengers are times disinfected daily.

Phone call learnt that, in Shenyang city, China, the pedestrian entrance walkways of the public utilities are equipped with disinfection shed with plastic film to be filled with disinfectant mist in visible fog. People walking by will naturally disinfect the body and inhale antiviral volatile. Obviously, by such a simple way, we can return to normal economic activity without taking measures to restrict people’s social activity. The restrictions are difficult carrying out in many countries.

Google, found disinfection shed equipped in many cities throughout China with different shapes. The earlier report about the use was in Feb. 7, 2020, Harbin city, Heilongjiang province, a resident community built a disinfection channel by plastic film with a sprayer to spray chlorine dioxide. Every resident must pass through it when going in or out. It is also equipped with a heater for preventing freezing. Below are some photos got online.


Here is a video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4qiRa4iz6A: The disinfection machine is filled with the disinfectant such as hypochlorous acid and hydrogen peroxide, the sprayer can spray out aerosol in 5-10 microns.

The fact is clear, for the better pandemic control in China should also attribute to the disinfection produced inhalable disinfectant mist to have killed Covid-19 virus in people's eyes, respiratory tract, rather than cleaned the virus on the ground or any public area, because even if those touchable virus is able to cause infection, it must be through oral way and which cannot cause the obviously perceived illness.

The inhalable antiviral volatile will be the safe approach for massively clearing virus without the need of diagnose in indiscriminately massive treatment.

Suppose that we can coordinate all countries globally synchronous action at the same time, by disinfectant mixing fragrance produced scented antiviral volatiles to fill with the rooms of families, the classrooms of schools, the offices of governments, the wards of hospitals, the entrance areas of markets, the cabins of passenger aircrafts, and any possible places. Then we will be able to end the pandemic within few weeks.


1.2.2... Disinfectants reduced Cocid-19 infection and death in Indian Slum

Globally has been concerning the pandemic control in Dharavi, India, the Asia’s Most Densely Populated Slum with over 1 million people live in an area of just over 2.1 square kilometers to make a sky-high population density.

However, the reality is far better than that of we worry about, as of May 9, 2020, there are only 833 Covid-19 cases, includes 27 deaths. The numbers in infections and deaths per population are far less than that of developed countries. As of May 10, 2020, the number of the deaths per million: the US achieved 240; Spain achieved 566; Italy achieved 502; and the UK achieved 475. Here, the “achieved” means that the democratically played politicians in those countries have been hardly working for.

The achievement in less infections and death in Dharavi should be mainly attributed to Gov-officials made full cover disinfection on the area of the slum, rather than other measures. It is disinfectant volatile killed virus in the respiratory tract of people, and the lower simple ventilated houses also helped to the full cover of the disinfectant volatiles to reach every corner.

From below reports, people can understand the correctness of my judgment; it is the disinfectant volatile to have played a key role in reducing the infections and deaths in Dharavi, the Asia’s Most Densely Populated Slum.

April 13, 2020, article Dharavi locality disinfected with a massive machine in a bid to curb infection: Report reports that the Mumbai Fire Department on Sunday disinfected Dharavi locality by using an advanced level ariel mist blowing machine, a Protector 600 to curb infection and reduce the number of COVID-19 cases in the area.

Besides using advanced level ariel mist blowing machine, the mist blowing hand-guns were also used to disinfect the area the machine cannot reached.

Apr. 20, 2020, Reuters' YouTube video, India battles to keep virus out of Mumbai's slums: the sprawling slums of Dharavi in the heart of India's financial capital Mumbai have become a battleground for COVID-19 as health workers try desperately to stem the spread of the coronavirus in its dense and unsanitary bylanes.

Below were the screenshots from the video.            

Besides the hard efforts of Gov-officials, the Indian people are also taking proper self protection by covering own mouth and nose by anything available, which is far good than that of the people in many developed countries.

Here, I would like to say thanks to those responsible Indian government officials and Indian people for their careful prevention from infection.                                                                                                                                                                      

1.2.3... In Canada and Britain, the public areas keep no smell of the disinfectants

According to phone call to my friends learnt that, in Canada, the public area, such as, airplanes, airports, daycares and the lab of universities, though they are disinfected daily, but without the smell of the disinfectant.

For learning the disinfection in Canada, I phone called my former colleague who is now working in a daycare of Toronto, Ontario, she suggested me the government of Toronto issued Infection Prevention and Control in Child Care Centres, in which warned that “Cleaning must be done as soon as possible after contamination. When using cleaning products, minimize mist while applying to avoid eye and respiratory irritation (PIDAC, 2018).”

The “PIDAC, 2018” is Public Heath Ontario issued Best Practices for Environmental Cleaning for Prevention and Control of Infections in All Health Care Settings, 3rd Edition in April 2018. In which warns that: “Caution should be taken when cleaning and disinfection is performed in small and/or poorly ventilated spaces to reduce the risk of irritation to exposed skin and respiratory tract, and to ensure that exposure limits are not exceeded.”

Such warning for disinfection would be similar in Western countries from copy to copy of an easy way.

Unfortunately, as of now, about the safety of disinfectants, the guidance of the Gov-authorities is still in guessing and hearsays without specific experiments have been done.


In Britain, forbidden disinfecting in public areas

After checked about disinfection in Canada, I turn to Google its father country UK.

On the website of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of UK, the post that last reviewed in Oct. 9, 2020 revealed the practice of Britain in the use of disinfection: Disinfecting premises using fog, mist, vapour or ultraviolet (UV) systems during the coronavirus pandemic.

Do not disinfect large outdoor spaces

In outdoor spaces, large-scale spraying or disinfecting in areas such as streets or open marketplaces for the COVID-19 virus or other pathogens is not recommended. Streets and pavements are not considered as routes of infection for COVID-19. Spraying disinfectants, even outdoors, can be dangerous to people’s health and cause eye, respiratory or skin irritation or damage.

Do not spray people with disinfectants

Do not spray people with disinfectants (in a tunnel, cabinet, or chamber) under any circumstances. Spraying a person could be harmful and does not reduce the spread of the virus. This is because transmission is usually through droplets or contact. 

HSE is a key authority of Britain in conducting anti-pandemic, above casually guessed instruction and the outdated comment of the “transmission is usually through droplets or contact” revealed the reason why that the infection in UK is uncontrollable.

The good hearted intention may not make good result.


1.3... Now, the only needed concern is the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air

Naturally, people would worry about the long term health impact of inhaling the volatile of sodium hypochlorite; for this concern, I carefully searched, but did not find exact data on how it affects our health. However, we can infer from the actual practice.

Since Mar. 13, 2020, the disinfection operators in DC Foods Waterloo have been working on the position for about 23 months; they are still healthy doing the same job every day; though they have inhaled times more hypochlorite mixed air than that of others did; which shows that inhaling hypochlorite mixed air is safe without long-term complications; but as of current understanding; the best inhalable disinfectant will be vinegar.

Now, in China, the sodium hypochlorite has been widely used in the disinfection of homes and public places. It said that in the room of hotels, the disinfectant on floor needs 3 days dried up. Now it has over a half year, the long term harm of inhaling the volatile should be emerged already, however, as of right now, I eagerly Google, did not see any such case related report. Also, I did not find the notice of prohibiting the use of the sodium hypochlorite by government.


1.3.1... The 0.1% sodium hypochlorite can inactivate Covid-19 virus

Feb. 6, 2020, German study report Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents indicates that the endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV) can be efficiently inactivated by 0.1% sodium hypochlorite within 1 minute.


1.3.2.. The toxic effect of sodium hypochlorite on human health

I Googled online, but there no reliable information is available. It is better to perform big data statistics in practical use, such as, in China where have used disinfectant mist in large scale and a longer period on people. The long- and short-term effects of disinfection on human health are already emerged. The only need is to collect them.

The safe of inhaling antiviral volatiles is not because of the disinfectant harmless on human body, but it is human body able to cleverly self-protect. 2014 report Discover Protein Protecting Bacteria Against Chlorine: In the presence of chlorine, a protein in the intestinal bacterium E. coli tightly bonds with other proteins for self-prevention. Once the danger passed, they released and continue to work as usual. Obviously, human body will be smarter than that of the bacterium E. coli.


1.4... The virus killing function and the therapeutic effect of diet Vinegar

Lab studies proved that vinegar has Coronavirus killing effect

Jun. 24, 2020, Japan, Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2, July 20, 2020, Italy, Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo both reported that acetic acid aqueous solutions effectively inactivated the Covid-19 virus. Italy, the fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Drink Vinegar increases immune cells in the blood of mice

2001, article The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice reports that mice treated with daily oral doses of 0.17, 0.51 and 1.02 ml of the vinegar/kg body weight for 4 weeks. In all treated groups; the Hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised; and mean liver and spleen weight significant increased.

In ancient China, the vinegar has been used as main ingredients for treating thorny diseases in a wide range, by fumigation cured flu and meningitis; while modern studies in Western medicine show that the therapeutic effect of vinegar are covering the most of diseases. The thousands of year’s long folk use as diet and medication have proved that vinegar is safe in-taking.

As my understanding; as of now, among the diets, synthetic drugs or natural medicinals, the vinegar is the only one that is safe in-taking with exact function in killing covid-19 virus and with multi-therapeutic effects; at the time killing virus; it is also able to clean up the multi-lesions that covid-19 harms in human body. We must turn to carefully study vinegar; rather than addicted in genetic play. 

For sobering a better concentration, I take water diluted vinegar daily; I got greatest gain with finding that vinegar can cure periodontitis, eliminate Tartar or dental stones and made atrophied gums quickly grew up; while cure flu by curing fever; stopping runny nose and eliminating cough immediately, eliminating the sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby avoiding snoring and apnea when sleeping.

Studies show that drinking water diluted vinegar can increase the counts of immune cells in the blood of lab mice and decrease the fat of abdominal and the thickness of intestinal wall of chicks.

The function of vinegar curing periodontitis, eliminating Tartar and stopping snoring and apnea is also a great contribution on the health of people; due to that the periodontitis, snoring and apnea are the main inducement of great many fatal diseases.

I infer that the magic physiological function of vinegar should be derived from the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule produced electronegativities with the value 3.5 of each. The electronegativities are surely able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses in regardless of types or mutations; the pathogens will never be able to generate resistance on the electronegativities.

Meanwhile, the electronegativities are able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded tissues and organs of body to produce therapeutic effects that are able to exceed the effect of any existing medications.

Please Google now by key the words of vinegar + any diseases; you will be convinced by shocking results.

The self-recovered case shows that our body has magic ability in self-healing for the severe corrosive injury by high concentration of vinegar. I have provided self-recovered case in Jan. 26, 2020 article Vinegar, Vc, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases.

Indirectly judging from the scattered data, human body has ability of self-protection or self-recovery; so that some toxics kill virus and bacteria, such as hypochlorite; no injury to human cell or lighter in self-recoverable.

When talking about the pharmacological effects of vinegar, many researchers are focusing on the roles of the ingredients in vinegar from raw materials or the derivatives that produced in the process of vinegar fermentation; but as my view, no matter how those ingredients or derivatives are effective; they can never produce the effect as that produced by the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in triggering the physiological activities of human body.

Although, the Covid-19 virus is the single inducement in causing disease, but it caused disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions and in the state of continuously developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop symptomatic drugs by making clear the cause of each symptom. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; the multi medicinals will heal multiple lesions as that of the multiple projectiles of a shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot.

Amazingly, the therapeutic effects of vinegar itself are able to exceed that of the multi-medicinals compounded. This is the reason that I infer that vinegar along is able to quickly cure Covid-19 patients and the complications of Covid survivors. 

If we take vinegar as inhalable disinfectant; we will be able to enjoy many potential benefits that will attract people eagerly to self-help; while, the doctors, for enhancing the immunity of patients; the ladies, for a slim body; and the men, for a good sleep without snoring and apnea. 

As my personal experience, put diet vinegar in a plastic bag; then cover mouth and nose to inhale several breathes of the vinegar mixed air in daily once; or spray diet vinegar on a small area of handkerchief, then cover mouth and nose to inhale a while; or roll two piece of diet vinegar soaked paper to put in the nostrils in daily once; by which easy way, we will be able to prevent the onset of possible virus that inhaled into respiratory tract.


1.5... The hypochlorous acid will be safe as inhalable disinfectant

There were many studies about the role of hypochlorous acid; they are just paid attention to its toxic effect without concerning the health benefit. The safe of vinegar on human health has been a household truth. By comparing to the Oxygen (electronegativity 3.5) and Chlorine (electronegativity 3.0) in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to that of vinegar in good than bad when properly use at the time killing virus; it is also able to cure the multi-lesions of diseases.

But the odor of the Hypochlorite is much acceptable than that of vinegar; thus the Hypochlorite is better to be used as inhalable disinfectant; and the long use also has proved the safety of Hypochlorite; especially we drink it cleaned water every day. The massive use of Hypochlorite as disinfection has been two years, without the reports on its long term complications. 


1.6... Epidemic will be ended by inhaling vinegar or hypochlorite mixed air in daily once

Only vinegar and hypochlorite can beat any type of virus in regardless of their trick mutations by the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms and Chlorine atoms in the molecule to destroy their covalent bonded structure; as that of taking off the parts of the viruses.

If we take vinegar or hypochlorite mixing odorant as inhalable disinfectant and use in daily once to kill potential virus in respiratory tract; then people are able to confidently engage in daily activities without the need of vaccination and virus test.

We should develop a portable antiviral air sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use to kill potential virus in respiratory tract in daily once; then all of airborne infectious diseases will be unable to attack as diseases.

Also we may set antiviral air generator in public facilities and home rooms; to ensure people globally inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed flavor antiviral air in daily once to kill possible viruses in the respiratory tract.

At the same time, by fumigation to kill the potential viruses in the respiratory tracts of poultry; livestock; the animals in zoos; the bats in bat caves; as much more as we can; in globally coordinated synchronous action as that of extinguishing the wildfire; all of the flames must be extinguished at the same time. Then we will be able to uproot the airborne infectious diseases without need of costly developing vaccines or antibiotics.


1.7... We should have the disinfection operators physical tested

Since Mar. 13, 2020, the disinfection operators in DC Foods Waterloo have been working on the position for about 23 months; they are still healthy doing the same job every day; though they have inhaled times more hypochlorite mixed air than that of others did; which shows that inhaling hypochlorite mixed air is safe without long-term complications; but as of current understanding; the best inhalable disinfectant will be vinegar.

The government of Canada should have physical tested for the people who have been working on the position of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo; they have been unexpectedly completed long-term biological test for the long-term toxicity of hypochlorite. The testing results of their physiological indicators will be persuasive than that of testing by lab animals.


2... The solutions for curing the infection of Covid-19

2.1... Traditional Chinese medicine TCM is suitable for human life in philosophical basis

Human life is too complicated in decisively affecting by many unclear and uncontrollable factors; especially natural and social factors affected psychological pressure; so that it must be treated as Chaos System by Chaos Theory.

Daoism is an ancient philosophy of China in dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance to be composed of components or subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance. By Yin and Yang represent the two opposites as the Taiji Yin-Yang diagram below. Daoism embodies the harmony of unity of the opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance; and view human body as one of the components of the universe; which is in line with Chaos Theory.


                             The Taiji Yin-Yang diagram of Daoism


Traditional Chinese Medicine–TCM develops by taking the principle and terminologies of Daoism, views human body as emotion driven organic whole; with thousands years of belief that disease treatment is seven tenth in psychotherapy three tenth in medication, by natural therapies and compound medication restoring Yin and Yang balance as treatment.  

Through long time trial and error clinically, TCM has identified about 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and has accumulated nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas, which covering almost all known diseases.

Dec. 21, 2011, in article Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach, I indicate that in recent years, researchers globally, especially in China, have made many achievements in the study of bioactive substances and their pharmacological effects on natural Chinese medicinals by modern bio-technologies from the level of molecular, protein and genes; and also, the therapeutic mechanism of many ancestral experience based formulas were revealed.

Modern studies found some of those natural medicinals have therapeutic effect similar to synthetic ones in killing the pathogens directly, and some of them have nutritional effect similar to orthomolecular medicine. Some can boost human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells, such as, phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Some Chinese medicinals can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite, etc.

Some natural medicinals contain immunoreactive substances of immune enhancer. Their immunoregulatory role is in activation of reticuloendothelial system, so that increase IL-content and the level of antibodies and complement, activate the macrophages and T, B lymphocytes, and enhance cellular immunity and humoral immunity, thereby enhancing human immune system in the capacity of anti-diseases.

More amazingly, the medicinals used in TCM can improve immune system by intellectually taking the bidirectional role for those under different immune status. That is, for those in the lower immune function play a catalytic role, for those in the over immune reaction plays a disincentive role.

May 15, 2020, in article TCM can promote recovery and avoid complications of COVID-19, I indicate that compound medication is the unique therapeutic method of TCM by putting many different natural medicinals together as one dose to target on different symptoms at the same time. By multi-combined medicinal combo (roughly in composition), TCM quickly cured covid-19 patients in less death and complication; which show that the philosophy Daoism is suitable for emotion driven organic human body.


2.1.1... The compound medication of TCM is the best medication by producing synergistic effect 

In 1980s, Germany carried out about 300 clinical studies with standardized phytopharmaceuticals. Accordingly published report Phytomedicine Research in Germany. The studies show that “these phytopharmaceuticals had full therapeutic equivalence with chemotherapeutics and had the simultaneous advantage of being devoid of any adverse effects.” “The mechanism of action of herbal drugs and their extract preparations, which differ in many respects from that of synthetic drugs or mono substances, can be characterized as a polyvalent action and interpreted as additive or, in some cases, potentiating.”

Nov. 22, 2013, article Plant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cells reports that “turmeric, soybeans, broccoli, grapes and tea; individually, they were ineffective against cancer. But combined, they suppressed breast cancer cell growth in the lab by more than 80 percent, and eventually triggered the process leading to cell death.”

Sept 30, 2019, article Fruit flies live longer with combination drug treatment reports that if it is used individually, lithium, trametinib and rapamycin can extend the lifespan of the fruit flies by an average of 11%, but if by any of two combined can increase lifespan around 30%, and if the all three combined can reach 48%.

Feb 7, 2022; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine posts study New Antiviral Drug Combination Is Highly Effective Against SARS-CoV-2 to treat COVID-19 by combining the drug brequniar with remdesivir or molnupiravir. The findings suggest that these drugs are more potent when used in combination than individually; the combining drugs also reduce the risk of resistance.

There are too many studies in proving the talent of ancient people of China with that the compounded medication of TCM is able to produce synergistic interaction; that more medicinals are combined, the stronger therapeutic effects the fewer side effects. The higher cured rate of Covid-19 patients proved that TCM is suitable for human life in the philosophical basis.

The mechanism of compound medication may explain by the treatment of Covid-19. Although, the Covid-19 virus is the single inducement in causing infection, but it caused disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions developing; it is impossible to develop symptomatic drug by making clear the cause of each symptom timely. The compound medication of TCM is able to provide multi medicinals to cure multiple lesions at the same time as that of the multiple projectiles of the shotgun is able to hit multiple targets at once by blind shot.

In Jan 2020, in views that some Western Medicine’s experts reject the participation of TCM’s experts in the treatment of Covid-19 patients; the top leadership of 7 members' politburo specially held meeting to force Western medicine cooperating with TCM. So that since then in China, in the process of treatment; the doctors of China use synthetic drugs of Western medicine combining with natural medicinals of TCM, and by multi-medicinals cured the patents in lesser deaths and fewer complications.

The findings reveal the new drug concept that the best medication will come from the synergistic effect of multi-combination of the medicinals; in regardless of synthetic or naturals; the more medicinals combined the stronger therapeutic effect, and the lower side effect; which proved correctness of the compound medication of TCM. Lianhua Qingwen is best example. 


2.1.2... Lianhua Qingwen Capsule revealed mechanism of synergistic effect of multi-medicinals

Although, for Covid-19 infections, the virus is the main cause of the diseases, but, it caused physical impairment is complex. Actually Reductionism is in guiding Western medicine to seek a single factor to treat physical impairment that is in multiple lesions in multiple affecting factors, which is equivalent to target on one target to treat the disease that has multi-targets. Obviously, this is wrong in the philosophical basis. It is the one of the cognitive errors.

In the concern, the best medication is to unlimited combine with medicinals in different function as combo that will produce therapeutic effect to target multiple targets at the same time as that of the shotgun is able to fire a large number of pellets at once to target multi-targets; so that the medicinal combo is able to treat each symptom of the syndrome of Covid-19 infections at once.

Lianhua Qingwen capsules play such a role.

Lianhua Qingwen capsule is typical compound medication of TCM, its biologically active ingredients, therapeutic mechanism and clinical effects can show the reason that why TCM treats Covid-19 infection without sequelae.

The ingredients of Lianhua Qingwen are all from nature, includes: Forsythia, Honeysuckle, Ephedra, Almond, Gypsum, Iisatis root, Male fern rhizome, Houttuynia cordata, Patchouli, Rhubarb, Rhodiola rosea, Menthol, Licorice. The starch is auxiliary material.

In nature world, a single botanical plant is a compound with multiple physiological ingredients. Lianhua Qingwen is composed of 12 botanicals and 1 mineral. It can be envisaged that the bioactive ingredients are diversified and the number is huge.

Jan. 8, 2015, article Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Major Constituents in Chinese Medical Preparation Lianhua-Qingwen Capsule by UPLC-DAD-QTOF-MS introduced study result that Lianhua Qingwen capsule has total of 61 major constituents. Such a combo is surely can target on large number of targets.

Here, I would like to specially introduce the therapeutic mechanism of minerals, from here, people would surprise by the talent of ancient people of China.

The earlier record of medicinal use of Gypsum in China was "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" of a pharmaceutical works appeared in Warring States Period 475-221 BC.

Gypsum is calcium sulfate (CaSO4·2H2O) as often used as medicinal in TCM, for use in raw, it can eliminate fever, relieve irritability, and quench thirst; for use in calcining, it can astringe sore muscles, stop bleeding.

With such unique therapeutic function, mineral Gypsum can certainly largely enhance the therapeutic effect of Lianhua Qingwen capsule. Please see the therapeutic achievement of Lianhua Qingwen capsule from clinical use of double blinded trial of Western medicine.

May 8, 2020, article China Focus: Chinese medicine against COVID-19 gets market entry to Singapore: Traditional Chinese medicines including the Lianhua Qingwen Capsule are effective in the treatment of over 90 percent of all confirmed COVID-19 cases with significantly lowered the proportion of patients whose conditions turn from mild to severe. In vitro experiment proved that Lianhua Qingwen Capsule has a weak inhibitory effect on the virus but has good repair effects on cell damages and inflammation caused by the novel coronavirus.

May 4, 2020, a mandarin article Zhong Nanshan: I have confidence to say that Lianhua Qingwen really works:  "I just finished an experiment and the results will be published soon. There is enough evidence to prove that Lianhua Qingwen is effective and can promote patients recover.

“In vitro experiments found that Lianhua Qingwen Capsule has some inhibitory effect on the virus, but it is very weak. However, its benefit is that it has a good repair effect on virus-induced cell damage and inflammation.”

“Firstly, the patient's symptoms improved faster after taking it, in two days earlier than the control group. Secondly, the patient's CT film recovered faster than the control group. And thirdly, there is a significant difference in the drop in body temperature of patients, and the time of fever was shortened.

"After conducting the experiment, I have confidence to say that Lianhua Qingwen really works.”

Zhong Nanshan introduced that: I saw that the patients recovered well after being discharged from hospital. As long as there were no underlying diseases, they recovered quickly. Even if there are some underlying diseases, the patients generally recovered well, including the lungs.

Aug 9, 2021, article The mechanisms and clinical application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Lianhua-Qingwen capsule reports that “Lianhua-Qingwen capsule (LQC) is a commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China and has 11 herb components. The main active ingredient can target specific molecules and perform many clinic treatment roles. LQC has been authorized by National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of China to treat severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002-2003, type A influenza virus HIN1 pandemic in 2009, H7N9, H3N2 and coronavirus disease-19 (COVID19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) in 2020. It is also widely used to treat common cold with wind-heat syndrome, chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), amygdalitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”

Such as; 13 medicinals of TCM made Lianhua Qingwen capsule has total 160 bioactive components to cure COVID-19 patients through 57 target proteins, involves 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.

Oct. 14, 2021, article Mechanisms Underlying the Effects of Lianhua Qingwen on Sepsis-Induced Acute Lung Injury: A Network Pharmacology Approach reports that: A total of 80 genes were associated with LHQW in the treatment of ALI. After PPI network construction, four active components (quercetin, luteolin, kaempferol and wogonin) and 10 target genes (AKT1, TP53, IL6, VEGFA, TNF, JUN, STAT3, MAPK8, MAPK1, and EGF) were found to be essential for ALI treatment. GO and KEGG analyses indicated that apoptosis pathway was mainly involved in the LHQW-ALI network. Animal experiments showed that LHQW was able to attenuate LPS-induced ALI, and medium-dose LHQW exhibited the most prominent effect. LHQW could inhibit the overexpression of p53 induced by LPS and suppress p53-mediated intrinsic apoptotic pathways by decreasing the levels of Bax, caspase-3 and caspase-9, increasing the expression of Bcl-2, and attenuating the release of cytochrome C in ALI mice.

May 16. 2020, article Efficacy and safety of Lianhuaqingwen capsules, a repurposed Chinese herb, in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled trial reports that, 284 patients (142 each in treatment and control group) in the full-analysis set. The recovery rate was significantly higher in treatment group as compared with control group (91.5% vs. 82.4%, p = 0.022). The median time to symptom recovery was markedly shorter in treatment group (median: 7 vs. 10 days, p < 0.001). Time to recovery of fever (2 vs. 3 days), fatigue (3 vs. 6 days) and coughing (7 vs. 10 days) was also significantly shorter in treatment group (all p < 0.001). The rate of improvement in chest computed tomographic manifestations (83.8% vs. 64.1%, p < 0.001) and clinical cure (78.9% vs. 66.2%, p = 0.017) was also higher in treatment group. However, both groups did not differ in the rate of conversion to severe cases or viral assay findings (both p > 0.05). No serious adverse events were reported.

Feb 2, 2022,article Lianhua Qingwen Capsules Reduced the Rate of Severity in Patients with COVID-19: A System Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials reports that: A total of 5 RCTs involving 830 patients with mild or moderate COVID-19 were identified according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The quality of included studies is moderate. Compared with conventional therapy, there was a significant association of LQ treatment with a higher clinical efficacy (RR = 1.24, 95% CI (1.13, 1.36), ), rate of CT improvement (RR = 1.22, 95% CI (1.10, 1.34), ), and a lower rate of conversion to severe cases (RR = 0.47, 95%CI (0.31, 0.71), ).

Conclusion. LQ combined with conventional therapy had great effects in reducing the rate of severity, and these findings supported the routine treatment of LQ in patients with mild or moderate COVID-19.

In comparison with the treatment of China, in Britain, the treatment is almost equal to no treatment.


2.1.3... The study and cured Covid-19 patients proved the correctness of TCM

The recovered cases in Covid-19 are perfect matching the principle of TCM in disease treatment by focusing on the restoration of the physical balance of Yin and Yang.

British lady Stacey who was COVID-19 infected on life-machine supporting in unconscious and her families have made final seeing farewell, but, as a final effort, doctors tried experience method to place her face down on stomach for 12 hours to make her lungs transferring oxygen into blood, then she eventually recovered and later discharged.

The researchers in Melbourne University found that a COVID-19 patient recovered from symptoms of drowsiness, sore throat; dry cough and fever after naturally emergence of several kinds of immune cells in the blood, which, the researchers said, was no different with that of common flu.    

In China, the combo of pure natural medicinals have massively cured patients by targeting on physical improvement rather than killing virus; the blood test found that recovered people have increased immune cells that have been destructed by virus, such as, the lymphocyte count and white blood cell count.

WHO has banned use of Hydroxychloroquine – HCQ in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; but in China; under the guidance of philosophy Daoism; the doctors use HCQ as an ingredient of multi-combination to have reduced the number of mild cases developed as critical.  


2.1.4... Morden studies proved therapeutic mechanism of the natural therapies of TCM

Modern studies show that natural therapies in TCM, such as, Acupuncture; Massage; Moxibustion; Cupping are all through improve blood circulation and boost autoimmunity to reach therapeutic role.

Therefore, in the subjective viewing, TCM is to regulate the physical balance Yin and Yang, but in the objective practice, the process of the regulations is in playing the role of improving the immune function, then the enhanced immune system will naturally clear the pathogenic agent.

2014, Acupuncture modulates the neuro–endocrine–immune network

2014, Effects of Acupuncture on Leucopenia, Neutropenia, NK, and B Cells in Cancer Patients

2007, Effect of acupuncture treatment on the immune function impairment found in anxious women.

People have been questioning the authenticity of the anatomical basis of acupuncture meridians. Mar.29, 2021, study report In Vivo Visualization of the Pericardium Meridian with Fluorescent Dyes provides evidence of the existence.



The fluorescein migratory paths that are along with acupuncture meridians.


2.1.5...The self-recover of human body proves that correctness of restoring Yin and Yang balance

There were many self-recovered cases, especially the people who live a normal life after half brain removed from injury. MRI brain scans show that their existing half brain adaptively re-configured to share some neurons to replace the function of the lost parts. Studies show that our brain is able to continue adaptive re-configuration throughout lifetime, which proved the existence of a physiological basis of the Yin and Yang balance of TCM.

Brain is always in dynamic functional redistribution with the physical needs

Follow is an experiment of the redistribution of functional areas in monkey brain with the changes of external environment from a video Lecture about brain and learning on Youtube.

The speaker is the Prof. Daisy L. Hung, the Ph.D., experimental psychology at the University of California, and a brain scientist. Currently she is the Director and Chair Professor, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, College of Science, National Central University, Taiwan.

The monkey's five fingers from the thumb to little thumb numbered as 1- 5, which controlled by the population of brain cells in the regions 1- 5 in the brain respectively.

After the middle finger was removed for three months; the region 3 of the brain that originally controls the middle finger disappeared, and was divided into the brain regions that control neighboring fingers.

Follow is the video screenshot of the lecture.


          Photo source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf_dAGlDRWI&t=200s

Prof. Daisy L. Hung explained that human brain is staying in the process of dynamic balancing; it only can develop when using frequently. The increase of the brain regions 2 and 4 also shows the increase of the physiological functions of fingers 3 and 4 in taking more daily physical tasks.

Follow are some real cases in self-recovered.

April 27, 2014, article British tourist who smashed his skull after fall from Thai hotel has titanium plate fitted to fix dent and now hopes to find a 'beautiful wife' reports that a British man live a normal life after left half a head removed from falling down on the 22ft  balcony of a Thai hotel with the left side of his skull smashed; MRI scan found that some areas on right brain have developed as the function of disappeared brain.

A British stroke man who has been 'left to die” by doctors, but himself stood up in 6 months through moving bodies by will, which started from a big toe, then other areas of body.

A boy who lost a large part of his brain to a brain tumor has recovered to a remarkable degree, the rest of his brain having rewired itself to compensate. Follow was the photo of the boy.                     

Surgeons removed a third of one entire lobe of Tanner Collins’ brain to stop seizures caused by a benign brain tumor when he was 6. With it went the entire visual processing center for his left eye. But the remaining part of his brain has adjusted.

Although he lost the part of his brain that normally processes face recognition, Tanner, now 12, says he recognizes people normally.

A 10 years old British girl Kirsty Collier's heart grew back after a third was removed when she was in 4 months old due to heart attack.

The transplanted-cancer of rats disappeared or shrunk by group socially activities with large group of 20 in a larger room, but, has no changes for those rats were in small group of 5.

Above cases revealed that human body has magic capability in self-healing and adaptive self-restoration, which subverted our traditional cognition. It inspired us to recognize the nature of human diseases and the way of treatment.


2.1.6... The top leadership of China forced Western medicine cooperating with TCM

Here, I must indicate that, In China, In 2003 SARS treatment, TCM cured patients no death without sequelae; but treated by antibiotics and hormones caused death and sequelae of the necrosis of femoral head, and cured patients have been living in the life of poor quality, and this has been a household truth.

But, in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; the expert in Western medicine is still rejecting the participation of TCM; the top leadership of China has to hold a special meeting to have replaced the resistant and forced Western medicine integrating TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patient. This is the reason I said that Western Medicine dehumanized people in helping virus killing people.

In views that the medical expert in Western medicine resists the participation of the doctors of TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patients; the top leadership of China specially hold meeting to force that doctors of Western medicine must cooperate with the doctors of TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patients; so that synthetic drugs and natural medicinals are able to be used as combo in the treatment of Covid-19 patients.

From humane intention; the Western Medicine distorted people warning the effective experience based medicinals as dangerous; by endlessly yelling Unscientific or Unproven to have brutally blocked way for people self-help seeking survive.

Such as, over 500 Indian scientists ask to stop study cow urine as drug; but studies show that cow urine has antimicrobial effects on some resistant strains, such as, the multidrug-resistant, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, etc...

The quality distorted people abused in the play of genetic dramas of vaccines and herd immunity to kidnap people without stop the replication of virus; so that virus is able to free mutate as increasingly infectious and more fatal unbeatable.

In Israel, Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld, who indicated that vaccine may cause Autoimmune Diseases, also caused academic attacking; some people even threaten him to resign as editor-in-chief of Israel Medical Association journal.

The facts were clear that it is not viruses; but the wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism misguides Western medicine in mis-culturing people as the assistants of the virus for killing; which is the main cause of the most of deaths in Covid-19.                    


Obviously; the big mess that caused by pandemic Covid-19 has proved that Reductionism guided Western medicine is not suitable for human life.

Therefore, here, I dared make a conclusion that Western medicine has magic to dehumanize the soul of some people.

It is time that humans must revolutionize medical philosophy by Daoism of TCM integrating Reductionism of Western medicine; thereby reversing Western medicine distorted quality of people; so that they are able to do humanized business.

The failure of anti-pandemic Covid-19 is manmade disaster from wrongful social governance.

Human society develops as this day, the social governance has evolved as that legislature paves orbit, the society runs accordingly; a humanized society will derive from selecting quality people as lawmaker.

In China, the top leadership is 7members’ Politburo, and the lawmakers are outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars, so that there are comments that China is run by engineers.

People are inborn selfish instinct; the activities for selfish survival seeking are the driving force for developing society but conflict with collective interest. Only the interest of entrepreneurs are striving for is largely in line with public interest, so that outstanding entrepreneurs work as lawmakers are the best for creating a livable society.

This is the reason for such a simple topic; I have to so talkative; even so, it still cannot touch the numbed brain of greedy people.                                                                                                                                                                  

2.2... The Reductionism guided Western Medicine is not suitable for human life

The SARS-CoV-2 is especially coming to examine the humanized quality of human civilization; and the result was subverted to traditional beauty cognition of people; actually; in human society; everything has been ignorant kidnapped going on departing from humanized way.

It is wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine in worsening the epidemic

According to Wikipedia that updated in 14 January 2022, the philosophy Reductionism is described as a belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts; the scientific attempt to provide an explanation in terms of ever-smaller entities. A newer theory does not replace or absorb an older one, but reduces it to more basic terms.

For years, I found that the descriptions of the Reductionism are in gradually increasing the contents in modern biology to color it in the rationality as medical guidance; in ignoring that it is not suitable as medical guidance in the root level.

Western medicine develops by taking the principle of Reductionism, views human body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body as more and more micro unit; such as, genes, proteins, or RNA to study the development of diseases; by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; ignores the fact that it is psychology in decisively affecting disease development.  

Since Western medicine is developed by rigorous scientific experiments under the guidance of Reductionism, it is convincing; so that people believe that Western Medicine is scientific and reliable, and addicted Western medicne as that of drug abuser addicted in Heroin.

In 2003, the human genome program was completed; people cheered for that, human beings will be able to eradicate disease easily since then. By genetic technology, we even can make life by tube, and can improve the quality and outputs of crops. So that people trust Western medicine in addicting as that of drug abusing.

However, the practical effects of the scientific Western medicine are in the opposite.

In 1955; placebo effect was found with 50-60% cure rate; while found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did; but with fatal side effects killing people, FDA has to set double blind clinic trial for proving drugs are effective than that of placebo did for the use. Since then, the Western medicine has been in large scale killing people by kicking away effective drugs that used in combo by testing in single.

In this time treatment of epidemic Covid-19, it is just the regulation of double blind clinic trial helps medical experts kicking away the effective medications that have showed effective for curing Covid-19 patients; thus made short of effective medication to cause massive deaths and survivors’ fatal complications.

Because of, even if a single herb is in compound composition; so that the natural medicinals of TCM cannot pass the double blind clinic trial; thus being believed as unproven; so that it is unscientific and unsafe to be refused in use.

Since the outbreak of epidemic Covid-19; some people extremely excited for showing own scientific and kindness; so that they are endlessly yelling Unscientific or Unproven to have successfully blocked the way for people self-help seeking for survival.

Jan. 17, 2021 report, Britain, out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, there 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died. There is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Even if, it is in the birthplace China; the use of TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patients was banned also by Western medicine cultured leading expert.

In China 2003 SARS, TCM cured patients have no death no sequelae; but hormones treated patients in death and cured patients have been in a tragic life of the necrosis of femoral head; which has been a household truth. But, this time in the treatment of Covid-19; the Western medicine cultured leading expert was still insisted to use of hormones to reject the use of TCM; obviously such person has lost human soul.

The top leadership of China of 7 members’ politburo has to hold special meeting to kick away the resistant and made a policy to force the doctors in Western medicine must cooperate with the doctors in TCM. Then the doctors of China were able to combined use of synthetic drugs of Western medicine and the natural medicinals of TCM to have quickly cured Covid-19 patients in fewer death and fewer complications.

Obviously, it is the philosophy Reductionism misguided Western medicine cultures people in helping virus killing people; which exposed a fact that human body is too complicated to treat by Reductionism and human life must be treated as Chaos System by Chaos Theory as that of dialectic philosophy Daoism in doing.

In 2008, a crossing disciplines study shows that Stress Causes Everything from the common cold to cancer. Only the Butterfly Effect of Chaos Theory is able to help explaining the magic role of psychological factors on human health.

This is the philosophical basis that the macro dialectic seeking philosophy Daoism is perfect fits into medical guidance for human life; while the micro accurate seeking philosophy Reductionism is not suitable as guidance for human medicine.

This is the philosophical reason that genetic studies can never achieve the results that are good for human life; besides evil used to mess human life as that of Covid-19 in doing; since that human life is too complicated to play in that way.

It is clear that it is not the Coronavirus in killing people; but the Western medicine poisoned people in killing people; which exposed a sad reality that the process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack of social diseases from wrong civilization cultured flawed social system with flawed social elements of flawed philosophies; flawed medicine, flawed people......

Now, talks to here, I produce a feeling that there is no one would dared deny the tragic reality that wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism has magicked Western medicine with magic of poisoning people into the quality of losing human talent to act as the assistants for virus in killing people.

I never deny the contribution of Western medicine; but, it wrongfully adopted Reductionism as medical guidance not only misleads medication, but also distorts the quality of people to cause the anti-pandemic as that of psychotic attack.


2.3... Western medicine is not suitable for human life and distorts people misleading WHO

According to Wikipedia that updated in 14 January 2022, the philosophy Reductionism is described as a belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts; the scientific attempt to provide an explanation in terms of ever-smaller entities by reducing as basic unit.

For years, I found that the descriptions of the Reductionism are in gradually increasing the contents in modern biology to color it in the rationality as medical guidance.

The exact seeking nature of Reductionism is not in line with Chaos Theory.

Western medicine develops by taking the principle of Reductionism, views human body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body as more and more micro unit; such as, genes, proteins, or RNA to study the development of diseases; by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; ignores the fact that it is psychology in decisively affecting disease development.  

Since Western medicine is developed by rigorous scientific experiments under the guidance of Reductionism, it is convincing.

Moreover, in 2003, the human genome program was completed; people cheered for that, human beings will be able to eradicate disease easily since then. By genetic technology, we even can make life by tube, and can improve the quality and outputs of crops. So that people trust Western medicine in addicting as that of drug abuser addicted in Heroin

However, the actual effect of Western medicine is in the opposite. The failure of anti-pandemic exposed that wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism as medical guidance is not suitable for human life. Its fatal harm is to make people with distorted cognitive function without self-aware, so that, they take wrong as right and promote bad for good.

Since 1955; placebo effect was found with 50-60% clinic cure rate; then found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did; but have fatal side effects in killing people, then FDA has to set double blind clinic trial asregulation for proving drugs are effective than that of placebo did before going to marketplace.

Because of, even if a single herb is in compound composition; so that the natural medicinals of TCM cannot pass the double blind clinic trial; thus being believed as unproven; so that it is unscientific and unsafe to be refused in use.

Since then, Western medicine poisoned people have been in large scale killing people by kicking away effective drugs that used in combo by testing in single.

This is one of the reasons that Western medicine is not suitable for human life.

In this time treatment of epidemic Covid-19, it is just the regulation of double blind clinic trial helps medical experts kicking away the effective medications that have showed effective for curing Covid-19 patients; thus made short of effective medication to cause massive deaths and survivors’ fatal complications.

The quality distorted people rejected the use of HCQ caused more than 50% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the report Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients.


2.3.1... Ban the use of HCQ and Remdesivir caused over 50% and 83% of global 6 million Covid deaths

Since Mar 2020, WHO launched COVID-19 Solidarity Therapeutics Trial that involves 52 countries, 600 hospitals, 2000 researchers and 14,200 hospitalized patients with CONCLUSIONS by report Repurposed antiviral drugs for COVID-19 –interim WHO SOLIDARITY trial results: these Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir and Interferon regimens appeared to have little or no effect on hospitalized COVID-19, as indicated by overall mortality, initiation of ventilation and duration of hospital stay.

However, July 2, 2020, article Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients reports that Henry Ford Health System made a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across the system’s six hospitals; found that 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart.

April 25, 2022, article Veklury® (Remdesivir) is First and Only Approved Treatment for Pediatric Patients Under 12 Years of Age with COVID-19 reports that the phase 2/3 single arm, open-label study demonstrated that Veklury (Remdesivir) was generally well-tolerated among pediatric patients hospitalized with COVID-19 with a high proportion of participants showing clinical improvement and recovery, as well as data from trials in adults. Of the 53 pediatric patients enrolled in the study, no new safety signals were apparent for patients treated with Veklury. Overall, 60% and 83% were discharged by Day 10 and Day 30, respectively.

The terrible experience of French Professor Didier Raoult in the study of the use of HCQ

In March 2020; inspired by the practice of China’s doctors; French Professor Didier Raoult who made a clinic trial and happily announced that HCQ is effective for curing COVID-19; but the work did not inspire people to save lives; but instead caused academic attacking, even sued and now is in replacing professor as fire.

Such psychotic play caused the ban in the use of HCQ buy many countries and WHO.

In HCQ treatment, Professor Didier Raoult set up experts and monitors to monitor patients for stopping treatment timely. The use of Hydroxychloroquine was dosed as 400 mg twice daily for 2 doses on day 1, followed by 200 mg twice daily on days 2-5.

I have read many articles in double blind clinic trial; the design of the Professor Didier Raoult was only one that carefully considered the safety of patients with thoughtful measure. In comparison, I did find any others talking about the safety of patients, only consider patents to be perfect double blinded to meet the requirement of double blind clinic trial without care about the death or alive of patients.

The safe dose of HCQ is 200mg in 3 times daily

Searched many studies; I found the studies that prove HCQ effective were in the dose of 200mg in 3 times daily as that of the doctors of China did. But; the studies proved the HCQ ineffective were all in unreasonable high dose.

It is clear that the process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack globally. Now we have enough reason to question that whether this batch of Man has properly humanized as that of self prided higher animals should be; why the higher animals are behaving in the way of stupid than that of low animals.

I wonder that why the great French people are so rudely treat own outstanding scientist who has truly humanized heart; otherwise his test result in the use of HCQ would have saved many lives of own countrymen by reducing about 50% of Covid-19 deaths.


2.3.2... Ban the use of Lianhua Qingwen capsule of TCM caused 90% unnecessary death

In the West, by the name of unscientific or unproven banned the use of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule of TCM to have contributed more than 90% of global 6 million Covid-19 deaths; according to the achievements of China in fewer Covid deaths; which should attribute to the magic therapeutic effect of compound medication of TCM.

Jan 20, 2021, article Mechanism and material basis of Lianhua Qingwen capsule for improving clinical cure rate of COVID-19: a study based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology reports that a total 160 active components in 13 component drugs in Lianhua Qingwen capsule produced therapeutic effects against COVID-19 through 57 target proteins, involving 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. The results of molecular docking showed that 83 chemical components had total scores no less than 5.0 for docking with 12 target proteins with high binding activities to form stable conformations.

May 16, 2020, article Efficacy and safety of Lianhuaqingwen capsules, a repurposed Chinese herb, in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled trial reports that “284 patients (142 each in treatment and control group) in the full-analysis set. The recovery rate was significantly higher in treatment by Lianhuaqingwen as compared with control group (91.5% vs. 82.4%, p = 0.022).”


2.3.3... The example of without proper medications in Britain

Jan. 17, 2021, a report from Britain, Almost a third of recovered Covid patients return to hospital in five months and one in eight die said that out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, there 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died. There is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Then how did the doctors of Great Britain create such a miracle, a case provides answer.

Feb. 5, 2021, University of Cambridge published report SARS-CoV-2 evolution during treatment of chronic infection to indicate that a 70 years old male was admitted to hospital in positive for SARS-CoV-2. Treatment included two 10-day courses of remdesivir with a 5-day gap in between during the first 57 days. Then two units of convalescent plasma were administered on days 63 and 65. After clinical deterioration, remdesivir and a unit of convalescent plasma were administered on day 95, but the individual died on day 102.

It is really a pity, in the treatment of 102 days; only remdesivir and convalescent plasma were available for the doctors of the Great Britain. However, even if the use of the remdesivir and convalescent plasma were also in against the recommendations of WHO.

Nov. 20, 2020, article WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir reports that in hospitalized patients; regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.

Aug. 24, 2020, article WHO cautious on COVID-19 plasma as U.S. issues emergency authorization reports that WHO chief scientist, said only a few clinical trials of convalescent plasma have produced results, and the evidence, at least so far, has not been convincing enough to endorse it beyond use as an experimental therapy.

It is clear that suppose the doctors of Great Britain followed the recommendations of the WHO; above 70 years old British man would face an embarrassing situation without any treatment available.

People certainly remember that WHO once launched “Solidarity” clinical trial for COVID-19 treatments, in which suggested drugs were all have showed hopeful curative effect in curing covid-19 patients, but all of them were proved as ineffective by double blind clinic trial.

It was just that scientific addiction of the double blind clinic trial misleads people working to kick away the effective medication; by such a way, indirectly; they lengthened torturing of the 70 years old British man to die by lasting 102 days.

People can imagine the feeling of the psychological torture for the doctors of the Great Britain when helplessly viewing own countryman being gradually tortured to die without proper treatment available. 

No matter is from which country; whenever I see videos or photos of medical staff wearing full PPE rescuing patients in ICU, I can't help being tearful. I am happy with their happy when they succeeded in rescuing the patients, and I am tearful with their tear for failed to rescue the patients.

Their efforts are the driving force for me, in driving me to persevere in writing the articles with the hope that can eliminate pandemic covid-19 as soon as possible. Though, sent hundreds of emails and dozens of phone calls, there were no one care about my ideas, but the scenes that medical staff wearing full PPE rescuing patients in ICU are always emerging before my eyes and driven me to continue thinking and typing.  

The tragedy happened in Britain may be the same in Canada, because of the similar treatment under same Reductionism guided Western medicine. Please see the sad report Jan. 28, 2021, The tip of the iceberg COVID long-haulers facing financial ruin and report Jan 28, 2021, Insurance claim denials leave some COVID-19 sufferers planning 'for the worst'.

Globally, there many reports that covid-19 survivors were suffering bad complications in the disabled states. We are not only need to save the life of infected people, but also, we have to ensure the cured people are healthy able to enjoy a quality life; and more importantly, only healthy people can ensure healthy labors to create quality economy for quality life.


2.3.4... The genetic studies can never good for human life besides evil used doom human life

American chemist, the Nobel Prize winner professor Linus Pawling, who was firstly studying how the atoms bonded as basic unit of life and accordingly wrote book of The nature of chemical bond. He once said that, if I were an atom, then the Length of protein will be up to the moon; which shows the hugeness and complexity of the structure of human cells.

Human body composed of cells (genes) in huge numbers that can be compared with the huge numbers of the planets in Galaxy; so that human body is extremely complex organic system; there are dozens of gene-fragments in affecting the development of one disease and subject to many unclear and uncontrollable factors, especially the psychological factors in playing decisive role; I assert that the genetic research will never produce the result that is able to good for human life, besides evil used dooming human life by messing human harmony organic system easily as that of covid-19 virus in doing.

The manner of the study on genetic therapy and vaccines is as same as that of the kids want to change the Galaxy by jumping on Earth.

This is the reason that genetic therapies reported endlessly; but, no one is stable applied clinically. Because of, human body is complex organic system; there are dozens even hundreds different gene-fragments in affecting the development of one disease; and the uncontrollable psychological factors are in decisively affecting the development of diseases.

In viewing that human body is complex organic system, I assert that the genetic research will not produce the result that is conducive to human life, but, the result of genetic research will be bad enough to endanger human life by messing human organic system easily as that covid-19 in doing.

The vaccines can never help human get out of the torture of the covid-19; due to that virus is in quick mutating, but it doomed ruining human life by allowing virus free lethal mutation and promoting the virus times more reproduction.


2.4... By Daoism integrating Reductionism to revolutionize Medical philosophy

The failure in anti-pandemic Covid-19 revealed urgency in the revolution in medical philosophy by philosophy Daoism of TCM integrating philosophy Reductionism of Western medicine to make the complementary in the advantage of each others; thereby revolutionize the way in disease treatment from looking for killing and genetic patching to be looking for restoration of Yin and Yang balance; then the drug concept will be revolutionized also; thus the daily diets and diet supplements will become God medicine to make breakthrough in the treatment of diseases.

Drug concept revolution: The electro-negativity of atom in polar molecular has full cover therapeutic effects.

Drug concept revolution: The best medication comes from synergistic effect of compound medication of TCM.

Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the God medicine by optimizing Intestinal Microorganism and nerves renew.

Drug concept revolution: The orthomolecular medicine and natural medicinals of TCM are the best drug sources.

The diet and diet supplements of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM will be able to quickly uproot epidemic covid-19 and make breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases.

In TCM, there is a belief that a superior doctor helps people keeping in diseases free; a common doctor rescues people from diseases; and an inferior doctor says to patients by that see you in next world.

The great contribution of diets and diet supplements is not at curing thorny diseases, but at that it is able to act as that of superior doctor helping people in disease free and thereby reducing the unbearable cost in healthcare by reducing the reliance on doctors and hospitals.


2.5... Vinegar based combinations will be the best medication

Google, you will be surprisingly convinced by that the diet vinegar along is able to produce broader therapeutic effects that are able to exceed the multi-medicinal combination produced.  

I infer that the power of the electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar is able to destroy covalent bonded viruses; while stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to produce cure effects that are covering most of disease.

I took Melatonin for sleeping a sober mind; it improved my digestion and stool soften-formed without constipation; which means that regularly taking Melatonin can permanently improve digestive system and perfect nutrition supply. Studies show that Melatonin promotes nerve regeneration; cure degenerative diseases; and even rescue kidney failure aged stem cells.

Nov. 12, 2021, a report that the colorectal cancer is third most common cancer worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death according to GLOBOCAN 2020. The daily diet is the main inducement of colorectal cancer through affecting gut microbial activities. Such as, high intakes of low-calorie beverages, French fries, red meats, and processed meats.

I believe that the Vinegar based combination of Melatonin and diet supplements of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM will be able to help people in disease free and cure the most of diseases with breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases.

Which is by the electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular simulates the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body and then the Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM play their therapeutic roles.


2.5.1... Vinegar can unload overloaded hospitals by curing chronic degenerative diseases

As airborne infectious disease; the Covid-19 is easily ended. The thorny diseases for treatment are the chronic degenerative one.

The failure in anti-pandemic Covid-19 revealed urgency in the revolution in medical philosophy by philosophy Daoism of TCM integrating philosophy Reductionism of Western medicine to make the complementary in the advantage of each others; thereby revolutionize the way in disease treatment from looking for killing and genetic patching to be looking for restoration of Yin and Yang balance; then the drug concept will be revolutionized also; thus the daily diets and diet supplements will become God medicine to make breakthrough in the treatment of diseases.

Please see section 8... Western Medicine poisoned people in killing people

1... The electronegativities of atoms in polar molecular will be powerful medicine by de-structuring covalent bonded pathogens; while simulating the physiological activities of covalent bond structured body to produce cure effects.

2... The compound medication in regardless of the synthetics or naturals of TCM will be magic medicine by producing synergistic effect; the more medicinals compounded the stronger cure effects; and the fewer side effects.

3... Melatonin will be the unique medicine by perfecting the nutrition supply through permanently optimizing digestive system – Gut that is the plant in producing the nutrition to meet the needs of body; especially renews nerve system.

4... Drug concept revolution: The vitamins and minerals of Orthomolecular medicine is best drug sources.

I infer that the vinegar based combinations will make breakthrough in disease treatment chronic degenerative diseases; such as, Alzheimer's disease; HIV and mental problems; thereby unloading overloaded hospitals.

I have prepared hundreds pound of herb that is able to eliminate the amyloid of Alzheimer’s’ disease and I am willingly to work as an assistant of Professor Michel Chrétien.

For long dilemma in the universal healthcare system of Canada; it is not as that of people complained in lack of investment; but because of; lacking available in effective medication.

Significantly; the handy available vinegar based combinations are not only able to cure degenerative diseases; but also able to help people self-help in disease treatment and keep heath in diseases free to reduce the reliance on universal healthcare system.


2.5.2... Vinegar is able to cure Covid complications

Also the handy available vinegar based combinations are just perfect medication to cure Covid complications to return those Covid survivors a healthier life; and also to ensure quality labor for developing a rich and prosperous living environment for enjoying a healthier life.

July 15, 2021, the article Characterizing long COVID in an international cohort: 7 months of symptoms and their impact Hannah reports that long Covid associates with more than 200 symptoms across 10 organ systems, including the brain, heart, lungs and blood vessels.  

In Canada, there are more than 170,000 long-COVID patients being tormented by complications including fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog and muscle and joint pain, according to Jan 10, 2022 article When it comes to long COVID, the treatment playbook is constantly evolving.


2.5.3... Amazing full cover therapeutic effects of vinegar

This is the copy of the section of 5.4.. Drug concept revolution: The electronegativities of atoms in Vinegar can be used for therapy in my Feb. 11, 2021 article Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus. Vinegar keeps me a healthy teeth and away from snoring and apnea

Jan. 26, 2020, in article Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases, I introduced my friendly associates with vinegar.

Since about my 30, my teeth has been in the state of uncertainty of sore when eating or drinking of cold, hot, or sour. Tried with various medicinal toothpastes to brush them, but still doesn't work well.

In 2017, the two lower teeth in the middle are loose, and they have been in the state of trying to split up with me. When eating, I had to be very careful.

One day, I thought that since vinegar can kill bacteria, why not try to gargle my teeth with vinegar, the effect is very good. Later, I bought a small toothbrush, after eating something; I cleaned the teeth with the toothbrush dipped in 0.05% vinegar and then gargle my mouth with 0.05% vinegar, and then rinsed my mouth with water to wash the vinegar away. Otherwise, the teeth feel bad.

                                                        The small toothbrush

The picture below shows the lower teeth of right now, which just taken with a mobile phone when I writing to here. The gums have grown and are firm. The roots are not dark anymore. I was no longer worrying about them splitting with me since the start of gargling my teeth with vinegar.


Since cleaning my teeth with vinegar, the cold, hot, and sour are all powerless to my teeth, and I have been enjoying the most comfortable teeth since my 30.

Vinegar can avoid snoring and apnea

Jan. 26, 2020, in article Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases, I indicate that “According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop a runny nose, stop cough by eliminating swelling and itching of the respiratory tract, eliminate sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby reducing snoring and apnea.”

“Autopsy showed that a large amount of mucus blocked the bronchial airway inside the lungs, and then asphyxia caused the death of patients with new coronary pneumonia. Vinegar can eliminate snot and sticky sputum; it certainly can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs.”

I feel that snoring and apnea are caused by the sticky sputum in throat, which cannot be coughed up, and stuck small tongue, so that makes it unable to close and open freely. It is said that vinegar contains potassium that can dilute phlegm. Thus, vinegar can reduce snoring and apnea.

I have been using vinegar for avoiding snoring and apnea by putting it in a plastic bag and opening the bag to inhale the volatile. The method will be an easy way for the use of antiviral volatile in the process of pandemic prevention; with the advantage of convenient carrying in pocket for daily use. According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop cough and runny nose. Vinegar is able to eliminate periodontitis

The periodontitis is the cause of many diseases; my experience show that vinegar is able to eliminate the dental stone; and thus avoid the happen of periodontitis.

                                                                                                                                                            Vinegar is able to cure and prevent Osteoporosis

Feb. 21, 2016, Metabolite Profiling Reveals the Effect of Dietary Rubus coreanus Vinegar on Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis in a Rat Model:

The study was aimed at exploring the curative effects of Rubus coreanus (RC) vinegar against postmenopausal osteoporosis by using ovariectomized rats as a model. The investigations were performed in five groups: sham, ovariectomized (OVX) rats without treatment, low-dose RC vinegar (LRV)-treated OVX rats, high-dose RC vinegar (HRV)-treated OVX rats and alendronate (ALEN)-treated OVX rats. The efficacy of RC vinegar was evaluated using physical, biochemical, histological and metabolomic parameters. Compared to the OVX rats, the LRV and HRV groups showed positive effects on the aforementioned parameters, indicating estrogen regulation. Plasma metabolome analysis of the groups using gas chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS) and ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole-TOF-MS (UPLC-Q-TOF-MS) with multivariate analysis revealed 19 and 16 metabolites, respectively. Notably, the levels of butyric acid, phenylalanine, glucose, tryptophan and some lysophosphatidylcholines were marginally increased in RC vinegar-treated groups compared to OVX. However, the pattern of metabolite levels in RC vinegar-treated groups was found similar to ALEN, but differed significantly from that in sham group.

The results highlight the prophylactic and curative potential of dietary vinegar against postmenopausal osteoporosis. RC vinegar could be an effective natural alternative for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Jan 26, 2016, Enhancing effect of dietary vinegar on the intestinal absorption of calcium in ovariectomized rats:

We studied the effect of dietary vinegar on calcium absorption by using ovariectomized rats fed on a low-calcium diet. The apparent absorption of calcium was higher when the rats were fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar for 32 days than when fed on a diet without vinegar (P < 0.05). The calcium content in the femur of the rats given diets containing 0.4% and 1.6% vinegar were also higher (P < 0.05). The serum parathyroid hormone level was lower and the crypt depth of the duodenum thicker in the rats fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar (P < 0.05). These results suggest that dietary vinegar enhanced intestinal calcium absorption by improving calcium solubility and by the trophic effect of the acetic acid contained in vinegar, which would reduce the bone turnover caused by ovariectomy and be helpful in preventing osteoporosis.

                                                                                                                                                           Corrosive injury of vinegar is able to self-heal without complications

On Hong Kong Med J. 2002 Oct;8(5):365-6, there was a report Corrosive oesophageal injury following vinegar ingestion.

“A 39-year-old woman experienced a foreign body sensation and pain in the left side of her throat after eating crab at dinner. She suspected a small piece of crab shell might be lodged in her throat. She drank one tablespoon of household rice vinegar (usually used for cooking) in the belief that it would dissolve the shell, the sensation of foreign body and pain persisted.”

“The patient attended a general out-patient clinic the next day and was referred to the accident and emergency department. She enjoyed good health with no history of heartburn, regurgitation, dysphagia, odynophagia, epigastric distress, or gastrointestinal bleeding. There was no retching or vomiting before or after the foreign body sensation. Neither had she probed her throat or tried to induce vomiting. Vital signs were normal. She did not have a fever. Examination revealed scattered whitish patches on the posterior pharyngeal wall. No foreign body was identified.”

“Lateral X-ray of the neck did not reveal any abnormality. She was discharged with an endoscopy appointment for the next morning. The endoscopic finding was inflammation of the oropharynx and second-degree caustic injury of the oesophagus from 22 to 30 cm (Fig 1) and the cardia (Fig 2). There was no evidence of a foreign body. The rest of the stomach and duodenum were normal.”

                Fig 1 and Fig 2.

“She was discharged with antacids. Since she was entirely symptom-free at the follow-up visit 1 week later, endoscopy was not repeated. At another follow-up visit 4 months later, she remained symptom-free.”

She had an uneventful recovery.

Now, there are reports that vinegar can erode teeth, so use it with caution. My personal experience proved that this statement is not reliable. Maybe vinegar will really erode our teeth, but as long as we don't brush teeth after using vinegar, it won't cause harm.

More importantly, vinegar can remove the calculus, and then the self-growth of the teeth will offset the corrosion. According to the dentist, for cleaning up the calculus, it needs to be divided into several times, the gum has to cut for open, and the roots of teeth are polished with a brush; thus once a year, it is in paying good money for bad suffering.

The fact was clear that vinegar is intelligent and friendly to humans and can help to solve many thorny problems. It kills pathogens from the physiological structure and does not harm our body, but with great many benefits to humans if you Google right now.

Though the use of vinegar is safe, but when used by intravenous infusion requires a suitably low concentration to avoid swelling of the inner wall of the blood vessel.

I drunk 20ml 5% vinegar after diluted by 500ml water, it is 0.002% vinegar, but I still feel the irritation of vinegar, if I don’t gargle mouth by water, I would feel uncomfortable in my throat.

So, it needs to take special caution when using it by intravenous infusion.

                                                                                                                                                                             Vinegar has wide range of physiological and pharmacological functions

The LD50 (the dose that will kill 50% of a population of the test subjects) of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, it will be 165g for a people of 50 kilo. 5 ml 5% vinegar will be about 0.25 g in pure vinegar. It is far from dead dose of 165 g.

Vinegar has been medicinal used since ancient times in both China and the West. The grain vinegars or fruit vinegars are medicinal combo that can be used as medications for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

In ancient China, the vinegar used to treat diseases in wide range: anti-vomit; anti-diarrheal; reduce swelling; nourish liver; strengthen muscles; sober mind; remove blood stasis; stop bleeding; detoxification; nourish lungs; promote digestion; increase appetite; kill roundworms; reduce anxiety; prevent dizziness; treat sores and stop yellow sweat; treat jaundice; treat genital itching, treat postpartum hemorrhage; etc.

Therefore, vinegar will be an effective agent for antiviral volatile as the medication for the prevention and treatment on Covid-19 infections.


Google found that vinegar has therapeutic effects that are able to cover the most of diseases; which is in acting as same as that of multi-targeted medicinal combo with multi-therapeutic effects. Some people attribute the pathogenic killing effect and the therapeutic effect of vinegar to the ingredients from raw materials and the derivatives that produced during the vinegar fermentation process.

But, as my judgment, the main pathogenic killing effect should attribute to vinegar’s two oxygen atoms with electronegativities that can attract electrons from other atoms, which can easily kill any virus and bacteria by destroying their covalent bonded structure as that of taking off the parts of viruses and pathogens.


The multi-therapeutic effects of vinegar should also attribute to the electronegativities of oxygen atoms. Here, I cannot make clear the therapeutic mechanism; but I would like to infer that the electronegativities of oxygen atoms possess ability to promote physiological activity of covalent bond structured human body. This action may cause harm to human body, but human body can intelligently transform the harm into beneficial.

According to article Interactive Periodic Table of Elements, the concept of electronegativity is basically figure of the tendency of a given chemical’s atom to attract the pair of electrons. This attraction tendency of an atom is affected by its electronegativity numbers. The more is the value of electronegativity for a given chemical element the stronger would be its attraction of electrons. See Interactive Periodic Table of Elements below.


      Photo Source: https://periodictable.me/electronegativity-series-in-increasing-order/ 

                                                                                                                                                            Fumigation of vinegar steam will be able to cure Covid-19 patients and the survivors’ complications

I infer that vinegar fumigation will be better than using a ventilator for treating critical Covid-19 patients; the ventilator can only help the patient to breathe without other therapeutic effects. But vinegar can eliminate the swelling, itching and sputum in the respiratory tract; thereby effectively reduce the symptoms of coughing and dyspnea and thereby improve patient's ability for breathing independently.

Also, by the exchanges between the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries blood, the vinegar fumigation can reach the effect of systemic administration. Thus, at the time kills pathogens, the multi-targeted therapeutic effects of vinegar will be able to cure the multi-lesions of patients and improve the physical functions in an all-round way. This unique effect of vinegar cannot be achieved by any other medicinals.

Here, I also infer that vinegar fumigation will be effective on the most of diseases without side effect.

There two unique functions of vinegar may attract people to willingly breathe its volatile every day.

1... Vinegar can significantly decreased abdominal fat.

2... Inhaling vinegar volatile can stop snoring and apnea.

Ladies will willing use it for maintaining a fit body shape, men will willing use it for avoiding snoring and apnea; as the byproducts, which will produce the effect of preventing the airborne infectious diseases.

Honey, Melatonin and natural Chinese medicinals are all possessing multi-curative effects that cover the most of diseases in acting as same as that of multi-targeted medicinal combo.

                                                                                                                                                            Studies proved that vinegar can effectively inactivate SARSCoV-2

Jun. 24, 2020, Japan, study report Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2: Both 4% and 6% acetic acid aqueous solutions effectively inactivated the virus after 5-min incubation with a reduction over 4 log, resulting in a viral titre below the detection limit. In addition, white distilled vinegar (5% and 6% acetic acid concentrations) inactivated SARS-CoV-2 after 1-min incubation with reduction of over 4 log and a viral titre below the detection limit.

July 20, 2020, Italy, study report Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo: both vinegar and acetic acid strongly inactivate SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in Vero cells. The vinegar treatment caused a 90% inhibition of the infectious titer when directly applied to a nasopharyngeal swab transfer medium of a COVID-19 patient. The fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Above research reports are very promising. If we only consider to eliminate the function of virus replication rather than kill them, then, maybe a lower vinegar concentration can be achieved. Thus, vinegar will be safe and effective agent for inhalable antiviral volatile to kill possible virus in respiratory tract by inhaling several breaths daily once.


Vinegar reduces the risk of Covid-19 death from relieving major comorbidities

February 9, 2021, article Comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 Patients: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis indicates that cancer, chronic kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension were independently associated with mortality in COVID-19 patients. Chronic kidney disease was statistically the most prominent comorbidity leading to death. Vinegar cures cancer

Apr. 3, 2018, article Acetic acid is an oxidative stressor in gastric cancer cells reports that cancer cell-selective death was induced at the concentration of 2–5 µM acetic acid. Cancerous gastric mucosal cells had increased expression of monocarboxylic transporter 1 and high uptake of acetic acid, compared to normal gastric mucosal cells. The exposure of cancerous gastric mucosal cells to acetic acid enhanced production of reactive oxygen species and expression of monocarboxylic transporter, and induced apoptosis. The acetic acid induced cancer cell-selective death in gastric cells through a mechanism involving oxidative stress.

Dec. 16, 2008, article Induction of apoptosis in human leukemia cells by naturally fermented sugar cane vinegar (kibizu) of Amami Ohshima Island reports that the apoptosis was induced in the leukemia cell by the fraction of sugar cane vinegar and resulted in the repression of growth of the human leukemia cells. Chromatographic fraction of sugar cane juice eluted by 20% methanol showed potent activities of radical-scavenging and growth repression of HL-60. These results led us the consideration that active components in sugar cane juice could be converted to more lipophilic compounds with activity to induce apoptosis in HL-60 by microbial fermentation with yeast and acetic acid bacteria.

Jul. 26, 2019, article Apoptosis and metastasis inhibitory potential of pineapple vinegar against mouse mammary gland cells in vitro and in vivo reports that, in vitro study, an IC50 value of 0.25 mg/mL after 48 h of treatment was established. Annexin V/PI and scratch closure assays showed that pineapple vinegar induced 70% of cell population to undergo apoptosis and inhibited 30% of wound closure of 4 T1 cells. High concentration of pineapple vinegar (2 ml/kg body weight) led to the reduction of tumor weight and volume by 45%as compared to the untreated 4 T1-challenged mice. This effect might have been contributed by the increase of T cell and NK cells population associated with the overexpression of IL-2 andIFN-γ cytokines and splenocyte cytotoxicity. Furthermore, fewer instances of metastasis events were recorded in the pineapple vinegar treatment group and this could be explained by the downregulation of inflammation related genes.

The ability of pineapple vinegar to delay cancer progression portrayed its potential as chemopreventive dietry intervention for cancer therapy.

                                                                                                                                                             Dietary vinegar can enhances the intestinal absorption of calcium

Google; it will show a lot articles in talking about vinegar will dissolve calcium and minerals in bones and leading to osteoporosis. However, labs study show that dietary vinegar can enhances the intestinal absorption of calcium to prevent osteoporosis; which shows that it has much room for the further study on the long term effect of Vinegar and Melatonin, especially the effect of vinegar in calcium absorption, whether it dissolve calcium to cause osteoporosis.

May 1999, study report Enhancing effect of dietary vinegar on the intestinal absorption of calcium in ovariectomized rats.


We studied the effect of dietary vinegar on calcium absorption by using ovariectomized rats fed on a low-calcium diet. The apparent absorption of calcium was higher when the rats were fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar for 32 days than when fed on a diet without vinegar (P < 0.05). The calcium content in the femur of the rats given diets containing 0.4% and 1.6% vinegar were also higher (P < 0.05). The serum parathyroid hormone level was lower and the crypt depth of the duodenum thicker in the rats fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar (P < 0.05). These results suggest that dietary vinegar enhanced intestinal calcium absorption by improving calcium solubility and by the trophic effect of the acetic acid contained in vinegar, which would reduce the bone turnover caused by ovariectomy and be helpful in preventing osteoporosis.

2016 Jan 26, 2016, study report Metabolite Profiling Reveals the Effect of Dietary Rubus coreanus Vinegar on Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis in a Rat Model.


Our study evaluated the effect of RC vinegar on ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats by employing biochemical and metabolomic methods, including GC-TOF-MS and UPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Our results demonstrated that RC vinegar has a positive effect on bone mass, bone resorption and bone strength in experimental rat groups under controlled conditions. We further established that oral administration of RC vinegar decreased the BMD loss, which was accompanied by the reduction in serum ALP and OC levels and a consequent bone volume increase in treated rats (HRV and LRV) compared to OVX.

The study provides valuable insight into the RC vinegar-mediated reduction in bone loss and bone turnover rates in ovariectomized rats, mimicking the human postmenopausal conditions.

Additionally, eight potential metabolites, including butyric acid, phenylalanine, glucose, tryptophan and lysoPC 16:0, lysoPC 18:0, lysoPC 20:4, and lysoPC 22:6, were identified as osteoporosis hallmarks in ovariectomized rat groups. Moreover, the study further highlights the precedence of MS-based analytical and multivariate (PLS-DA) data interpretation methods towards the precise and rapid interpretation of colossal metabolomics data. The present methodology can further be anticipated to address the dietary or health food correlations with an organisms’ “-omics” and health phenotypes.

                                                                                                                                                            Vinegar cures chronic kidney diseases

Mar. 1, 2020, article Alteration of the gut microbiota by vinegar is associated with amelioration of hyperoxaluria-induced kidney injury reports that Using an ethylene glycol (EG)-induced hyperoxaluria rat model, we evaluated the effects of the vinegar on renal injury. Oral administration of vinegar (2 ml kg-1 day-1) reduced the elevated serum creatinine, BUN, and protected against hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury, renal fibrosis, and inflammation.

Gut microbiota analysis of 16S rRNA gene showed that vinegar treatment altered their microbial composition, especially the recovery of the levels of the Prevotella, Ruminiclostridium, Alistipes and Paenalcaligenes genus, which were significantly increased in the hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury rats. Additionally, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based metabolome analysis showed that total of 35 serum and 42 urine metabolites were identified to be associated with protective effects of vinegar on hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury rats. Most of these metabolites were involved in thiamine metabolism, glycerol phosphate shuttle, biotin metabolism, phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis and membrane lipid metabolism.

Importantly, the effects of vinegar against renal injury were weakened after depletion of gut microbiota by antibiotic treatment. These results suggest that vinegar treatment ameliorates the hyperoxaluria-induced renal injury by improving the gut microbiota and metabolomic profiles.

Sep. 30, 2020, article Protective role of apple cider vinegar (APCV) in CCl4-induced renal damage in wistar rats reports reports that compared to the control animals, CCl4 administration caused kidney damage as evidenced by significant (P < 0.05) increase in the evaluated indices (urea, creatinine, Na+ and K+). Interestingly, treatment of CCl4-exposed rats with APCV markedly reversed the above alterations to near normal. Besides, APCV treatment ameliorated the histological derangements (hemorrhagic lesions) caused by CCl4 in the kidney of the experimental rats.

These observations apparently suggest that Apple cider vinegar has the therapeutic potential to protect against renal impairment and attendant malfunction.

                                                                                                                                                            Vinegar cures diabetes mellitus

May 6, 2015, article Vinegar Consumption Increases Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes reports that 11 subjects with DM2 consumed vinegar or placebo. Vinegar compared to placebo (1) increased forearm glucose uptake (p = 0.0357), (2) decreased plasma glucose (p = 0.0279), insulin (p = 0.0457), and triglycerides (p = 0.0439), and (3) did not change NEFA and glycerol. Conclusions. In DM2 vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia without affecting lipolysis. Vinegar's effect on carbohydrate metabolism may be partly accounted for by an increase in glucose uptake, demonstrating an improvement in insulin action in skeletal muscle. Vinegar reduces hypertension

22 May 2014, article Antihypertensive effects of acetic acid and vinegar on spontaneously hypertensive rats reports that the acetic acid itself, the main component of vinegar, significantly reduced both blood pressure (p<0.05) and renin activity (p<0.01) compared to controls given no acetic acid or vinegar, as well as vinegar. There were no significant differences in angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity in various organs. As for the mechanism of this function, it was suggested that this reduction in blood pressure may be caused by the significant reduction in renin activity and the subsequent decrease in angiotensin II. From this study, it was also suggested that the antihypertensive effect of vinegar is mainly due to the acetic acid in it.

                                                                                                                                                                           Vinegar raised hemoglobin, total erythrocyte counts and total leukocyte counts

April 11, 2001, research report The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice said that the hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised in all vinegar treated groups. Vinegar destroys cell walls, protein structure, and nuclear proteins of the pathogenic organisms

Jan. 29, 2018, research report Apple cider vinegar can help clear bacteria and yeast infections; a natural cure said that vinegar could potentially protect the body from harmful bacteria by stopping the growth of bad bacteria and fungus in its tracks, stopping the spread of these infections by destroying their cell walls, protein structure, nuclear proteins, metabolic enzymes altering their structure of the pathogenic organisms. The anti-Inflammatory effect of vinegar may reduce the risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 76, Issue 19, 10 November 2020 published report that Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Men and Women in the U.S..

A study of 5,291,518 person-years of follow-up, 15,837 incident CVD cases, 9,794 coronary heart disease (CHD) cases and 6,174 strokes to have gotten the conclusions that dietary patterns with a higher proinflammatory potential were associated with higher CVD risk. Reducing the inflammatory potential of the diet may potentially provide an effective strategy for CVD prevention.

                                                                                                                                                           1 - 3% vinegar can inactivate avian influenza virus

June 2009, study report Inactivation of avian influenza virus using four common chemicals and one detergent: “Five disinfectant chemicals were tested individually for effectiveness against low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV), A/H7N2/Chick/MinhMa/04, on hard, nonporous surfaces. The tested agents included acetic acid, calcium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, and a powdered laundry detergent without bleach. Multiple common chemicals including acetic acid (1 and 3%), sodium hydroxide (2%), and calcium hydroxide (1%) effectively inactivated LPAIV on a metal surface. 4 - 8% vinegar can inactivate H1N1 human influenza virus

Feb. 1, 2010, Effectiveness of Common Household Cleaning Agents in Reducing the Viability of Human Influenza A/H1N1: A British Standard was adapted to assess the ability of various household cleaning agents to kill or reduce the infectivity of an H1N1 human influenza virus A/PuertoRico/8/34 (PR8, H1N1, Cambridge lineage). A low concentration of vinegar (1%) was no more effective than hot water alone. Malt vinegar (4–8% acetic acid) was effective down to a dilution of 10%. Previously 5% acetic acid has been demonstrated to be effective at inactivating an A/H7N2 strain of influenza and it has been known for some years that acid-based media cause inactivation and aggregation of HA glycoprotein spikes and virus, by triggering the low pH-dependent conformational change in the HA that normally only occurs in late endosomes.

                                                                                                                                                                           Vinegar can decreased small intestine muscular thickness and abdominal fat

Jan. 3, 2018, study report Effect of probiotic and vinegar on growth performance, meat yields, immune responses, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens: 30 day-old broiler chicks drinking water diluted vinegar significantly decreased small intestine muscular thickness (MT) and abdominal fat. Vinegar has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects

Jul. 27, 2017, study report Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects of synthetic acetic acid vinegar and Nipa vinegar on high-fat-diet-induced obese mice: vinegar reduced lipid deposition, improved the serum lipid profile, increased adipokine expression and suppressed inflammation in the obese mice. Vinegar may be as an adjunct treatment modality for Diabetes

May 6, 2015, study report Vinegar Consumption Increases Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes: vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia without affecting lipolysis. Vinegar's effect on carbohydrate metabolism may be partly accounted for by an increase in glucose uptake, demonstrating an improvement in insulin action in skeletal muscle. Apple Cider Vinegar can thin sticky mucus and clears stuffy noses

Sep 10, 2017, on the website; Lung Health Institute posts article Apple Cider Vinegar and COPD: Clears Stuffy Noses – Apple cider vinegar contains potassium that thins mucus. Also, the acidic PH prevents bacteria growth. Directions: Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink. Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen in blood stream

In Jan 15, 2021, I found an article Nine Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar; it said that Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen as it releases iron from the food you eat into your blood stream supplying more oxygen throughout the body. Apple Cider Vinegar promotes oxygen to cells by promoting hemoglobin and myoglobin

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. This is important because iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

                                                                                                                                                            Apple Cider Vinegar promotes energy consumption and leads to weight loss

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. The iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

Just as oxygen is essential to burn a fire in your fireplace, oxygen is also essential to burn energy (calories) in your body. Because apple cider vinegar helps the body release iron, it also helps your body's ability to burn calories, which is critical for weight loss.

Iron absorption leads to oxygen utilization, which leads to energy consumption, which leads to weight loss. Apple Cider Vinegar promotes energy consumption and leads to weight loss

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. The iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

Just as oxygen is essential to burn a fire in your fireplace, oxygen is also essential to burn energy (calories) in your body. Because apple cider vinegar helps the body release iron, it also helps your body's ability to burn calories, which is critical for weight loss.

Iron absorption leads to oxygen utilization, which leads to energy consumption, which leads to weight loss.

                                                                                                                                                            Vinegar reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels

Aug. 7, 2009, Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects:

Acetic acid (AcOH), a main component of vinegar, recently was found to suppress body fat accumulation in animal studies. Hence we investigated the effects of vinegar intake on the reduction of body fat mass in obese Japanese in a double-blind trial.

The subjects were randomly assigned to three groups of similar body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. During the 12-week treatment period, the subjects in each group ingested 500 ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of vinegar (750 mg AcOH), 30 ml of vinegar (1,500 mg AcOH), or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo). Body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups than in the placebo group. In conclusion, daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity.

                                                                                                                                                           Vinegar lower blood sugar and insulin levels in people with diabetes

Oct. 6, 2018, article Is Vinegar Good for You said that: In a 2015 Greek study of 11 people with diabetes, those who had an ounce of vinegar and then consumed a ham and cheese sandwich, orange juice, and a cereal bar had slightly lower blood sugar and insulin levels afterward than those who drank water instead of vinegar. Vinegar prmotes insulin-producing cells and slows atherosclerosis

In a few very small studies, gourmet-quality balsamic vinegars improved the function of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas in rats and slowed atherosclerosis-promoting damage to LDL cholesterol in a tiny Japanese study with five people. But there’s no research suggesting inexpensive balsamic vinegar has the same effects. Apple Cider Vinegar can improve Sleep

Oct. 12, 2020, article Apple Cider Vinegar for Sleep: Fact or Fiction said that “The acetic acid content of apple cider vinegar aids digestion by helping to hasten the breakdown of protein-rich foods. This digestive process, in turn, produces amino acids like tryptophan, which can enhance the production of hormones like serotonin and melatonin that induce and improve sleep.”

                                                                                                                                                            Vinegar has sober-up effect

2002 Jun. 27, 2002, article Study on sober-up effect of crystal sugar-vinegar solution said that Crystal sugar-vinegar solution could prolong the latent period of righting reflex disappearing of the drunk mice(P < 0.01) and decrease death percentage of drunk mice in 24 hours(P < 0.01). Crystal sugar-vinegar could also decrease blood alcohol levels in the drunk rabbits, especially 30 min(P < 0.01) and 180 min(P < 0.05) after administration of alcohol. Conclusion: Crystal sugar-vinegar solution has an evident sober-up effect on drunk model animal. The medicinal application in TCM

In ancient time, vinegar has been widely used in TCM: promote digestion; improve appetite; kill roundworms; eliminate carbuncle swelling; nourish liver; strengthen muscles; sober up drunkenness; relieve anxiety; dispel blood stasis; stop bleeding; detoxify; kill insects; treat fainting; nourish lungs; stop diarrhea; treat postpartum haemorrhage; treat jaundice; stop yellow sweat; stop vomiting blood; stop epistaxis; stop blood in stool; treat genital itching, treat carbuncle and sore, relieve poison in fish, meat and vegetable; and so on.

                                                                                                                                                           Vinegar’s functions on health: constituents, sources, and formation mechanisms

Sep. 28, 2016, Vinegar Functions on Health: Constituents, Sources, and Formation Mechanisms: “Vinegars are one of only a few acidic condiments throughout the world. Vinegars can mainly be considered grain vinegars and fruit vinegars, according to the raw materials used.”

Functional ingredients: Organic acids; Ligustrazine; Dihydroferulic acid; Dihydrosinapic acid; Tryptophol;  Melanoidins; Ligustrazine.

Physiological functions: antibacteria, anti-infection, antioxidation, blood glucose control, lipid metabolism regulation, weight loss, and anticancer activities.

“The antibacteria and anti-infection abilities of vinegars are mainly due to the presence of organic acids, polyphenols, and melanoidins. The polyphenols and melanoidins also provide the antioxidant abilities of vinegars, which are produced from the raw materials and fermentation processes, respectively. The blood glucose control, lipid metabolism regulation, and weight loss capabilities from vinegars are mainly due to acetic acid. Besides caffeoylsophorose (inhibits disaccharidase) and ligustrazine (improves blood circulation), other functional ingredients present in vinegars provide certain health benefits as well.”

“Regarding anticancer activities, several grain vinegars strongly inhibit the growth of some cancer cells in vivo or in vitro, but related functional ingredients remain largely unknown, except tryptophol in Japanese black soybean vinegar. Considering the discovering of various functional ingredients and clarifying their mechanisms, some vinegars could be functional foods or even medicines, depending on a number of proofs that demonstrate these constituents can cure chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems.”

                                                                                                                                                           cider vinegar can help epilepsy

July 1, 2018, Youtube video Apple Cider Vinegar Helped my Epilepsy SO MUCH!

Vanessa Duncan: I have partial complex epilepsy and I started taking apple cider vinegar for a completely different reason I started taking apple cider vinegar because I was having stomach issues just bloating stomach and stress. I took one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to eight ounces of ice water and I did that three times a day.

I'm a person that has what's considered uncontrolled epilepsy; after drinking apple cider vinegar, my epilepsy improved a lot.

                                                                                                                                                            Drink Vinegar increases immune cells in the blood of mice

2001, article The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice reports that groups of female ICR (CD-1) mice were treated with daily oral doses of 0.17, 0.51 and 1.02 ml of the vinegar/kg body weight for 4 weeks. Cider vinegar induced a significant reduction in weight gain in animals treated with 0.51 ml/kg while others showed no significant differences in weight gain. The mean dry matter intake increased in animals treated with the smallest dose and significantly decreased in others. Hemoglobin (Hb), total erythrocyte counts (TEC) and total leukocyte counts (TLC) were raised in all treated groups. The activity of liver aspartate amino transferase (AST) decreased in the group treated with the smallest dose while no significant variations were recorded in the other groups. No significant differences were recorded neither in the activity of hepatic alanin amino transferase (ALT) nor in hepatic acid phosphatase (ACP). Liver alkaline phosphatase (ALP) noticeably elevated only in animals treated with 0.51 ml of vinegar/kg body weight per day. Treated groups also showed statistically significant increases in both mean liver and spleen weight. Kidney weight did not show significant differences.

High doses of cider vinegar induced histopathological alterations in liver, stomach and duodenum. Vacuolated hepatocytes, erosion of gastric mucosa, dilatation in gastric glands and duodenum villus blunting are the common observed lesions noticed in organs of high dose-treated animals.


2.6... Electronegativity of polar molecules will best medication

As discussed above the electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar are able to destroy covalent bonded viruses; while stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to produce cure effects that are covering most of disease. The physiological function for therapeutic potential of chloride ion in hypochlorous acid and carbonate ion in calcium carbonate should be same as that of vinegar.


2.6.1...The physiological function for therapeutic potential of chloride ion in hypochlorous acid

Jan 15, 2010, Hypochlorous acid: a natural adjuvant that facilitates antigen processing, cross-priming, and the induction of adaptive immunity

The production of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a characteristic of granulocyte activation, a hallmark of the early phase of innate immune responses. In this study, we show that, in addition to its well-established role as a microbicide, HOCl can act as a natural adjuvant of adaptive immunity. HOCl enhances the T cell responses to the model Ag OVA, facilitating the processing and presentation of this protein via the class II MHC pathway. HOCl modification also enhances cross-presentation of the tumor Ag tyrosinase-related protein 2 via class I MHC. The adjuvant effects of HOCl are independent of TLR signaling. The enhanced presentation of HOCl-modified OVA is mediated via modification of the N-linked carbohydrate side chain rather than formation of protein aldehydes or chloramines. HOCl-modified OVA is taken up more efficiently by APCs and is degraded more efficiently by proteinases. Atomic force microscopy demonstrated that enhanced uptake is mediated via specific receptor binding, one candidate for which is the scavenger receptor lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor, which shows enhanced binding to chlorinated OVA. A function of HOCl is therefore to target glycoprotein Ags to scavenger receptors on the APC surface. This additional mechanism linking innate and adaptive immunity suggests novel strategies to enhance immunity to vaccines.

2 June 2,2020, Deciphering the Mechanisms of Improved Immunogenicity of Hypochlorous Acid-Treated Antigens in Anti-Cancer Dendritic Cell-Based Vaccines.

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl)-treated whole tumor cell lysates (Ox-L) have been shown to be more immunogenic when used as an antigen source for therapeutic dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccines, improving downstream immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. However, the mechanisms behind the improved immunogenicity are still elusive. To address this question, we conducted a proteomic and immunopeptidomics analyses to map modifications and alterations introduced by HOCl treatment using a human melanoma cell line as a model system. First, we show that one-hour HOCl incubation readily induces extensive protein oxidation, mitochondrial biogenesis, and increased expression of chaperones and antioxidant proteins, all features indicative of an activation of oxidative stress-response pathways. Characterization of the DC proteome after loading with HOCl treated tumor lysate (Ox-L) showed no significant difference compared to loading with untreated whole tumor lysate (FT-L). On the other hand, detailed immunopeptidomic analyses on monocyte-derived DCs (mo-DCs) revealed a great increase in human leukocyte antigen class II (HLA-II) presentation in mo-DCs loaded with Ox-L compared to the FT-L control. Further, 2026 HLA-II ligands uniquely presented on Ox-L-loaded mo-DCs were identified. In comparison, identities and intensities of HLA class I (HLA-I) ligands were overall comparable. We found that HLA-II ligands uniquely presented by DCs loaded with Ox-L were more solvent exposed in the structures of their source proteins, contrary to what has been hypothesized so far. Analyses from a phase I clinical trial showed that vaccinating patients using autologous Ox-L as an antigen source efficiently induces polyfunctional vaccine-specific CD4+ T cell responses. Hence, these results suggest that the increased immunogenicity of Ox-L is, at least in part, due to qualitative and quantitative changes in the HLA-II ligandome, potentially leading to an increased HLA-II dependent stimulation of the T cell compartment (i.e., CD4+ T cell responses). These results further contribute to the development of more effective and immunogenic DC-based vaccines and to the molecular understanding of the mechanism behind HOCl adjuvant properties.

April 29, 2022, Hypochlorous Acid: From Innate Immune Factor and Environmental Toxicant to Chemopreventive Agent Targeting Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer.

A multitude of extrinsic environmental factors (referred to in their entirety as the ‘skin exposome’) impact structure and function of skin and its corresponding cellular components. The complex (i.e. additive, antagonistic, or synergistic) interactions between multiple extrinsic (exposome) and intrinsic (biological) factors are important determinants of skin health outcomes. Here, we review the role of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) as an emerging component of the skin exposome serving molecular functions as an innate immune factor, environmental toxicant, and topical chemopreventive agent targeting solar UV-induced skin cancer. HOCl [and its corresponding anion (OCl-; hypochlorite)], a weak halogen-based acid and powerful oxidant, serves two seemingly unrelated molecular roles: (i) as an innate immune factor [acting as a myeloperoxidase (MPO)-derived microbicidal factor] and (ii) as a chemical disinfectant used in freshwater processing on a global scale, both in the context of drinking water safety and recreational freshwater use. Physicochemical properties (including redox potential and photon absorptivity) determine chemical reactivity of HOCl towards select biochemical targets [i.e. proteins (e.g. IKK, GRP78, HSA, Keap1/NRF2), lipids, and nucleic acids], essential to its role in innate immunity, antimicrobial disinfection, and therapeutic anti-inflammatory use. Recent studies have explored the interaction between solar UV and HOCl-related environmental co-exposures identifying a heretofore unrecognized photo-chemopreventive activity of topical HOCl and chlorination stress that blocks tumorigenic inflammatory progression in UV-induced high-risk SKH-1 mouse skin, a finding with potential implications for the prevention of human nonmelanoma skin photocarcinogenesis.


2.6.2... The physiological function for therapeutic potential of carbonate ion in calcium carbonate

Dec. 22, 2021, Israeli drug prevents 100% of COVID patients from deteriorating in trial

All 18 COVID-19 patients hospitalized with moderate or severe symptoms who received the drug Amor-18 developed by Israeli biotech company Amorphical recovered and were discharged in a few days, the company announced on Wednesday. Of the 19 individuals who were given a placebo, six had to be transferred to intensive care, and two died. As part of compassionate care, two other patients in a very serious condition were given the drug. Both recovered and were discharged.

Amor-18, which uses Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) as the main ingredient, was administered orally or by inhalation. As explained by the company, ACC has the ability to modulate acidic pH changes around each cell. These changes affect the capability of COVID-19 to penetrate the cells and replicate. This allows the drug to prevent the virus from spreading and thus the patients from deteriorating.

“We are excited about the results of the clinical trial, which bring real hope to COVID-19 patients in Israel and around the world, and are especially encouraging these days with the start of the fifth wave of the Omicron variant,” said Amorphical CEO Yossi Ben. “The drug we have developed is anti-inflammatory, safe and effective and it is easy to use.” He noted that Amor-18 will work against the entire SARS virus family, including all COVID variants.

A larger trial is already being conducted at the Ziv, Shamir, Kaplan and Mayanei Hayeshua medical centers in Israel. In the near future, the drug will be tested in other countries. Seven hospitals in Brazil have announced that they will participate, and other centers in Europe and the United States are expected to join soon.

Oct 17, 2017, Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry Controls Clonal Expansion of T Cells through Metabolic Reprogramming

Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is the main Ca2+ influx pathway in lymphocytes and is essential for T cell function and adaptive immunity. SOCE is mediated by Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels that are activated by stromal interaction molecule (STIM) 1 and STIM2. SOCE regulates many Ca2+-dependent signaling molecules, including calcineurin, and inhibition of SOCE or calcineurin impairs antigen-dependent T cell proliferation. We here report that SOCE and calcineurin regulate cell cycle entry of quiescent T cells by controlling glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. SOCE directs the metabolic reprogramming of naive T cells by regulating the expression of glucose transporters, glycolytic enzymes, and metabolic regulators through the activation of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and the PI3K-AKT kinase-mTOR nutrient-sensing pathway. We propose that SOCE controls a critical “metabolic checkpoint” at which T cells assess adequate nutrient supply to support clonal expansion and adaptive immune responses.


2.6.3... Chlorine dioxide will be potential medication by electronegativities of Oxygen atom and Chlorine atom

The use of Chlorine dioxide as drug is initiated by Jim Humble. 27 June 2017, on his Blog he made a post A word from Jim Humble. https://jimhumble.co/?fbclid=IwAR0TUKhFQ-SZv7nfzFVF3wfIzxDi2XJdOzKx4x-DaB-7CzO8kvEymhxJH2E

“I want to tell you about a breakthrough that can save your life, or the life of a loved one. In 1996, while on a gold mining expedition in South America, I discovered that chlorine dioxide quickly eradicates malaria. Since that time, it has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on. This is by far not a comprehensive list. I know it sounds too good to be true, but according to feedback I have received over the last 20 years, I think it’s safe to say MMS has the potential to overcome most diseases known to mankind.”

“It is important to note that MMS does not cure disease. MMS is an oxidizer, it kills pathogens and destroys poisons. When these are reduced or eliminated in the body, then the body can function properly and thereby heal. I often say, “The body heals the body”. MMS helps to line things up so the body can do just that.”

“I have done many things in my lifetime—gone from a backwoods boy in Alabama, to the Marines, to a nutritional and alternative health enthusiast, to Aerospace, to electronics researcher, to inventor (of many things), to gold mining. Realizing I found “real gold” when I discovered MMS, from that point on I’ve dedicated all my time and effort to helping others recover their health and to bringing this technology to the world. It is my mission to bring this knowledge of health recovery to mankind. All profits from the sales of my books go towards this mission.”

The mechanism of chlorine dioxide kill occurs via disruption of protein synthesis

The LD50 of chlorine dioxide is 292 mg/kg in rat, oral, LC50 is 0.29 mg/L by inhalation. I infer that the safe and effective dose for medicinal use of chlorine dioxide should be 300 - 600mg/50kg in 4 times daily; by comparison with that of vinegar; the effect of chlorine dioxide is more powerful.

Mar.1967, article Kinetics and Mechanism of Bacterial Disinfection by Chlorine Dioxide said that survival data are presented for a fecal strain of Escherichia coli exposed to three concentrations of chlorine dioxide at four temperatures. Chick's first-order reaction equation is generalized to a pseudo nth-order model. Nonlinear least squares curve-fitting of the survival data to the nth order model was performed on an analogue computer. The data were observed to follow fractional order kinetics with respect to survival concentration, with an apparent activation energy of 12,000 cal/mole. Initial experiments support the thesis that the mechanism of chlorine dioxide kill occurs via disruption of protein synthesis.


2.6.4...NaF reduced mortality percentage of influenza virus H0N1 in mice

Dec 1981,The effect of sodium fluoride on experimental influenza virus infection in mice: NaF was administered intranasally to mice, either as a single 0.1-ml dose (containing 100 gamma), one hour before inoculation of influenza virus A/PR8/34 (H0N1), or as four similar daily doses, the last drug application preceding virus inoculation by 1 hour. In both cases the drug treatment led to a marked reduction in the hemagglutinating titers recorded in lung suspensions, accompanied by a lower mortality percentage and by an increase in mean survival length.


2.7... The orthomolecular medicine and therapeutic effect of Vitamins 

Orthomolecular medicine is a form of alternative medicine that aims to maintain human health through nutritional supplementation to build optimal nutritional environment in the body by correct imbalances or deficiencies based on individual biochemistry by use of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace elements and fatty acids.

Here, I want to point out particularly that Orthomolecular Medicine - vitamins and minerals will be the best medications, cheap affordable, effective for most of diseases and safe without side effects.

As of the studies and clinical practices, here, I would like to infer that the effective use of orthomolecular medicine, such as, the vitamins C, the megadoses and intravenous infusion is the key. The megadoses should be up to the level of 1 gram / kg, it is safe and effective. The oral taking may be the reason that megadose of vitamin C is less effective, due to the limited absorption capacity of the human body.


2.7.1... Vitamin C has multi-therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases

The LD50 of Vitamin C is generally accepted to be 11900 milligrams (11.9 grams) /kg. The American Association of Poison Control Centers has reported zero deaths from vitamin C.

Oct. 30, 2020, article High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®)–Patient Version indicates that, “In a study of healthy volunteers and cancer patients, vitamin C was shown to be safe at doses up to 1.5 g/kg in patients who do not have kidney stones, other kidney diseases, or G6PD deficiency. Studies have also shown that vitamin C levels in the blood are higher when given by IV than when taken by mouth, and last for more than 4 hours.”

Article Vitamin C Saves Lives said that after Linus Pauling wrote his book on vitamin C in 1970, mortality from heart disease decreased 30-40% in the USA, from around 741,000 deaths per year to less than 500,000 deaths by 1986 according to U. S. Bureau of National Health Statistics 1986.

Feb. 2014, High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C as a Successful Treatment of Viral Infections: “Viral infections often lead to oxidative stress to the infected cells, and therefore, antioxidants are expected to suppress oxidative stress and work as antivirals or ‘drugs,’ improving inflammatory symptoms. Among these substances, the protective effect of ascorbic acid has been assumed due to its powerful scavenging and antioxidative property.”

High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report; From the Journal of Molecular Biology, 2019.

A 25-year-old man contracted flu and went from approximately 170 pounds down to 155 pounds to be cured by Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) therapy, which consisted of 1,000 cc of lactated Ringer’s solution containing 50 grams of sodium ascorbate, a pH-neutral form of vitamin C. This was infused over about one and a half hour in a total of 3 infusions over 3 days. All of the infusions were clinically uneventful and without discernible side effects. Actually, the morning following the first IVC, the patient noted that his body strength had improved dramatically.


2.7.2... Intravenous infusion of vitamin C 11g cured critical patient of Covid-19

Aug. 10, 2020, article 'Unusual' IV High-Dose Vitamin C Success Story in COVID-19 reports that a 74-year-old white woman confirmed with the infection of SARS-CoV-2. Clinicians start treatment with oral hydroxychloroquine 400 mg once and then 200 mg twice a day, along with intravenous azithromycin 500 mg once a day, zinc sulfate 220 mg three times a day and oral vitamin C 1 g twice a day.

By day 6, given her rapid deterioration, the patient is intubated on an emergent basis and started on pressure-regulated volume-controlled mechanical ventilation. On day 7, the patient develops ARDS, at the request of the family; she is started on a continuous intravenous infusion of high-dose vitamin C (11 g /24 hours). Two days later, her clinical condition gradually begins to improve, and the clinicians discontinue supportive treatment with norepinephrine.

Google will find many health benefits of Vitamin C. The key is at use in Megadose.


2.7.3... Vitamin B3 increase the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times

The study showed that the large dose of vitamin B3 can increase the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times; and clinic use proved that a large dose of vitamin D in 50 000 IU can effectively cure colds.

For quickly ending the pandemic and return to normal life, government must fund the study on medicinal substances that have no academic significance or commercial value, such as, natural medicinals of TCM and the Orthomolecular Medicine - vitamins and minerals.


2.7.4... Large dose of Vitamin D is able to cure flu or influenzalike illness

Oral LD50 (rat): 42mg/kg; Intraperitoneal LD50 (mouse): 136 mg/kg

Jun, 2015, Vitamin D for influenza


A colleague of mine and I have introduced vitamin D at doses that have achieved greater than 100 nmol/L in most of our patients for the past number of years, and we now see very few patients in our clinics with the flu or influenzalike illness. In those patients who do have influenza, we have treated them with the vitamin D hammer, as coined by my colleague. This is a 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. The results are dramatic, with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours. One-time doses of vitamin D at this level have been used safely and have never been shown to be toxic.8 We urgently need a study of this intervention. The cost of vitamin D is about a penny for 1000 IU, so this treatment costs less than a dollar.


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