2012 (35)
If I were in charge of the world,
I'd cancel buses,
Tuesday nights*,
Vitamin supplements,
And also my little sister when she teases me.
If I were in charge of the world,
There'd be bigger libraries,
Longer books,
And better Wii games.
If I were in charge of the world,
You wouldn't have boring,
You wouldn't have vegetables,
You wouldn't have chores,
Or "Go play piano".
You wouldn’t even have pianos.
If I were in charge of the world.
Adults would go to school,
Anything you wanted would be free,
And someone who sometimes forgot to do homework
And someone who sometimes forgot to bring a snack
Would still be allowed to be in charge of the world.
终于击退了电脑病毒侵犯,可以回复留言了。你的故事很振奋人心啊!我家小孩前两天坐在牙医的椅子上补牙,忽然两手动了起来.我以为他疼得受不了,后来才发现他在腿上弹钢琴!但愿他以后也会说worth it.
不过我家小朋友不会同意他把钢琴排除出去。前些日子女儿弹肖邦,突然停下来自言自语:“So beautiful!" 过来对我说“Mama, I've been waiting for more than nine years! Now finally I can play so beautiful music!" 然后又坚定地一挥手说“Worth it!”(女儿练琴9年多。)