
向叶脉交作業..thank you...海南雞飯...亞渣...好好吃~~~

(2007-12-12 18:06:16) 下一个

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ddwishes 回复 悄悄话 回复大媽豬的评论:
I am leaving on 26 March...so I can wait. TQ so much.
大媽豬 回复 悄悄话 回复ddwishes的评论:
I bought mine in "Daimaru" it cost 3.50 USD for 50g. Try to write down 盐渍樱花, cherry flower and ask the tour person to help you to get it. I am sure she is welling to do it. In Japan, everywhere the price is the same, no need to compare, because i bought some from Daimaru and fish market. the price was the same. Hope this will help you. good luck, by the way, I just came back from Japan week before last Sat. I got an idea, if you can wait till this sunday my time, i will take a picture and show it out in 文学城 , you can print it out to show the tour person. also I don't have picture file in this PC :(
ddwishes 回复 悄悄话 回复大媽豬的评论:
I can understand english, TQ so much for your reply.Why is it selling in US Dollar, not Japanese Yen?
I am following tour, might not go to Tokyo Fish Market, Besides there, any other places along this tourist area selling?浅草寺--->仲见世--->银座--->樱花林道--->新宿
What about places like Kyoto, Osaka or Kobe, anyway to get them?What is it call in Japanese Language (pronouced in Rome?)will Japanese understand if I show shem in Chinese words 盐渍樱花?

大媽豬 回复 悄悄话 回复ddwishes的评论:
sorry, i don' have chinese in this pc, utill next Sat. if you can't wait, i can tell you in english, in the big department store or in Tokyo's BIG fish market, outside those little stores, ask them for cherry flower they will know. it cost 3.50 USA for 50gm. let me know you need chinese rely
ddwishes 回复 悄悄话 Hi
大媽豬 回复 悄悄话 回复北京宝贝的评论:
謝謝你呀~大媽肚子里沒有一点的ink, I am just a little housewife, may be I took over my dad's genes. My dad was a proffesional chef. (also I don't know how to play in this blog, only know how to reply:)
北京宝贝 回复 悄悄话 大媽豬你怎么这么有品位呀--真是很少见的。你是不是搞艺术的出身?不提菜做得漂亮,就连你用的餐具都是非常艺术!!