中华正国 英文名字Chinese decent



(2007-09-22 04:53:36) 下一个

我,用的是这样的电话卡-号码:36900963 密码-3033 21 3633

The respect brother sisters, hello!

I in Thailand, some many friends, they have many do not believe God, I thought the facsimile gives them,advises them to have to believe God, invites, to help me to have the computer on the facsimile machine, does well, can the facsimile, I be good to them propagandizes. Only is such difficulty:

1, I send the Email, does not have their email;

2, only has their facsimile number. Only sends the facsimile to them. I do not understand the foreign language, cannot complete this kind of matter, requested the brother sisters help me! Very simple matter.

Please look behind each title the speech!


Brother -

Mr. Hu.

2007, 9, 22.


Invites the brother sisters, helps me, dials the post and

telecommunications office telephone, inquired the post and

telecommunications office friends, this telephone number numeral is how many. Dials the post office telephone, does not want the money.


Invites the brother sisters, helps me, dials the post and

telecommunications office telephone, inquired the post and

telecommunications office friends, this telephone number numeral is how many. Dials the post office telephone, does not want the money.

3,Brug følgende regler ved opkald fra denne placering :

Invites the brother sisters, helps me, dials the post and

telecommunications office telephone, inquired the post and

telecommunications office friends, this telephone number numeral is how many. Dials the post office telephone, does not want the money.

4,Brug dette nummer for at få en ekstem linje til lokale opkald:

Invites the brother sisters, helps me, dials the post and

telecommunications office telephone, inquired the post and

telecommunications office friends, this telephone number numeral is how many. Dials the post office telephone, does not want the money.

5,Brug dette nummer for at få en ekstem linje til lokale fjemopkald:

Invites the brother sisters, helps me, dials the post and

telecommunications office telephone, inquired the post and

telecommunications office friends, this telephone number numeral is how many. Dials the post office telephone, does not want the money.

6,Brug denne telefonlinjeudbyder til fjemopkald :

Invites the brother sisters, helps me, dials the post and

telecommunications office telephone, inquired the post and

telecommunications office friends, this telephone number numeral is how many. Dials the post office telephone, does not want the money.

7,Brug denne telefonlinjeudbyder til intemationale:

Invites the brother sisters, helps me, dials the post and

telecommunications office telephone, inquired the post and

telecommunications office friends, this telephone number numeral is how many. Dials the post office telephone, does not want the money.


I am radio, receives the Internet.

9,lmpulsopkald: (Did not know what said? Invites)

I, with is such telephone card - number: 3690 0963 passwords-3033 213,633.

10,Korttyper:(Did not know what said? Invites)

Hoped the brother sisters, reply in writing with English to me:

[email protected]

Congratulates the brother sisters, gets rich! Health!

Brother:Debin Hu 2007,9,22.

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