落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2008-02-04 11:00:33) 下一个



intern的时候,我们一起去芝加哥过周末,一起去蒙大拿滑雪,一起去看每一场新电影,一起度过每一个节日。去年情人节的时候,我给她们一人买了一张CD,edge of love。夏天的时候我们做完了intern,一起开车去芝加哥玩,车上就放着这张CD,听了好多好多遍。那天天气很好,车在lakeshore飞驰,白帆点点。我们对第二年的住院医生活充满着憧憬。

但是我们谁都没想到,第二年再也没有那么多时间在一起了。要做很多night float,然后各自开始准备申请fellow,找rotation, 忙着考试。铁打的营盘流水的兵,我们才认识一年多却又要为各自的将来奔波了。




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落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 恩,这个周末休息,不散地馒头了,带爸爸妈妈出去玩,呵呵。
RCT,我博克放过很多背景音乐,我实在记不起来了,我猜是马友友的大提琴?因为我那段时间一直在听Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone CD。你可以搜索以下看看是不是你找的。不好意思。
yayayoyo 回复 悄悄话 上个月送走了爸爸妈妈,很理解你的感受。好好享受跟爸爸妈妈在一起的时间,好好过一个元宵节吧。
Ruby@Cuisine 回复 悄悄话 别sentimental了,让人看了心疼。今过节,多和爸妈聊聊,自己心情也会好的。工作压力大,如果情绪上再sentimental,很容易老得啦。吃点巧克力……
RCT 回复 悄悄话 新年好!落花,你的博客是我文学城里必去的地方,感谢你对生活和从医经历的分享。
punny 回复 悄悄话 落花,健康最重要哦,别硬撑。工作忙,就争分夺秒的休息,快点把那些不受欢迎的virus都赶跑。恩,上周末我也在机场被堵着呢,北方的天气真是很糟糕
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 谢谢大家的鼓励,面试回来马上进了ICU,所以到现在才上来回留言。面试不是很理想,就想找对象一样,人家看上的我看不上,我看得上人家又似乎有心上人了。而且北方天气不好,堵在机场若干次,catch virus若干,还要发着烧值班收病人,然后回家偷偷吃泰诺不敢让爸爸妈妈看到,怕他们担心。最难过的是错过了新年,觉得不值得,oh well.不去尝试是不会死心的。
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 I’d like to make a correction to set the record straight. The CD I got was “Celtic Woman” from Celtic Woman rather “A New Journey” which I brought it myself later because I was enthralled by the group’s music after listening. Sorry for the mess-up (-: .

BTW, Happy Chinese New Year! The year of Rat, hmm .. that doesn’t sound too good -:) Anyway, raise the glass for prosperity and peace.
一程歌 回复 悄悄话 Good Luck!!!
AppleFlower 回复 悄悄话 Good luck on your interviews! You're such a kind and dedicated doctor, any program would be lucky to have you. :)
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 Please don’t be too critical on yourself. The simple truth is that you are female, and it is one of your entitlements to clinch over rich sentiments when mood strikes. It seems to me that expressing in appropriate setting toward right person(s) , females may, in fact, entrust their emotional intelligence to the state of mind for demonstrating personal best. On the contrast, you or some of your peers might label us or complain about us as the dull, impassive and insensitive species that are born with the flaw of feeling-deficiency -:).

Years ago if I read this posting I’d have laughed about you for falling for Mindy Smith’s voice or her songs because she is one who sings the country music time to time. But, time does change “landscapes” , sometimes it could even make them beyond recognition. In Oct. 2006 Emma, my ex GF, mailed me a gift package for my 30th birthday from London. In it there were several CDs and one of books from my favorite author. Among these CDs, there were two albums from Mindy Smith (“One More Moment” and “Long Island Shores”), one from Corrs (“Home”) and other one from Celtic Women (“A New Journey”). On the birthday card she went on, asking me to listen to these CDs when I had time. Reluctantly, I did.
Since then on, one thing has become remarkable that more than ever, I feel obliged to understand and appreciate females’ emotional world better as whole in addition to their physical appearances. As a result of the process, I started enjoying music made from Chloë Agnew, Andrea Corr, Lisa Hannigan, Dolores O'Riordan, Órla Fallon, Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, Lisa Kelly, Máiréad Julie Feeney, Nesbitt, , Hayley Westenra, a New Zealand soprano with Irish heritage. As the matter of fact, I’ve started to believe that they might be the vocal artists who have more talents and trainings than many popular American Pop singers per se. So that when I jog in the darkness of frozen winter mornings, or play games on Wii, PS3 or Xbox, or particularly after a turbulence market days, I’d put on CDs that Emma gave to me and listen, letting the voices to take me to the place where summer rain falls on the grass softly, releasing aromatic notes from the earth; where morning light lifts the shade of night, bringing up a new day...

About the possibility that you may get estranged from your parents on Chinese New Year Eve please look bright side; at least you have parents with you in US at this moment. Most of us may not be as lucky as you, so to speak. However, I do hope you get back home on time with your folks.

P.S Thanks for your well-wish over my trip back to China a while ago. For two weeks I had incredible good time with my parents and grandparents except they tried to fatten me with a parade of delicious dishes -:).
punny 回复 悄悄话 落花,给你一个big hug,理解你的三地馒头,加油!
随意简单 回复 悄悄话 祝你旅途顺利,面试成功,早日拿到理想的offer
memoryrong 回复 悄悄话 Good luck on your interview. And Happy Chinese New Year!
紫砂壶 回复 悄悄话 Will you be interested in Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship? Our Associate Program Director is a very nice guy.
dreamcatcher123 回复 悄悄话 落花妹妹,很喜欢这首歌,一直关注你的博客,我才开始我的USMLE考试之路,你已经奔向下一个目标,继续写下去,我相信你会激励好多人。