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鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 烦人,你的这个虾兵蟹将不好使,没能耐,就这么溜走了。
鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Blue-Crab' 的评论 : 无知并不可怕,可怕的是不仅没有勇气而且还没有能力面对自己的无知。更惨的是,根本不知道无知在何处,或许在蛇鳝之穴处。
Blue-Crab 回复 悄悄话 回复 '鲁迅九' 的评论 : 无知并不可怕,可怕的是没有勇气面对自己的无知。
鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Blue-Crab' 的评论 : 你认为我骂你,那是你真实的错觉,不可否认。我在论蟹谈屎,你怎么说我骂你哪?有什么错误,尽管指出,再写出你的正确,就这么简单。

Blue-Crab 回复 悄悄话 回复 '鲁迅九' 的评论 : 小九,我不在乎你骂我,不过我希望你看看自己写的东西错在哪里。在网上大家谁都不认识谁,错了最多贻笑大方。在现实生活中错误连篇就不好了。恼羞成怒爆粗口是最容易的事,有本事写段没错的让我瞧瞧?!
鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Blue-Crab' 的评论 : 实话实说,不用忍,既然有泡屎,那就拉出去。
Blue-Crab 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Fanreninus' 的评论 : 凡兄说的是!其实我就想看看小九的反应和担当,他果然没忍住 :)
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Blue-Crab' 的评论 : 啊,再差都比我的好。还有,到处飙英文的人你说人家英文差会伤人家的自尊心的,罚你用英文说:对不起伤了您的自尊心了!:)
鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Blue-Crab' 的评论 : 蓝色的螃蟹眼小,见识浅。
Blue-Crab 回复 悄悄话 小九的英文比夜骑差些虽然夜骑也有些错。
鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 对于我来说,今年,没有什么TMD国庆70周年,而只有改革开放41周年和邓小平逝世22周年。这个博文所列举的中国辉煌的成就都是邓小平改革开放的结果。邓小平当年向林肯塑像致敬,今天,我们大家都可以用这辉煌的成果和邓小平一道去告慰林肯的在天之灵。
鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 Trump says:"The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action. "

Since longtime ago, Chinese people have been in action to boost the economy. I will always follow whoever lets me rich and have a prosper living.
鲁迅九 回复 悄悄话 Hi, everybody,

All the present achievements made in china are the results of the "reform and open policy" of Deng Xiaoping instead of CCP. Deng Xiaoping is the leader of all the chinese people instead of CCP. The real leader of CCP is Maozedong's thought.

We praise the achievements of China because we are the loyal follower of Deng Xiaoping’s thoughts,actual actions could boost the country 实干兴邦.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 @nasdaq100:

The pillars of a free and prosperous society are not the economy and democracy. They are but two byproducts. The pillars are the sanctity of private property rights and contracts, as protected by a constitution and laws. These two pillars are not only almost nonexistent in China under CCP, but they are the very poison to CCP's existence. All the ills of China trace their root to the lack of these two pillars. That is why China will never be free, prosperous and democratic so long as CCP is still in power, trade war or not.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 @nasdaq100:

First, there are a lot of other countries, at least 15, with higher economic growth rates than China. It just not true that "so many countries have performed much worse in the past decades.". One such example is Vietnam. Second, high growth rate and improvement of people's lives are much easier to achieve when you have a low base to start with. If you start out with 0, any positive increment however small will achieve the growth rate of infinity. When I drop a penny into the empty cup of a beggar, I have just increased his wealth infinitely. That is just a simple arithmetic trick. That is especially ironic when CCP was the very culprit having decimated the lives, living standards of Chinese and the economy of China in the first place. By the same token, when one compares against something as brutal as the Cultural Revolution and Stalin's great purge or the Pol Pot's genocide, anything is better.? How convincing is your statement "I think today's China is better than that time at least", especially again when the one making the comparison in the propaganda is the very culprit, murderer and rapist himself. If a Nazi gas chamber warden releases you from certain death, and sends you to be part of the prison labor force with subsistent food and clothes, I suppose you would be filled with immense gratitude by his magnanimity despite he had just killed your parents, brothers and sisters.? That is what they call the Stockholm Syndrome, isn't it? What cruel psychological trick the evil can play on you!
Moreover, the economic growth that is realized only came about not from CCP but the hard-toiling Chinese people themselves. All CCP did was only alleviating some of the oppressions on the Chinese, and returning some pittance of individual freedoms which belong to the Chinese in the first place, back to them. CCP was on the brink of extinction before they imported some semblance of capitalism for their own survival. It is the freedom that came with the import of the minimal semblance of capitalism, however pitifully small, that the Chinese made full use of it to create the wealth. The wealth was created despite CCP's draconian policies not because of them, but because of capitalism however trifle it is and the free market, which largely supplied by, who else, the US.?
Even more relevant and damning is the reneging of the current CCP government from the smidgen of allowance of capitalism it allows for the Chinese. It has started seizing private assets from the entrepreneurs, installing party committees in private businesses. Jack Ma's forced retirement is but one obvious sign of it. Li Kai Shing had long known the coming regression and had long withdrawn from the China market and fled. The Chinese economy has started its downward spiral with its mounting unemployment and is entering into a financial dire straight. All these optimistic charts Fanrenius will be the last page of a sweet memory of the past, perfect for nostalgic reminiscence.?
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'cowwoman' 的评论 : 稍微提了一下医卫!:)
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 @Fanreninus:

I am not bashing China. I am bashing CCP. Sure, you are a positive person saying only positive things. That way, you can depict anyone, even monsters like Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong as saints. Hitler did all the things you laid praise on CCP for for the Third Reich, so did Stalin for USSR, including fast economic growth and making their respective countries it into ones feared and respected by the world, so long as you ignore the gas chambers, gulags, and mass purges and starvations. Kim Jung Il is the same.

You have not answered my question. If you truly believe CCP is such a great party and China under its rule is such a paradise, why have you not packed up, left the country that is bashing CCP and moved back to the motherland "that helped raise and educate [you]"? Better yet, should you not do exactly that and truly show your loyalty to your party mother with deeds rather than words and move back "on this [very] occasion of her 70th anniversary" as a sincere and substantive homage? Or is it that you want to, as the Chinese saying goes, straddle both boats, and get paid handsomely by the US as well as pay lip service to the CCP without missing a beat? 正所谓身在曹营心在汉. Do you like that Chinese adage? Your action is the perfect demonstration of that strategy. I have nothing but deep admiration for your political and financial acumen.?
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Blue-Crab' 的评论 : 哈哈,输出的大妈肯定比大爹多!:)
cowwoman 回复 悄悄话 难为博主了,涵盖了新中国的方方面面。还有一个超级振奋的没写:中国现在人人有医疗保险,医疗已经覆盖广大农村。不信我说的,可以调查。
Blue-Crab 回复 悄悄话 以前输出革命,现在输出大妈,与时俱进!
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 '林向田' 的评论 : not sure what your comment has to do with the blog?
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'nasdaq100' 的评论 : Thanks for your comment!
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'PeonyInJuly' 的评论 : Thanks! There are some interesting statistics.
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'dong140' 的评论 : 谢谢!
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'dqdeer' 的评论 : 谢谢!
路边的蒲公英 回复 悄悄话 Chinese gov't is the gov't of the people, by the people, for the people.
nasdaq100 回复 悄悄话 nighttrader, please keep in mind, you shouldn't make subjective assumption that people like this author who wrote positive things about China are all paid by Chinese Communist party. If I follow your logic, can I assume you are living on funds supported by anti-China political group ? Let's focus on points and not pointing fingers.

I agree that Chinese Communist party still has lot of problems and issues. But it doesn't mean anybody could deny the fact that China has made nearly the fastest economy growth and improved their people's living in the past decades. Yeah, Economy and Democracy are important pillars. At least China has done super awesome job in Economy, and in democracy, I am glad you talked about the things like Culture Revolution, and I think today's China is better than that time at least, China still has a long way to improve on democracy, but it is certainly doing better than decades ago. It is unfortunate its democracy lags behind its economy development, but if you look around the world, you can see so many countries have performed much worse in the past decades.
PeonyInJuly 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Fanreninus' 的评论 : Kudos to you! for both the well-written post and the positive response to comments below. Nicely done!
I especially like your charts/data from World Bank. I might search for more info myself. Thank you.
dong140 回复 悄悄话 赞文采
dqdeer 回复 悄悄话 赞。
林向田 回复 悄悄话 According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Indians, who account for 73.9 per cent of the total H-1B visa holders in the US, are followed by a distant Chinese , accounting for 11.2 per cent of the total foreign nationals on this work visas.

Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : There are plenty of people like you here who like to bash China whenever they have a chance. I will leave the opportunity to you to say all the negative things. As for me, I am a positive person. I only have good things to say about the country that helped raise and educate me on the occasion of her 70th anniversary.
Save your claim of the 5 cents for someone else because I am pretty sure I don't make any less than you do, and don't need to make a living by selling my soul. Now go away and never come to my blog again if you don't speak Chinese to me.
Fanreninus 回复 悄悄话 回复 '田间地垄' 的评论 : 谢谢!:)
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 Why don't you list the tens of millions of Chinese died in man-made starvation, the Cultural Revolution and all other political purges under CCP? Of course, lives mean and matter nothing to CCP. As for the number of patents, like all other products of China, it is as dubious as the Chinese academic journal papers from China, full of fraudulence. We do not need better evidence of ludicrous fraud than 王立军, who holds over a hundred Chinese patents. These data distortion tricks of CCP and its predecessors such as USSR and the Third Reich are old games.

The 5 cents CCP is paying you is not worth your time to do more than copying and pasting old CCP propaganda materials. You do not seem to believe it yourself. Otherwise, why have you not gone back to and be a proud part of your paradise motherland already?
田间地垄 回复 悄悄话 顺口溜有点意思!