阎开始怪洗地的 - 相关博文: 颜自然论文全译; 大阎你越红线了
我说过大阎的争论中争不赢时就采取游击战术,为了争个赢,他会不顾事实,不讲道理,不断地转移焦点,不管是在政治辩论还是科学辩论时都是这样。在毁谤小颜不成后,阎开始攻击和自己观点不一样的人,说他们是为小颜洗地,原因就是在前面一个焦点,即“已发表的生化资料”没有引用文献的说法被攻破后 (见我翻译的小颜原文的图五的注解里给的文献28和29),只好再次转移一下焦点了。但是,这个也是没有用的。因为不管如何转移,都不能掩盖一个小颜没错,而他自己大错特错的事实。
大阎在新的一文里再次模糊概念,拿人家指出小颜研究的是人的GLUT1和他研究的细菌转运体是两码事,差了十万八千里这事说事。他说小颜在文里用了细菌XylE的结晶资料。意思就是说,既然她能够用 自己的细菌XylE的资料,那她为什么就不用他研究的那个细菌转运体的资料。
我注意到了他反复说的加州大学的Dr. Milton Saier, Jr. 提到的“The best characterized members of the family are UhpT and GlpT, both of E. coli, for which detailed topological models have been presented (29, 90, 91).。我们参与争论的人,尽管不同意大阎的观点,但并不是不承认他的工作的重要和贡献。但是,再大的发现,也要沾边,不沾边,相差十万八千里的东西,人家根本就不会引用,道理不是很简单吗?
大阎在文里还提到了华盛顿大学的Mike Muecklerz教授,说他引用了他的文章。你可能说Mike Muecklerz引用了他的,说明他的相关。但相关性是可以失效的,因为科技发展是日新月异的,如果老停留在一个地方,就会从相关变为不相关了。在Muecklerz教授发表文章的时候,对GLUT尚知之甚少,等小颜研究这个问题的时候,不仅有更多,而且有更好,更新,更相关的文献可引了。更好的和更新的文献出来就会让老的文献失去了相关性或吸引力。
就像一个人,在1993年的时候还年轻漂亮,到了2014年已经不再那样了,这个时候,回头率不高了,心里肯定会有失落感,可以理解,但是即使这样,也挡不住岁月的严酷和世俗的冷漠。 这个时候,你不能跑过去说人家为什么不回头看你一眼。 识趣的,就要知道岁月变了,美貌不再,别在那里想人家回头看你了。
不过,我注意到大阎在最新的这篇文里没有直接诬蔑小颜剽窃,这算是一个进步呢还是怕有法律后果呢? 就算是一个良心的认知,一个进步吧。所以要给你一个大shout:Good Job, Big Yan,keep it up!
本来觉得他那么早发了Cell, 结果一共就只两篇文章, 没有做PI, 很可惜. 经过这场争论明白了,一点也不可惜. 他的性格决定命运, 决定了他不是做学问的料.
也来这儿发发牢骚, 博主担当则个. 对阎我其实是一直手下留情的, 一是不positive二是不想花那么多时间. 但是阎粉的猖獗, 有时候真让人受不了, 把人逼急了下重手的节奏.
原来是这样。 我本来还是很敬重他的。 他昨天说我推理牵强,有逻辑错误,又不指出是哪儿出的问题,我还好好反省了半天呢。
回复 'SwiperTheFox' 的评论 :
审稿人是否可直接回答一下: Mueckler 2002到2009, 若干篇同样的工作,不再引阎有没有问题?
审稿人是科学认士,是否通读了颜三篇, 是否可以得出如阎所述"结果一样"的结论?
至于推掉院士的选择, 我相信大多数人不会这样做,这是颜宁的自由. 不推掉既守法也遵守道德标准,也不违反科学界的常规. 我不会对她的这个选择质疑.
是否有可能老阎找错了债主? 各位点评一下?
Huang Y, Lemieux MJ, Song J, Auer M, Wang DN. Structure and mechanism of the glycerol-3-
phosphate transporter from Escherichia coli. Science 2003;301:616–20. [PubMed: 12893936]
Published in final edited form as:
Mol Genet Metab. 2009 Jan; 96(1): 32–37.
Published online 2008 Nov 12. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2008.10.00
G6PT [9,14], GlpT [11], and UhpT [12] are members the organophosphate:Pi antiporter family of the major facilitator superfamily [10]. G6PT was shown to contain 10 transmembrane helices by protease protection and glycosylation scanning analysis [7]. However, recent homology modeling [19] based on the crystal structural of GlpT [17,18] predicts that G6PT contains 12 helices. Homology modeling [19] also proposes that amino acids essential for the activity of UhpT may play vital role in G6PT. In this study, we conducted structure-function studies of G6PT to determine if the predictions on which residues are critical for the activity of UhpT are pertinent to the structure of G6PT. We also re-examined the topology of G6PT. We show that structural requirements of G6PT and UhpT differ and that G6PT wild-type and glycosylation mutants exhibit similar sensitivity towards limited trypsin digestion. Taken together, the results support the 10 domain model of G6PT.
Both G6PT and UhpT are Pi-linked antiporters [13,14]. Mutagenesis studies have shown that in UhpT, R46, R275, D388 and K391 are essential residues [15,16]. R46 and R275 are proposed to be involved in substrate binding [15], and D388 and K391 in intrahelical salt bridge formation [16]. The corresponding residues in G6PT are R28, K240, H366, and V369. Homology modeling predicted that R28 and K240 in G6PT are 10.1 ? apart that could form part of the substrate-binding site [19]. We show that with the exception of R28 which is an essential residue in G6PT, K240, D388 and K391 are not, indicating that the structural requirements of G6PT and UhpT differed.
The main difference between the two topological models of G6PT is that residues 50 to 71, which constitute helix 2 in the 12-domain model [19], are situated in a 51-residue luminal loop 1 in the 10-domain model (Fig. 1). The glycosylation scanning study showed that the two G6PT mutants, T53N and S55N that generate potential glycosylation sites at N53SS and N55QS, respectively were utilized, which could only occur if the glycosylation sites were in the 51-residue luminal loop 1 in the 10-domain model [7] but not in helix-2 in the 12-domain model [19]. To explain the inconsistence to the 12-domain model G6PT, Almqvist et al [19] suggested that the two G6PT glycosylation mutants are probably misfolded in the ER membrane. Studies have shown that glycosylation of membrane proteins is critical for their membrane targeting and folding [27,28], and incorrect glycosylation can cause misfolding and preferential degradation of the misfolded proteins [29,30]. If the T53N and S55N mutants were misfolded in the ER membrane then they should exhibit differential stability and protease sensitivity as compared to the wild-type transporter. Our results show the contrary. First, the T53N and S55N mutants supported the synthesis of wild-type levels of G6PT protein in COS-1 cells, indicating that the mutations failed to destabilize mutant G6PT proteins. Secondly, limited trypsin digestion of wild-type G6PT produced an N-terminal polypeptide of 16-kDa and a C-terminal polypeptide of 22-kDa and limited trypsin digestion of G6PT T53N or S55N mutants produced an N-terminal polypeptide of 23-kDa and a C-terminal polypeptide of 22-kDa. However, in the presence of tunicamycin, limited trypsin digestion of G6PT S55N produced an N-terminal polypeptide of 16-kDa, indicating that the apparent difference in mobility between wild-type and mutant G6PT resulted from the added oligosaccharide side chains in the glycosylation mutants. Therefore, the introduced glycosylation site at either N53SS or N55QS in G6PT is utilized and the secondary structure of the glycosylated G6PT proteins is indistinguishable from the wild-type G6PT. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the glycosylation of G6PT does not cause G6PT to be misfolded in the ER membrane, again confirming the 10-transmembrane domain model of G6PT.
In summary, we demonstrate that the structural requirements of the two antiporters, G6PT and UhpT, are different and that G6PT is anchored in the ER by 10 transmembrane domains in contrast to the 12 domains used by UhpT.
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我是觉得小颜的文章讲得再清楚,老阎也不会罢手. 不能指望:
1. 他的粉丝会虚心学习能看懂小颜文章的基础知识.
2. 他的粉丝会去看并看懂小颜的文章的科普.
3. 就算他们看懂了,也不会认账.
有粉丝团的支持与起哄, 老阎不会罢手.
1. 1966那篇论文是用钠离子的转运*举个例子*, 不是说只适用于钠离子.
2. 1966到1992年, 有大量的动力学实验支持1966. 其中1973年一文就是专门讲葡萄糖转运.
3. 老阎与颜宁的工作不是平行的, 结果差得很多. 这个从Mueckler的引文可以看出.
他从1999到2009用了老阎的方法做与小颜同一个蛋白, 做了完整的研究(阎只做了1/12), 发了12篇文章. 1999年两篇引了老阎的. 2004 就不引了.
要说与小颜的工作谁更接近, 是Mueckler, 比老阎更完备也是Mueckler. 但是Mueckler的成果跟小颜的比耶差远了(历史局限). 被引, 诺奖的Mueckler排不上,老阎更排不上.