2018 (878)
2019 (809)
2020 (457)
2021 (242)
Why would elite institutions be so good at improving upward mobility for minorities, but not for their whiter, richer peers? After all, they’re listening to the same professors, sitting in the same chairs, and taking the same tests. But remember, college isn’t just about instruction. It’s also about alumni networks and signaling effects. Kids from rich families often rely on help from their parents to obtain selective internships and high-paying entry-level jobs. For kids without plugged-in parents, elite colleges are the plug that connect these students to the most dynamic industries and jobs: In loco rich parentis.
The simplest answer to the question “Do elite colleges matter?” is: It depends on who you are. In the big picture, elite colleges don’t seem to do much extra for rich white guys. But if you’re not rich, not white, or not a guy, the elite-college effect is huge. It increases earnings for minorities and low-income students, and it encourages women to delay marriage and work more, even though it doesn’t raise their per-hour wages.
招生的过程是 need blind.
录取以后才 need based financial aid.
Financial aid is need based, not race based.
AA实行了几十年了,达到它最初的目的了吗?有没有大幅度帮助改善黑人的社会经济地位?黑人作为一个群体还是处于经济地位的下层,根本原因是什么?按照金博士的梦想,按质取人,而非按色取人。我们这个社会ready了吗?...... 同学们,深思啊深思。:)
btw,看到图还以为是个戴红领巾的小朋友。老眼昏花了 LOL
你不知道藤校是 need based?
回复 'Rosaline' 的评论 : 收入只是一个方面,要看什么资料,
那个老闫惯于选择“数据”, 当不得真的。是典行的左派“为理论找事实”。
哈哈, 小宝也跟风说藤校和 AA。 不过反 AA 要搞清什么是 AA。 这一点城里另一宝 爪四哥 搞的很明白,
就是AA本来是保护少数民族不受肤色歧视的。 不过这个need-based AA 被不少高校搞成 Race-based AA了, 所以亚裔被坑了。
“Affirmative action in the United States is a set of laws, policies, guidelines, and administrative practices "intended to end and correct the effects of a specific form of discrimination." These include government-mandated, government-sanctioned, and voluntary private programs that tend to focus on access to education and employment, granting special consideration to historically excluded groups, specifically racial minorities or women. The impetus toward affirmative action is redressing the disadvantages associated with past and present discrimination. Further impetus is a desire to ensure public institutions, such as universities, hospitals, and police forces, are more representative of the populations they serve.
瞧见没有,need based,color blind 的AA是保护少数民族及弱势群体不因种族及肤色而被歧视的政策与纲领,是受宪法保护的。是MLK用毕生所追求的梦想,也是每个华人追求美国梦的保证。”