聪明的艾米 SMart Amy

聪明的艾米 SMart Amy 是献给选择性缄默的儿童, 家长,老师和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和沟通中帮助选择性缄默儿童。内容包含特定的场景,活动和策略,加上有趣的儿童卡通图画,教选择性缄默儿童如何以非言语的方式交流,并帮助家长和老师制定帮助计划。

SM Strategy Parent : (Sports) Skills = Confidence

(2018-02-15 03:18:49) 下一个

“Anybody wants to go first?” “I don’t want to. The water is too cold…” “Not me!” “I can go…” Amy shyly offered to get into water first.  She walked to the swimming tool and jumped into the water.   

It was a beautiful day. Amy and some other students were hanging out around a pool in their summer camp. Before Amy attended the camp, Amy had already mastered the swimming skills with helps and encouragements from her mom and coach. Therefore, when their camp teacher asked who wanted to go first, Amy volunteered immediately. She really wanted to show off her swimming skills in front of the other students and her teacher.

“Oh wow,”one of the students gushed, “Amy, you are so good at swimming!” “Yeah, Amy!” another student agreed. “Thank you.” Amy said quietly, but deep down, she was extremely happy about her classmates’ praise. Amy and other students swam for a while, and stopped at her teacher’s call. “Amy, since you are so good  at swimming, would you mind teaching or helping your classmates who have not quite master the skills?” “Ok, sure!” Amy answered happily. She swam over to her classmates that were not so good at swimming and started to do some demonstrations on the moves and breathing. Gradually, she did not feel nervous anymore, not like when she just came to the pool. At the end of the swimming activity, Amy was very relaxed and she even made some friends while teaching the others.

By showing her swimming talents, Amy became confident, more outgoing, and made some new friends.   

Hint: To make SM kids feel confident, parents can help promote their talents like sports, music dancing and art. SM kids tend to be more relaxed while doing things that they are good at. SM kids can feel easier to communicate with others and make friends in this relaxing situation.

Note: Many SM kids do not like activities with body contact like basketball, soccer and group dancing, etc.  They more like activities with no body contact like hockey, tennis, swimming, ireland dancing (with fast rhythm and pleasant music; no arm motion is required), strings music and percussion music.

作者俊华,艾米妈 。 如有需要,加微信:junwang08837,艾米妈邀你进 “选择性缄默症家长分享群”。

选择性缄默症包括语言恐 Speech Phobia,感知障碍 Sensory Disorder, 社交恐惧 Social Anxiety 。 关键词: 孩子为什么不说话,孩子在外面不说话,孩子不敢说话,和陌生人不说话,社交恐惧,孩子在幼儿园和学校不说话,害羞,敏感,胆子小,懦弱,怕生,内向,没自信,固执,不敢吃饭,不敢去厕所,不敢和小朋友玩,,在家讲话,出门不讲话。只和爸爸妈妈说话, 不敢参加集体活动。

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