1、沉重的负担 2、繁重的劳动3、病痛的身体
The loss of the love ones allow us have a peek at Heaven. As the pain cracks the door open, we see all those beautiful souls there happy forever in heaven. And we know that we will go there and join them in the future. 失去亲人挚友的痛就让人恨不得跟着他们去。可是因世间的爱和牵绊让人不能离开,所以就跟着看看他们去的地方,门半开着,里边有光有爱有笑声,叫做天堂。因为爱 所以痛。因为爱 所以有希望。那有爱有希望的地方也是我们今后的归处。