The little dog learns a new trick
Em picked up crochet and knitting in her teens, when China was in the dawn of an opening era. Living in the age when supply and materials were in great scarcity and large-scaled machine production was still remote, people were subject to hand-make almost everything, from food to clothes, from furniture to toys. But decades later, when machine making trumps in the world, when machine learning is what people are fascinated with, when a robot can do most of jobs, able to even write a poet, we would think that handmaking would retreat and one day go non-existent. Fortunately this is not the case. It still holds its distinctive place in the evolving world.
J was never taught how to do knitting or crochet. When she, in her twenties, asked her mom Em to teach her, Em gave it a shrug, telling her disparagingly that it would be a waste of time to learn. Industrialization saves labor and time and solves every of our need, efficiently. Why bother and revert to time-consuming manual work?
Em was proved wrong this time. J came home this winter and showed her the fad on Tiktok, along with her self-taught skill: crocheting. One night, Em found back her old-style crochet needle, sat by J, and primed for any question. Under the lamplight, J leaned against the bed rail, her nimble fingers crisscrossing the yarns adeptly, her face glowing with confidence and gratification. When a single straight thread turned to be interlocked with beautiful flowery patterns, Em knows that her girl, who did not even know how to sew a button, surpasses her, blossoming into a handy person who has learned a new trick without her presence.
Em concludes that the world is not just progressing linearly forward but sometimes regressing a bit. People are nostalgic, and come back to hold on to things that are dear to their ancestors. Good things are never to be forgotten, Em thought to herself.
In a sense, crochet is like an artwork, an expression of identity. Girls would delight in putting on what they create by their own hands -- a scarf, a bag, a toy or a sweater, to declare to the world that they are what they wear, and that their life could be dyed just as colorful as yarns.
I recently came across the word "chic" again, but I never saw its comparative form "chicer". My first impression is it is a typo of "choicer".
Thanks for your input and insight. I agree that AI won't take over everything:)
Humans need to use their body and create meaning. The progress that holds them back won't scratch the need. No one would race trains like the Superman, but meanwhile running has never been chicer. My high-schooler enjoys gardening and is learning ceramics.
AI's not taking over everything. I'm almost sure :-) Cheers!
靠手工创收太难了,几乎不可能:) 本来我的花苗可以创收的,嘻嘻。 最近不少朋友和同事喜欢,那就改主意送礼了。 刚刚了解到,送朋友花, 最好用稍微漂亮点的花盆,presentation比较好。 同胞朋友不在乎,说自己会找喜欢的花盆。 我在买花盆的网页上看到好多老美都说,要送人,或者要义卖,需要物美价廉的花盆。 我三天前买了一套12个盆,换了新盆,显得整齐漂亮,比原来的育苗盆好太多了。今天又下单了好几套。创收的项目变成超支的了,哈哈。 不过,摆弄花盆的过程带来的快乐,千金难买。
谢谢你喜欢这个颜色搭配,我也很喜欢这个搭配出来的效果。她这个心织的应该是对的,因为挤着一起,加上缝合时的有紧有松,导致有点out of shape,另外也需要用熨斗烫一下才更平整美观。也希望她能找到她的Mr. Right! 谢谢唐西留言!
糟糕!估计小Mr.Right 来了。
我非常理解你早期push女儿把精力花在“正事”上的心思。 我也会那么做的。 只是我女儿到现在都没有摸过毛衣针。 她倒是简单,凡是妈妈做的,她都不做,连大学选专业也一定要跟我不一样的。
另外,你说的有舌的钩针和无舌的钩针,我也第一次听说呢。 回头也得搜搜。 自以为是老钩针用户了,稍不留神,就被时代甩后边了。
土鸡帽子是啥样啊? 我去搜了,还是没有搜到确切的答案。 暖冬跟女儿提过想要土鸡帽?