
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
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The second Saturday in August

(2020-08-12 16:42:47) 下一个

When the news came that the city, sponsored by a real estate developer,  will distribute free masks to citizens from 9am to 12am on Saturday, I took that as a good excuse to drag him out of the door, even though we are not short of masks.  We set off around 9:40 am, with bottles of water and hats ready for a stroll or a hiking afterwards.  

As we were approaching, still a few streets away, traffic slowed down, and we saw cars after cars on the right lane queuing miles long.  “The line starts here?”  I looked dubiously at the lineup cars of Mercedes, BMWs, Lexus or Toyotas. Could a box of free masks, which is now easily available at Costco for $20, lure so many people? My suspicion was soon confirmed as I saw policemen standing on the crossroads, under the traffic lights, waving their arms and helping with the traffic.  The sun, now high up in the sky, was beaming down relentlessly. Stopping at the red lights, I glanced sidelong at people in the next lane sitting behind the rolled-up windows, waiting patiently in the air-conditioned cars. We decided to drive on to the nearby wildlife sanctuary, passing by a same long line of cars snaking in the opposite direction. 

This sanctuary, a 300- acres marsh land, is adjacent to the city’s water plant. It is like a gem hidden amid the bustling city. Shrouded by tall bushy drought-resistant plants are a dozen ponds, where chemicals in the water are being filtered out before the cleaned water flows back to the sea or being utilized for irrigations.  The ponds, along with the grass and isolated islands in the center, provide a habitat for fish, birds, and animals. We used to frequent there in the weekends, during dawn, dusk or daylight for a stroll. 

We were thrilled to find a trail open again after being blocked for almost a decade. At the entrance, a few birds were scurrying for food on the ground. One bird, picking up the food from the ground, was feeding the other, beak to beak, like two birds kissing each other.  “It must be a male bird courting a female.” I said to him. But this was rebuffed, and he interpreted it as a mother feeding the baby. Unfortunately, our big camera was found to be out of battery, unknowingly, and what we missed was not only this, but later an osprey perching atop the high man-made wooden platform.  

Not very far as we walked in, we saw a new addition-- a three connected ball-shaped concrete construction, bulging in the middle and towering in height. Though coated in green, they still look like an intruder to the lively surroundings.  
The trails leading to the central ponds are dusty, gravelly and shady. When we got out of it, we were greeted by a small wooden bridge, through which a pond appears. But it can no longer be called a pond. The water dries up completely on one side, the parched mud at the bottom cracking and turning up.  A little water is left on the other lower side, on which scatter birds, poking their beaks into the mud for food.  Prolonged draught endangers the ponds, and this so-called wetland is in a dire need of rain. 



A big carp in the muddy pond.

We only walked for an hour or so, less than 6000 steps, before we turned back. 

Three late dragon fruit flowers bloomed last night. The picture was taken this morning 8/12/2020.


The other two bloomed the next day (8/12/20) in the darkness when the night fell.  A bit lazy that night, I held off till the next morning to pollinate, but to find that the flower petals were no longer open at 9am:(( Wait and see if they can still bear fruits. The picture below taken in the morning of 08/13/2020.

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暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 菲儿周末好!很少出去走了,偶尔走一次就记下来,这两天在王妃玩疯了,博文都拉下很多。谢谢菲儿临博,祝暑安!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 回复 '淡然' 的评论 : +1竟然漏了这篇,我们这里公司发口罩!第一张片片像花海,好美!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '淡然' 的评论 : 淡然好,谢谢淡然来访,这就是日记,好久不写笔头就生了。这两天很热呢,据说全美都很热,祝淡然夏安!
淡然 回复 悄悄话 火龙果花好美!暖冬文采中英文俱佳,佩服!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '彩烟游士' 的评论 : 游士好! 今天和这个周末这里还高温呢,刚刚还停电,庚子年,天灾人祸。祝游士周末快乐,全家安康!
彩烟游士 回复 悄悄话 暖冬好!真干旱啊!中国到处是水灾。中国可以用水换美国得玉米啊!:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '蓬莱阁' 的评论 : 欢迎蓬莱阁! 也许吧,因为是以车为单位,车要开进去,所以堵在街上了。都说疫苗快了,希望吧,人真是让一个病毒捆住了手脚。谢谢你的留言,祝安康!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm好,谢谢你来阅读和comment,希望不是为了几个口罩,那天我们还在说,要真是地震了,发放救济会如何啊? 这水塘里的不能钓。我们很多年前跟朋友出去玩,也钓过一次,因为是高山湖,就看鱼儿欢腾跳跃,钓不到,最后好不容易钓到一条,结果其中有个小女孩看鱼挣扎的样子哭得不行,一定要放回去,我们只好把肚子里有鱼钩的鱼放回河里了。这火龙果虽然五朵都开花了,不知道能结几颗,大小如何,等着我继续拍给你们看。Oncemm周末快乐!
蓬莱阁 回复 悄悄话 很好的风景!

Once-always 回复 悄悄话 哦还有两朵在最后,还好。以为掉了两朵,我都心疼死。:)
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 喜欢读暖mm的英文小作,轻松随意又情景交融。我觉得啊,都是渔翁之意,跟你们两个一样,借机出来放放风,不会真为了那几个口罩。:) 这么大的鱼,能钓吗?我有一次跟渔船出去了4个小时,一条够上尺寸的都没钓到,还被晒成了大龙虾。火龙果的花太美了,只有三朵了?等着结果果。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓青' 的评论 : 谢谢晓青临博,所谓庚子年,天灾人祸,我们这里倒是一直干旱的。祝晓青安康!
晓青 回复 悄悄话 我们这里今年也缺水。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'xiaxi' 的评论 : 是啊,遐西,我们的第一反应是,怎么这么可怜啊? 可是人家开得都是好车的。是的,火龙果的花是很漂亮的,就是太短,晚上开,第二天中午就谢了。那天去那个保护区,人是很少,也可能是因为比较大。谢谢遐西临博!
xiaxi 回复 悄悄话 难以想象,这么多人排队领口罩!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : Thank you, my friend. I really need to drag him out more often. Otherwise, life is too boring, and it is not good for health.
I actually hand made three cotton face masks, two for my daughter and one for myself. Cotton masks are very comfortable to the mouth, and I normally wear two masks, one cotton inside and one regular outside. Hope we all stay safe and sound. Thanks again for reading and commenting.
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 We've been lucky so far. Since an old friend sent a box of masks to us months back, we had never paid any attention to them, except for visiting stores. For people waiting in the long line, that's part of their pursuit of happiness, I guess.

Yes. Go out often and get enough sunshine. It's good for you guys.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '南山松' 的评论 : 松松好! 今天我要请你喝茶,还有点心,广式点心。谢谢松松记得我,你人真好。我们这里常常大半年不下雨的,路旁的树都是靠灌溉的,每年的冬天早春下点雨,旱是常态,你们那里有台风龙卷风,真应该分一点的。这个火龙果开花后不一定能结果,人工授粉也可能失败,再说一枝上长那么多,到时候也是小小的。我会继续报道的。王府好热闹,大家一起开玩笑也开心的。谢谢松松夸赞,祝安好!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 暖暖的英文真好。你们那里那么缺雨啊,我们这里到了雨季了,三天两头下雨,能分给你们一些就好了。火龙果开花后,就可以结果了,到时就有火龙果吃了:)