

华裔警官梁彼得罪成 情绪崩溃 几近自残(组图)

(2016-02-12 07:01:04) 下一个



Peter Liang is convicted to manslaughter by an obvious accidental killing of an African-American man. I'm sicerely sorry about the loss of an innocent people and the loss for his family, but I can’t believe this sentence is not related to Liang's color. He is a Chinese-American, but also an Asian-American. His sentence means to you, all of you, your life, your family, and your chance to retire in one piece! Forgive my wording, but I’m completely disappointed by this utmost stupid jurisdiction, in the face of so many white cops walking away from killing innocent people without any consequences! Peter Liang is selected to be the escape goat for the whole flawed law-enforcement system! This is not conflict between Black and Yellow, nor is it between Black and police, but a conflict between the Colored and the distorted legislation system! We can't igore it, because the next could be a Black officer, or another Asian Officer! Colors unite! Colored life matters! I sincerely urge you do something, for Officer Liang, for the safty of the community, and for yourselft and your family!!!

Again: Colored Life Matters!

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奶茶哥哥 回复 悄悄话 我奶茶哥哥已经被封,发不出任何博文、跟帖评论。我能为小梁警官做的可能就这么多了;我会积极响应其他的方式。请大家坚持住,继续帮助他。
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