
約翰 丹佛 John Denver 和他的鄉村歌曲

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約翰 丹佛 John Denver 和他的鄉村歌曲


因飛機失事而英年早逝的美國著名歌手,作曲家及音樂製作人的約翰 丹佛是美國家喻戶曉的鄉村音樂最佳詮釋者。他的鄉村歌曲在六七十年代紅極一時,九七年去世後唱片更是大賣。丹佛一生錄製發行歌曲三百余首,其中大部分是他自己譜曲。許多經典的歌曲膾炙人口,傳唱今日,經久不衰。


鄉村路帶我回家” Take Me Home, Country Roads是丹佛最早自詞自曲自唱的歌曲之一,旋律優美輕快,朗朗上口,歌詞樸實,親近,描繪了習弗吉尼亞州美麗的鄉村風光。並勾起遊子思家思鄉之情。


也許是愛” Perhaps Love 是丹佛創作於與妻子感情破裂即將分手之際,心有感觸而發,寫成詞曲。歌詞真摯,坦承,平實無華,反應了作者當時錯綜複雜的心情。許多歌手都翻唱過此歌,最著名的版本當屬丹佛與著名美聲男高音多明哥的二重合作,也是美聲與流行的首次碰撞。




Perhaps love is like a resting place

A shelter from the storm

It exists to give you comfort

It is there to keep you warm

And in those times of trouble

When you are most alone

The memory of love will bring you home

Perhaps love is like a window

Perhaps an open door

It invites you to come closer

It wants to show you more

And even if you lose yourself

And don't know what to do

The memory of love will see you through

Oh, love to some is like a cloud

To some as strong as steel

For some a way of living

For some a way to feel

And some say love is holding on

And some say letting go

And some say love is everything

And some say they don't know

Perhaps love is like the ocean

Full of conflict, full of pain

Like a fire when it's cold outside

Or thunder when it rains

If I should live forever

And all my dreams come true

My memories of love will be of you

And some say love is holding on

And some say letting go

And some say love is everything

And some say they don't know

Perhaps love is like the ocean

Full of conflict, full of pain

Like a fire when it's cold outside

Or thunder when it rains

If I should live forever

And all my dreams come true

My memories of love will be of you


丹佛生前曾訪問過中國,還特地為訪問上海而作上海微風” Shanghai Breezes“ 一歌,也因為此歌,丹佛廣為國人所知。




鄉村路帶我回家” Take Me Home, Country Roads




也許是愛” Perhaps Love” 多明哥



陽光普照” Sunshine On My Shoulder



上海微風” Shanghai Breezes


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東雲子 回复 悄悄话 回复 '浅语忘忧' 的评论 :
浅语忘忧 回复 悄悄话 非常喜爱Shanghai Breezes。 1979年邓小平访美时,Denver在肯尼迪中心为邓小平表演了他的拿手曲目,也许是这个缘故,Denver便在1980年访问中国,成为第一个访问新中国的西方歌手。据说Shanghai Breezes饱含了他对上海的赞美也深含了他对已离异前妻的怀念。 只有细听他本人唱Shanghai Breezes,才能听出Shanghai Breezes的John Denver 歌声里渗透的凄爱。