河滨国家公墓是全美国家公墓里最大的一个,占地1,236英亩。它离儿子家不太远,今年元月2日我又去看看。挺喜欢它的环境,庄严肃穆、恬静幽美。硕大的陵园,草地上墓碑不显山不露水地整齐排列。远看是草地, 近看才能看到平平的墓碑。所以这陵园也为市民提供了一个绿化场所。有些中国人可能忌讳到这些地方。
先看看进门不远处的园林,在沙漠地带有一汪湖水就比较难得, 不管是人造的还是天然的。蓝天白云下在弯弯曲曲的小径上走走,恍惚间以为在公园里呢。
纪念碑的两面, 今天上午(3/16/2021)路过又进去补拍了几张。
我芝加哥郊区家所在的那条街,住了一个老退伍军人,他的两个儿子都步他的后尘,先后参军,退伍, 工作。按他的说法他有自己的工资收入,每月还有国家的补贴,看病去退伍军人医院。真是生老病死有依靠。还有朋友的儿子复员后继续念大学,学费也有津贴, 基本上不用花钱。因为美国是志愿兵制,中国人很少去参军,这个便宜不沾,命为贵。
园区很大,这个湖比入口处的湖更大,湖里有鸭子。老兵们结伴来看战友了,穿着黑色的皮夹克。 我没好意思拍人, 用他们的车代替了。
这个公墓紧邻高速公路215西边,take exit Van Buren Boulevard。而高速公路215出口的东边就是March Field Air Museum,一家军用飞机博物馆。两个景点之间隔了一条高速,又都是与军队有关,就把它们归在一篇里了,也建议一次参观两处。
我虽然不是军事迷, 也被它的飞机收藏震撼了。多年前去过俄亥俄州的Dayton 军用飞机博物馆,那里的飞机又老又小。不像这里都是近代的大家伙。
如果没有记错的话上面这个飞机应该是Lockheed SR-71 Blackbirds,In 1976, more than ten years after its first flight the SR-71 set two world records for its class with a speed of 2,193.167 mph and an altitude of 85,068.997 feet. 这个速度迄今还没有被超越。因为速度太快飞机表面温度会达到1000度(F),它的涂层可想而知要求多高。据博物馆工作人员说,开一次非常昂贵。现在SR-72正在研制中, 预计2025问世。在博物馆的网站上,这个飞机分类为Spy,侦探机。
Guard Post SR-71
Operational Period 1964-1998
As a National Strategic Asset critical to the defense of the United States, SR-71 Blackbirds were under the constant protection of members of the United States Air
Force Security Forces.
Boeing B-52D Stratofortress,我们年轻时B52轰炸机就如雷贯耳,现在看到实物了,真是大呀。
The B-52 is considered the longest serving front-line military aircraft in aviation history. With air-to air refueling, B52s are a truly global aircraft and have flown nonstop around the world, some 24,000 miles. B-52 bombers were considered the weapon the enemy feared most in the Vietnam War. B-52Ds would fly too high to be seen or heard, dropping over one hundred 500-lb bombs each.
The BUFFS (Big Ugly Fat Fellows) have survived wars, modernization and remained in the active Air Force inventory for almost 50 years. Our air croft accumulated more than 200 combat missions in the Vietnam War, which lasted from 1966-1975.
55-0679 is on loan from the U.S. Air Force Museum. (谷歌从我的照片把文字提取出来, 好厉害)。
下面的飞机说明书是Google extracts text from my photo。F-111 战斗轰炸机好厉害,速度可以超过两倍的音速。
General Dynamics FB-111A
The versatile "swing wing" F-111 entered the USAF inventory in 1967. It could exceed twice the speed of sound by sweeping its wings rearward. F-111s (A,FB,C,D,E,F) were developed as fighter-bombers. The F-111 series could carry nuclear, conventional and laser-guided bombs. Its terrain-following radar allowed the aircraft to fly at very low levels under enemy radar coverage. The SAC version FB-111 had longer wings and strengthened landing gear. F-111 aircraft were used effectively during Vietnam (1968-73), Libya (1986), Desert Storm (1991).
Emergency separation from the aircraft utilized a rocket-powered module which protected the crew and descended by parachutes. The FB-111 was retired in 1991.
68-245 is on loan from the U.S. Air Force Museum.