2015年您第一次访问美国的时候,我们就曾给您写过信,反映我们在中国的退休权益问题,并刊登在2015年9月25日的《世界日报》C 5 版上。
目前,中国国内对待加入外籍的前中国公民的几十年中国工龄不予承认的做法,如同对待参加朝鲜战争的志愿军 "战俘 ”。这些当年 的战俘们就是因为爱国才坚持要回国的。他们中的代表人物是蒋庆“泉,电影《英雄儿女》中王成的原型人物。时隔半个多世纪之后,蒋庆泉的事迹得到认可,并给予了平反。今天,我们的境遇类同蒋庆泉的境遇。我们不想再等半个世纪。这件事必须让您知道。
从 2008年到2018年,十多年来,我们的上诉材料都存放在国内有关部门,每年的 “二会 ”期间都有人大代表,政协委员为我们提案,可是,每年都无果而终。所以,必须由您亲自过问。
祝新年好 !
李新纪 ( 达拉斯) 郭 志 ( 纽约)
当移民美国的时候,已经人到中年,在美国工作的时间仅有十几年,甚至更少。退休金微薄。移民之前,我们在中国工作了20-30 年,甚至更长。但是,中国政府对加入外籍的前公民的工龄不予承认了,因此,就剥夺了我们应得的中国退休权益。
我们这批人是20世纪 80 ’年代至2000年前后出国的,总共有几万人。2016年的大选中是您的支持者,希望您为我们做一件我们无法做到的事。
李新纪 (达拉斯) 郭志 (纽约)
To The White House 2/07/2019
President Office
Dear President Donnad Tromp,
Today we write to you, entrust you, or your representative to forward a letter to the Chinese President.
We are American citizens, former Chinese citizens.
Most of them have retired, or are about to retire. When these people immigrated to the United States, they were in their middle-aged, working in the United States for only more than 10 years, or even less. Thus Pension is very low. Before immigration, they worked in China for 20-30 years, or even longer.
However, the Chinese government does not recognize the length of service of former citizens who have joined foreign nationals, thus depriving them of their due retirement rights.
Mr. Zhi GUO and I are representatives of these people. These people have been negotiating with the Chinese government for more than 10 years since 2008 to 2018, and nothing has been achieved. As you have said, the matter between China and the United States must be done jointly by you and President Xi Jin ping. We firmly believe that you are right.
Therefore, write to you, entrust you, or your representative to forward a letter from us to President Xi Jin ping. Our group of people went abroad from last 80 ' to around 2000, with a total of tens of thousands of people.
The 2016 election we were your supporter, and I hope you to do something for these people this time that they can't.
Wish you a good wish!
Xinji LI (Dallas) Zhi GUO (New York)