雅美之途 (热门博主)
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(2020-07-20 18:22:41) 下一个




最原始的事件开始于示威群众要求圣市市长Lyda Krewson下台,因为她不小心将要求撤销警察局或减警察经费的示威人士的名单和地址公布,这样激怒了部分群众。示威群众闯入我们不能随便入内的私人小区,麦律师夫妇以手枪和半自动步枪相迎,网络的便利使他们持枪的视频风传全球。需要指出的是Krewson市长的前任丈夫就是被罪犯枪杀的,她当然不会支持取消警察局,而盖特勒是位党派色彩很浓的检察官,她甚至对城里的有些罪犯都不起诉。


麦律师的私人律师Schwartz 称“这个起诉令人沮丧,坚定认为麦律师夫妇没有犯任何罪”。Schwartz强调:“保护言论自由的宪法第一条修正案必须与第二条修正案和密苏里法律相平衡,使我们能保护自己的房子和家庭遭遇威胁”。这位律师强调:“基于密苏里法律和城堡法律条款,麦律师的行为100%在法律允许的范围内”。麦律师死口咬定他们的生命遭遇到了威胁,并且称如果再发生类似的情况,他们仍然会做同样的自卫。


密苏里联邦共和党参议员耶鲁校友Josh Hawley甚至致电美国司法部,要求联邦调查盖特勒在此事上滥用职权的行为,盖特勒则抱怨参议员不应该参与这个当地的案件。这个爆炸性新闻呈现两极的公众反应,麦律师夫妇和检察官盖特勒都遭遇到来自不同民众的死亡威胁。

我们小区的唯一不带锁的出口。非常时期为了限制外人出入,把英语用到了极致:“Closed”, “No outlet”, “No Trespassing”; “Dead end”[偷笑][偷笑][偷笑]



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无言无语无声 回复 悄悄话 收集证据看是否 足够反诉 prosecutorial misconduct. 公器私用。
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 @橡溪:

Two other reasons the professor's reasoning does not stand are:
1. The child at least has an excuse to trespass on private property which is to retrieve his ball while the protesters have none.
2. The McCloskeys did neither shoot nor kill as the professor falsely tries to establish in his absurd analogy.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 @橡溪:

The professor is clearly and deliberately biased, feigning ignorance of common sense and trying to muddle the water. There is a substantial and essential difference between a child running in to get a ball and a mob deliberately and violently not only breaking down but destroying a clearly shut iron gate of a high stone-walled private complex along with a sign clearly signaling the enclosed area as private. There have been countless and very recent videos showing what violence and damage such a mob is capable of exacting on private peaceful private citizens and properties, all in stark contrast to the behavior of an innocent child.
橡溪 回复 悄悄话 Asked about Monday’s charges, St. Louis University law professor John Ammann said, “It makes a lot of difference that the protesters were not on their property, according to the videos.” If the protesters were on their property, the reasons matter, he added, giving as an example someone picking up a water bottle that had been dropped or thrown. “Under the McCloskeys’ theory, they could shoot and kill a child running on their property to get a ball they were playing with,” he said.
He also said that the fact that the McCloskeys lived on a private street didn’t matter.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 @橡溪:

That is true. That was why it was specifically said that the Missouri Attorney General "moved to dismiss" the charges. We will see how the judge handle the case.

Besides, judging from the temperament of Mr. McCloskey as characterized by the blogger, I won't be surprise if he embraces this opportunity to boost his notability through the high profile trial of this case, especially when he enjoys over-whelming support of home and property owners.
橡溪 回复 悄悄话 "Missouri's attorney general, Eric Schmitt, filed an amicus brief asking that the charges be dismissed." He can only "filed an amicus", but can't dismiss the charges.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 回复 '枪迷球迷' 的评论 :

Cannot agree more!
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 This Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is trampling on the right of people to defend themselves and particularly Missouri's Castle Doctrine. She needs to be reprimanded. Fortunately Missouri Attorney General moved to dismiss the felony charges filed by Kim Gardner. https://www.foxnews.com/us/missouri-ag-moves-to-dismiss-charges-against-couple-who-pointed-guns-at-crowd

橡溪 回复 悄悄话 刚才见到的那两条谈麦律师案涉及的法律问题评论,怎么转眼就被什么人删了贴?
文取心 回复 悄悄话 这个检察官盖特勒就跟希特勒半字之差。左棍上台的话,希特勒自愧不如。
Rubin717 回复 悄悄话 放心,总统赦免权…关键是要选淳朴2020
枪迷球迷 回复 悄悄话 这起诉要能让12个陪审员一致判罪才怪了。
枪迷球迷 回复 悄悄话 左派把司法政治化到了空前的高度。 用国家机器打击不同政见者。一旦当权后果不堪设想。
格利 回复 悄悄话 支持麦律师持枪保护性命和财产。
雅美之途 回复 悄悄话 回复 '橡溪' 的评论 : It has been changed.
橡溪 回复 悄悄话 检察官。Kimberly M. Gardner is the Circuit Attorney (chief prosecutor) for the City of St. Louis, Missouri.