记得当年住在日本时,最爱逛的就是雑貨店。但刚到日本时,看到店名某某雑貨屋,还以为是国内那种卖廉价杂货用品的呢。不过日本的雑貨,日语发音是 zakka, 不是那种廉价的。
Wikipedia 上的原文定义是这样的。
Zakka (from the Japanese 'zak-ka' (雑貨) or 'many things') is a fashion and design phenomenon that has spread from Japan throughout Asia . The term refers to everything and anything that improves your home, life and appearance. It is often based on household items from the West that are regarded as kitsch in their countries of origin, but it can also be Japanese goods, mainly from the fifties, sixties, and seventies. In Japan there are also so-called Asian zakka stores; that usually refers to Southeast Asia . The interest in Nordic design or Scandinavian design , both contemporary and past, is also part of this zakka movement. Zakka can also be contemporary handicraft .
Zakka has also been described as "the art of seeing the savvy in the ordinary and mundane". The zakka boom could be recognized as merely another in a series of consumer fads, but it also touches issues of self-expression and spirituality. "Cute, corny and kitschy is not enough. To qualify as a zakka, a product must be attractive, sensitive, and laden with subtext."
日本的雑貨屋从外观的装饰上就能感到时尚,对于 90 年代初来到日本的我,那真是刘姥姥进大观园,看什麽都好都新奇。可惜那时没有照下来我喜欢的雑貨屋。从网上找了几张,不过没有记忆中我喜欢的好。
1。 雑貨店外观
2。 日本的雑貨
住在日本头几年,只看不买 。一是因为不知会在日本呆多长时间, 没有家的感觉,二是那时还在艰苦奋斗中。但在要离开日本来美国时,决定说什麽也要买几样留作纪念。
5。 日本漆盘
7. 日本木偶