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(2011-08-31 14:34:59) 下一个
Several years ago, my aunt ask me to live in her house for 2 weeks, because she has to go back to China for that period of time. So I stay, pick up mails and such. However, I always feel I heard some noise in the house, but I made promise, so I continue stay.

One day, my boyfriend ( who is my current husband ) visit me. When we try to hug and kiss each other upstairs while watching TV, I hear the voice of my aunt, she is talking to someone and come upstairs. I immediately push my boyfriend away. I ask my boyfriend if he hear anything, he told me he heard my uncle's voice and he's coming upstairs. Of course, we checked, there is nobody in the house.

My aunt and uncle still live in that house, don't know whether they can hear their own voice.

Above is true story of mine.
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taro_g 回复 悄悄话 楼下的同学们,我很想说这是我编的,不过这个是偶以前的亲身经历。
忧忧国愁 回复 悄悄话
Ha,Ha,Ha, I think this only story!
贴心宝贝 回复 悄悄话 典型的心有灵犀兼心里有鬼。哈哈哈~
九月独处 回复 悄悄话 Wow, this is amazing!~ A very nice story~~
