Before all things began, before all things there was the Word. The Word was there with God before all things and he himself was God All things through him were made and without him was nothing made All things through him were made and without him was nothing made that's made. And in the Word was life, the life was light for humankind The light keeps shining in the darkness, the darkness does not comprehend
The Word became a man, a man who lived with us a while And we his glory saw, the glory of the Father's only Son For full of grace was he, for he was full of truth and grace And from his fullness we have all had kindness after kindness. No-one has ever seen God, God's only Son has made him known No-one has ever seen God, God's only Son has made him known He came into the world, into the world which he had made He came to his own place and his own people did not welcome him And yet all those who did receive him, he made them children of God And yet all those who did receive him, he made them children of God.
Before all things began, before all things there was the Word The Word became a man and lived among us to make us children of God