
老农只有一亩薄田。 老农除养家糊口外,还想胡诌几句。老农的所见所闻,可能对大家有点用。。。


(2010-03-21 17:58:21) 下一个

众议院就要通过参议院的医改版本了。众议院宣称目前已有足够的票数,〉 = 216 的票数通过医改法案 。众议院通过参议院的法案后,奥巴马会发布一项总统命令, 不许用联邦经费帮助买含有人工流产的保险,以满足部分保守的众议院民主党人的要求。之后,根据议会条例,参议院应众议院的要求修改医改法案中只和预算有关的条款,符合国会的和解程序。修改后的医改法案 ,只需要51 票就可通过参议院,参议院民主党有59 票,通过法案毫无悬念。修改后的参议院法案,经奥巴马签署后,马上就可成为法律。

我的许多朋友都有过失业后买不起保险的经历,有绿卡的父母无法在美看病,医疗保险费在过去十年内增加了 600% 。这一切都将改变!


参议院医改法案 Senate (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)

众议院医改法案 House (Affordable Health Care for America Act)


两院版本都寻求让医疗保险覆盖百分之 94 到百分之 96 之间的美国人,目前的覆盖率只有百分之 83 ,这意味着多覆盖大约 3 千万人。

About 94 percent of legal residents under age 65 — compared with 83 percent now. Government subsidies to help buy coverage start in 2014. Of the remaining 24 million people under age 65 left uninsured, about one-third would be illegal immigrants.

健康保险覆盖面将达到 94% 。政府补贴从 2014 年开始,不资助非法移民。

About 96 percent of legal residents under age 65 — compared with 83 percent now. Government subsidies to help buy coverage start in 2013. About one-third of the remaining 18 million people under age 65 left uninsured would be illegal immigrants.

健康保险覆盖面将达到 96% 。

政府补贴从 2013 年开始,不资助非法移民。


参众两院医改立法耗资都在 8 千亿美元以上

Coverage provisions cost $871 billion over 10 years.

参议院医改法案 10 年将耗资 8,710 亿美元。

The Congressional Budget Office says the bill's cost of expanding insurance coverage over 10 years is $1.055 trillion. The net cost is $894 billion, factoring in penalties on individuals and employers who don't comply with new requirements. That's under President Barack Obama's $900 billion goal. However, those figures leave out a variety of new costs in the bill, including increased prescription drug coverage for seniors under Medicare, so the measure may be around $1.2 trillion

众议院版本 10 年的花费投入超过 1 万亿美元,突破奥巴马医改议案支出上限 9000 亿美元。



Fees on insurance companies, drugmakers, medical device manufacturers. Medicare payroll tax increased to 2.35 percent on income over $200,000 a year for individuals, $250,000 for couples. A 10 percent sales tax on tanning salons, to be paid by the person soaking up the rays. Cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. Forty percent excise tax on insurance companies, keyed to premiums paid on health care plans costing more than $8,500 annually for individuals and $23,000 for families. Fees for employers whose workers receive government subsidies to help them pay premiums. Fines on people who fail to purchase coverage.

参议院医改法案中,首先对医保公司,制药商,医医保器材公司收费,二是对年收入超过 20 万美元的单身人士、超过 25 万美元的夫妇,其老年医保工薪税将提高至 2.35% ;三是对于每年医保保费超过 8500 元的单身人士、超过 2.3 万美元的夫妇,就其高额保单征收 40% 的消费税;四是对有超过 50 个员工并使用政府健康保险补贴的企业收取罚金。

$460 billion over the next decade from new income taxes on single people making more than $500,000 a year and couples making more than $1 million.

There are also more than $400 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid; a new $20 billion fee on medical device makers; $13 billion from limiting contributions to flexible spending accounts; sizable penalties paid by individuals and employers who don't obtain coverage; and a mix of other corporate taxes and fees.

众议院医改法案对最富有的人收税,对于收入超过 500,000 元的单身人士、收入超过一百万美元的夫妇,依照他们的收入的一部分收税。

REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS: 绝大多数美国人将被要求获得某种形式的保险,否则将面临罚金。

Almost everyone must get coverage through an employer, on their own or through a government plan. Exemptions for economic hardship. Those who are obligated to buy coverage and refuse to do so would pay a fine starting at $95 in 2014 and rising to $750.

参议院医改法案要求大多数人参加健康保险否则交罚金,罚金金额从 2014 年的 95 美元开始,在 2016 年将增加到 750 美元。

Individuals must have insurance, enforced through a tax penalty of 2.5 percent of income. People can apply for hardship waivers if coverage is unaffordable.

众议院医改法案要求大多数人参加健康保险否则交罚金,罚金金额是个人收入的 2.5% 。



Not required to offer coverage, but companies with more than 50 employees would pay a fee of $750 per employee if the government ends up subsidizing employees' coverage.

参议院医改法案没有要求雇主提供健康保险,对有超过 50 个员工并使用政府健康保险补贴的企业收取罚金。

Employers must provide insurance to their employees or pay a penalty of 8 percent of payroll. Companies with payrolls under $500,000 annually are exempt.

Small businesses — those with 10 or fewer workers — get tax credits to help them provide coverage.

众议院医改法案要求雇主提供健康保险,但公司总工资支出低于 500,000 美元的企业被除外。



Tax credits for individuals and families likely making up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, which computes to $88,200 for a family of four. Tax credits for small employers.

参议院医改法案的健康保险补贴范围包括了在联邦贫困线收入的 4 倍(对一个四口的家庭现在是年收入 88,000 美元)。扩展了医疗补助项目联邦贫困线收入的 133% 标准。

Individuals and families with annual income up to 400 percent of poverty level, or $88,000 for a family of four, would get sliding-scale subsidies to help them buy coverage. The subsidies would begin in 2013.

众议院医改法案的健康保险补贴范围也包括了在联邦贫困线收入的 4 倍(对一个四口的家庭现在是年收入 88,000 美元)。它将帮助医疗补助项目低收入个人和家庭支付预防费用和体检费用。



All plans sold to individuals and small businesses would have to cover basic benefits. The government would set four levels of coverage. The least generous would pay an estimated 60 percent of health care costs per year; the most generous would cover an estimated 90 percent

保险产品必须涵盖最基本的保险标准,政府制订四个保险支付水平(支付 60% 到 90% 不等)。保险公司出保险产品。

A committee would recommend a so-called essential benefits package including preventive services. Out-of-pocket costs would be capped. The new benefit package would be the basic benefit package offered in the exchange.




Starting in 2014: no denial of coverage based on pre-existing conditions. No higher premiums allowed for pre-existing conditions or gender. Limits on higher premiums based on age and family size. Starting upon enactment of legislation: children up to age 26 can stay on parents insurance; no lifetime limits on coverage.

参议院版本将于 2014 年开始完全禁止私人保险公司基于已患病或者性别的原因拒绝向客户提供保险,或者提高保险费用。对基于年龄提高保险费用进行限制。 26 岁以下的子女可留在父母的计划里得到医疗保险的覆盖。

Starting in 2013, no denial of coverage based on pre-existing conditions. No higher premiums allowed for pre-existing conditions or gender. Limits on higher premiums based on age.

众议院版本将于 2013 年开始完全禁止私人保险公司基于已患病或性别的原因拒绝向客户提供保险,或者提高保险费用。对基于年龄提高保险费用进行限制。



In place of a government-run insurance option, the estimated 26 million Americans purchasing coverage through new insurance exchanges would have the option of signing up for national plans overseen by the same office that manages health coverage for federal employees and members of Congress. Those plans would be privately owned, but one of them would have to be operated on a nonprofit basis, as many Blue Cross Blue Shield plans are now.


A new public plan available through the insurance exchanges would be set up and run by the health and human services secretary. Democrats originally designed the plan to pay Medicare rates plus 5 percent to doctors. But the final version — preferred by moderate lawmakers — would let the HHS secretary negotiate rates with providers.



Self-employed people, uninsured individuals and small businesses could pick a plan offered through new state-based purchasing pools. Would generally encourage employees to keep work-provided coverage.

Beginning in 2013, through a new Health Insurance Exchange open to individuals and, initially, small employers. It could be expanded to large employers over time. States could opt to operate their own exchanges in place of the national exchange if they follow federal rules.


Grants 12 years of market protection to high-tech drugs used to combat cancer, Parkinson's and other deadly diseases. Drug companies contribute $80 billion over 10 years with the majority of the money used to limit the prescription coverage gap in Medicare.

Grants 12 years of market protection to high-tech drugs used to combat cancer, Parkinson's and other deadly diseases. Phases out the gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage by 2019. Requires the HHS secretary to negotiate drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries.


Income eligibility levels likely to be standardized to 133 percent of poverty — $29,327 a year for a family of four — for parents, children and pregnant women. Federal government would pick up the full cost of the expansion during the first three years. States could negotiate with insurers to arrange coverage for people with incomes slightly higher than the cutoff for Medicaid.

The federal-state insurance program for the poor would be expanded to cover all individuals under age 65 with incomes up to 150 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $33,075 per year for a family of four. The federal government would pick up the full cost of the expansion in 2013 and 2014; thereafter the federal government would pay 91 percent and states would pay 9 percent


New voluntary long-term care insurance program would provide a basic benefit designed to help seniors and disabled people avoid going into nursing homes.

New voluntary long-term care insurance program would provide a basic benefit designed to help seniors and disabled people avoid going into nursing homes.


Maintains the health insurance industry's decades-old antitrust exemption.


Would strip the health insurance industry of a long-standing exemption from antitrust laws covering market allocation, price-fixing and bid rigging. The bill also would give the Federal Trade Commission authority to look into the health insurance industry at its own initiative.




Would be barred from receiving government subsidies or using their own money to buy coverage offered by private companies in the exchanges.


Would be barred from receiving government subsidies but permitted to use their own money to buy coverage offered by private companies in the exchange.




The bill tries to maintain a strict separation between taxpayer funds and private premiums that would pay for abortion coverage. No health plan would be required to offer coverage for the procedure. In plans that do cover abortion, beneficiaries would have to pay for it separately, and those funds would have to be kept in a separate account from taxpayer money. Moreover, individual states would be able to prohibit abortion coverage in plans offered through the exchange, after passing specific legislation to that effect. Exceptions would be made for cases of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother.


Private companies in the exchange could not offer plans covering abortion if those plans received federal subsidy money. Most plans in the exchange would be affected, because most consumers in the exchange would be using federal subsidy money to buy coverage. The new government plan could not offer abortion coverage. Insurance companies would be permitted to offer supplemental abortion coverage in separate plans that people could buy with their own money. Use of federal money for abortion coverage would be limited to cases of rape, incest or danger to the woman's life.


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雨辰26 回复 悄悄话 回复llbyw的评论:
雨辰26 回复 悄悄话 北美老农:你写得好!完全赞成!!!
llbyw 回复 悄悄话 放心,没有医改子孙后代一样也要付比现在高的多的税, 美国的过渡消费已经好几代人,子孙后代得替好几代人还债已经是不争的事实。

现在即使大家都为医改付出一些(这个不好说),给子孙后代一个相对有保障的医疗系统,是很值的。尤其是我们这些中国人,身在他乡,本来就无所依靠,有个大病小灾的又没人帮衬,现在至少你不会因为没保险付不起医疗费等死,你还不支持,之只能说一句,are you out of your mind?

safying 回复 悄悄话 抽全球的血去谋自己的战争利益是聪明坏人,借钱去满足部分内需是笨好人。
mamamia99 回复 悄悄话 回复lapis的评论:


千千万万中国普通百姓多希望有医保,但中国政府没有这个条件,也没有这个良心 - 你也跟着瞎嚷嚷啥呢?你感谢奥巴马还来不及呢!你难道变成了美国南方农民,一听社会主义就要抄来福枪???

美国医疗保险支出比任何一个实行医保的国家都要高,还有3200完没有医疗保险。。。改革势在必行,共和党执政也要改,现在因为是民主党执政,共和党就开始用共产主义和社会主义忽悠百姓 - 您不幸也是个没头脑。。。
lapis 回复 悄悄话 这是自己借债让子孙还钱的缺德事。
buzz 回复 悄悄话 跟老农一起开心!