
小时候总想不明白为什么老一辈总说要“买房子,置地”。 我爷爷的爷爷就是个地主。现在,我自己是地主了。我终于明白了我的爷爷的道理!

房价Fair Market Value低于Loan amout贷款,what to do?

(2009-01-21 18:18:19) 下一个
Every decision has its pros and cons. Here is my 2 cents:Pro: Savings Con:1.If you 房子交银行, the default of mortgage record will show on your credit report for up to 7 years. You may not qualifiy for another loan during this period of time. If you don't plan to get into real estate market, give up your current house is not a bad idea. If you plan to invest in real estate, keep a good credit score is very important.2. No one knows where is the bottom of the market. From what I see in Sacrametno area, which is 30 mins away from vacaville, good deals go fast. There are fair amount investors are from bay area. I don't know if this is happening in vacaville. If this is true, the price in 3 years may not be as low as you thought.3. If you are paying a lot of income tax, mortgage help you lower your tax rate.
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