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(2011-01-25 00:01:44) 下一个


















在去年3月,印第安纳州著名的普度大学,由土木工程师们为各个城市开了一堂课程。这个课程的名字,就叫做“Back to the Stone Age”,神马意思?就是“回到石器时代”。








前面一些城市,还是回到Stone Age 有的城市就是回到Dark Age (中世纪黑暗时代)。比如华盛顿州的Shelton市更绝,整个城市有860盏街灯,现在是关掉了114个。晚上城市的街道上,黑咕隆冬,看你还敢不敢上街。














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李白 回复 悄悄话 “在美国的州之下,存在着一级政府,叫做County,有人翻译成县。其实这个县如果对应的是日本那个县,还说得过去。但是对中国人来讲,就会产生误解。”

actuarysunny 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了,还有拿到阿富汗和伊拉克去建设民主了。Not true!
Fed pays Social Security benefits. Fed pays Medicare expenses and half of Medicaid expenses. Fed pays part of highway construction expenses. Fed funds scientific researchs and a lot of high education, and more.
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 再请教下跳蚤:
ahhhh 回复 悄悄话 至少很大一部分的税金去付了政府退休人员的退休金,却在同时裁掉在职的人和服务。经济不好谁都懂,为什么有部分人可以豁免却要其它人买单。
flea 回复 悄悄话 to hammerhead:

Obviously, you are not a long time follower to op, and it is kinda hard for a new comer to grasp op's sense of humor. What op was referring is the bailout money. And the banks or institutes that was bailed out by tax payers did not refrain themselves from giving out big bonus to their executives.
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 what's going on? one click, messed up, haha, please delete, thanks
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
hammerhead 回复 悄悄话 然后联邦政府,就把这些钱,拿去给华尔街发红包和奖金了?

The federal tax (income and biz) spending is listed on 1040. take a look at the chart, one would know where the money goes.
Amerian has a poor goverment and rich people while China in general has a rich goverment and poor people (majority)
不开窍 回复 悄悄话 补充: 总体上,地方政府的腐败现象要甚于联邦政府. 不是不够花费,而是over spending. 你所在的城市,建筑许可证收入减少了80%,只有前些年的20%, 建筑工人80%失业.building department 裁员了没有? 一个也没裁. 裁员,减少浪费,正其时也!
程公子 回复 悄悄话 另外,房产税率可以变动的,房产估值并不是关键。
程公子 回复 悄悄话 希望井大能提供美国各地地税/国税比例,让我们有个数字上的概念。
wen169 回复 悄悄话 美国联邦政府收的主要是企业盈利和个人所得税吧。我听说美国从来没有实行过联邦一级的销售税,这是咋个原因?加拿大是有的。
程公子 回复 悄悄话 tibuko可以反驳啊,比如某某州某某市即使房产价格下跌,税收下降,还是一样的治安良好,夜不闭户。。
tibuko 回复 悄悄话 跟一个说美国要被黄巾军起义推翻的人有什么好讨论的。切。
小四妹 回复 悄悄话 这个tibuko总是发表些无意义的一句评论,如果有不同意见,干嘛不阐述出来?大家可以讨论.
tibuko 回复 悄悄话 不知道是不懂,还是故意误导。