

借文下雨-随笔059-无名的two cents

(2009-04-15 01:35:22) 下一个
I totally agree that marriage IS all about compromise. Sometimes we may even wonder where the sweet love we used to have went. None of that seems to remain after years of marriage. All we are doing day after day is endless tolerance. But then, 20 or 30 or 40 years later, or even longer than that, we realize that the compromise itself was love we've been seeking for, deeper than the romance we had at the very begining, for without that no couple could walk through worst days hand in hand. I am not there yet.

As for my 2 cents on your case, it surely would help if you talk to the boyfriend ahead of time and come to a kind of agreement with him. But my experience said such agreement might not last once the couple become a family. A good example is how easily we forget about our wedding vows when we are in conflicts. I can die for my hubby, but I can not bear with his not taking a shower before going to bed! So yeh, just as C said, "love is not just a feeling, it is a decision. A decision to make it work no matter what." This man may remain unchanged, do you not love him because he has this problem? Or are you determined to love him no matter what? If you are determined, make sure you are aware what it takes - life-long compromise. We exercise love by that means. If love were an easy task, and anyone could do it easily, it wouldn't be as valuable and meaningful.

Yes, it's all about love. Believe it or not, I often think it's easier to love an enemy than a spouse, because we do not live with our enemies every day.


很难得我今天在网上抓住了她,借着追问阿小J的生日party的事情跟她聊了会儿。借着这个生日party又顺便探讨了一下前两天PP在幸福花里问过的那个问题,具体的内容我就不转贴过来了。不过无名送了上面那一段'two cents'给我,并且批准我张贴在我的博客,借此作为筹码,让我转告一下三丰子,她最近看了本好书,叫做《佐贺的超级阿嬷》。她没写读后感,所以我既然传了这个话,就等着三丰子读完了给咱上读后感吧。:) 当然了,她之所以想到跟三丰子推荐这本书,是因为我把三丰子在阿小葛博客提到她最近看的那本书当传话筒给传过去了,无名这是投桃报李。至于那本书是什么,不知道的可以等三丰子来解答。

无名的two cents来源于她给一个朋友博客的回复。我不太知道人家是否同意转载,就不擅自提供链接了。大家别怪我。

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阅读 ()评论 (28)
胖妮 回复 悄悄话 "听起来还不错,大家不要太惦记了。" - Yes, Ma'am. :)


--- 100% ZT
南山松 回复 悄悄话 无名写得真好.

阿贝 回复 悄悄话 希望无名给咱们多拨些款项:))
歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复Aerie的评论:
Aerie 回复 悄悄话 说得好不如做的好,共勉共勉
饼姐姐 回复 悄悄话 所以说嘛,我这么一心一意的忠心爱戴丰子三是有原因的


明亮 回复 悄悄话 回复三丰子和一霖的评论:说真好。所以说,重要的是培养爱的能力。无名怎么回国以后反而写英文了呢?:)
一霖 回复 悄悄话 回复三丰子的评论:
三丰子 回复 悄悄话 沙发沙发。请郑重转告无名,我一看英文就头痛!请说中文,再重新写一遍她的二分钱!

Aprilflower6 回复 悄悄话 "marriage IS all about compromise....All we are doing day after day is endless tolerance....compromise itself was love"

看得我晕晕地,不知道是 I am not there yet,还是 I am taking a different route :-)

"love is not just a feeling, it is a decision."
Fake it till you feel it? hehe :))
jwayne_1 回复 悄悄话 wow, agree a lot. i can even think one's hubby may have this question: i can die for you, how come you can't even tolerate me once not taking a shower and go to bed?

then what's next? the right answer is: take a damn shower, how hard is it? the wrong answer is: tolerate once, how hard is it? :)
我是幸运儿 回复 悄悄话 "听起来还不错,大家不要太惦记了。" - Yes, Ma'am. :)


warmginger 回复 悄悄话 和秦西一样喜欢这句话:"love is not just a feeling, it is a decision. A decision to make it work no matter what."
花朵 回复 悄悄话 回复小泥山的评论:
Sometimes I think one's worst enemy is one self though---哈哈,同意,人最大的敌人是人自己:)

Convincing yourself to give up on something you can’t get is a life long lesson to learn.--Agree, again:) that's the time when compromise is needed:)

Greetings to all the friends downstairs!---抄袭^_^

小泥山 回复 悄悄话 "The compromise itself was love we've been seeking for, deeper than the romance we had at the very beginning"

-- I totally agree! But I know a close friend of mine wouldn't agree with this, and we always tease each other :))

"It's easier to love an enemy than a spouse"

-- haha, I can understand that feeling. Sometimes I think one's worst enemy is one self though. Convincing yourself to give up on something you can’t get is a life long lesson to learn.

Greetings to all the friends downstairs!
PP. 回复 悄悄话 回复歌儿的评论:
PP. 回复 悄悄话 回复秦西的评论:
同样喜欢那句。。。。"love is not just a feeling, it is a decision. A decision to make it work no matter what." 麦片说得好, compromise是两个人的事。

秦西 回复 悄悄话 pp又出来活动了,看来最近闲了一些。。。:))

俺也挺想无名的。"love is not just a feeling, it is a decision. A decision to make it work no matter what." ----很喜欢这句。同意麦片,爱是两个人的事,妥协努力都是两个人的事。如果指望一个来负重完成,另一方做为个体就太失败了。

mycereal 回复 悄悄话 我自带个exercise mat来坐吧,呵呵。

歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复夏之虫的评论:
歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复PP.的评论:
歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复Yandangshan的评论:
夏之虫 回复 悄悄话 这才一分钟---就让PP妹妹抢先啦!
夏之虫 回复 悄悄话 Yandangshan我和你一起挤挤吧!
PP. 回复 悄悄话 回复Yandangshan的评论:
你在哪呀? 可以坐歌的沙发,不会离我不远吧...

PP. 回复 悄悄话 啊! 板凳! 板凳!
Yandangshan 回复 悄悄话 沙发。

