“I'm sorry for my problems and health issues. I have contacted AT&T wireless and will try for other records with the airline later. United's office was closed when I arrived home.
I have been watching the credit cards Annie had and there have been no purchases.
I did go to the attorney yet. I'm very saddened and disappointed but would still give her a chance at reconciliation with her (Annie’s husband’s first name).
This has changed my life and been unbelievably difficult.”
“I did go to the attorney yet. I'm very saddened and disappointed but would still give her a chance at reconciliation with her (Annie’s husband’s first name).”
从语义来看,他应该是还没有找律师帮忙才是。(我和表哥以前交流情况的结论是:他的身体不好,也许没有精力帮忙,但是总可以授权律师帮忙收集各方面的材料,所以在上封email 里请求他找律师帮忙。)但从下一句话,好象是在谈他现在还有意和安妮和好,暂时不想找(离婚)律师似的。难道他还认为她是有意不和大家联系吗?也许是他理会错了我们让他找律师的意思?
“…I was not misunderstanding. I contacted AT&T and will do the other work.
There are no charge account bills.
When I discussed this with Detective (C) and Mr. (H), I was sure I told them about PingPing's own phone she used throughout the summer and fall, but I shall get the records.”
(注:我不知道他所说的 “PingPing’s own phone” 到底指的是什么。据我所知,安妮与他合用一个AT&T 帐户。但他在给安妮的中国家人的信中提起过另一个男人: “I guessed when I asked about calls and numbers on her cell phone; he gave her a new cell phone to use as their phone”)
--- 收到私探助手电话,得知我和安妮的家人和安妮的先生有联系,很高兴,说因为他们自从和他面谈一次后,联系他有困难,我们可否把与他的email也发给他们。同意并照做了。
--- 我因为一直拿不到手机记录和电子邮件而焦急,正式向律师行咨询怎样做才能拿到它们和如何才能让表哥取得来美签证的问题。结论是要起诉(民事诉讼)才能要求法院传票;我的签证不允许我邀请表哥来美,需要去中国领事馆和领事面谈,申请人道主义援助。