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(2013-04-09 09:06:26) 下一个





Telomerase: The Fountain Of Youth

Since the beginning of time, humans have yearned to subvert the natural course of time, with stories such as Ponce de Leons Fountain of Youth, which would grant eternal life to those who bathed in its waters. There are other stories of substances that would bring immortality, such as an Elixir of Life, and substances like jade and cinnabar. We still cant promise eternal life. But with the miracle of modern science, we now have a substance, telomerase, that can come close.

Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein, or, more simply, an enzyme. It is a biocatalyst that affects metabolic reactions in the body. Like all enzymes, telomerase has a purpose. Its purpose is to regenerate telomeres. But what do telomeres do? Every day, cells in the body are created and destroyed. This happens through processes called meiosis and mitosis, where a cell splits into two new cells. The chromosomes are replicated into each new cell. At the end of the chromosomes are telomeres. They act as caps, preventing the chromosomes from being damaged or flawed. But when the human body runs out of telomeres and telomerase to reproduce telomeres, organs fall into disrepair and shrivel, other organs start to fail, the body becomes infertile, and eventually dies. This is known as aging.

With a surplus of telomerase, aging could theoretically slow, stop, or even reverse. In 1961, Leonard Hayflick first noticed that a cell can only reproduce between 40 and 60 times. This is known as the Hayflick Limit. Research in telomere shortening started in 1973 by a Soviet biologist, Alexey Olovnikov, who connected telomeres and aging. In 1984, Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn discovered telomerase, along with Jack Szostak. However, scientists quickly realized that aging was not a direct process, but had many deciding factors. Telomerase was not as crucial as they had thought.

Since the discovery of telomerase, many experiments concerning it have been conducted. Mice born without telomerase quickly aged and gained age related disabilities. However, when supplied with telomerase, they miraculously became healthy again. Even if telomerase therapy was used on humans, many are worried that telomerase could excite tumors. In fact, telomerase is what makes cancer so deadly. Others argue that telomerase would eliminate DNA damage, stopping cancer altogether. With our limited technology, we are yet to find out whos right.

Even though telomerase is not reliable enough to test on humans, we can lengthen telomeres with simple activities such as exercise. Just taking a walk every now and then can increase a persons lifespan, and make them healthier to boot. Although miracle substances like a magic fountain may never exist, the mysteries of telomerase are sure to be unraveled soon.



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work&family 回复 悄悄话 回复绫子的评论:

绫子 回复 悄悄话 7年纪, 写这样相当不错, 我教中国孩子英文写作,自己也上社区大学里的英文写作课,作为非小说类文章, 他基本上写得很成功, 要写得再好, 就是要加入自己的观点,感受(哪怕是不成熟的),让读者能感觉到是"他"写的, 而不是仅仅重复别人的观点.
work&family 回复 悄悄话 回复绫子的评论:

绫子 回复 悄悄话 少爷写得不错, 流畅,完整,上几年级?
小野鸭子 回复 悄悄话 回复work&family的评论:
work&family 回复 悄悄话 回复小野鸭子的评论:

小野鸭子 回复 悄悄话 客气话就不说了,就写作评两句,不同意请勿介意:
(2)倒数第二段和第三段如果重组一下会更好。比如说,倒数第三段第一句“With a surplus of telomerase, aging could theoretically slow, stop, or even reverse.”作为中心句,与次段落剩下的句子关系不大(我知道它们在作者心中的联系,但是。。。)

work&family 回复 悄悄话 回复西门祝的评论:

金笔 回复 悄悄话 恭喜,贵公子乃有才之人也。。。
西门祝 回复 悄悄话 少爷自己有兴趣,他迟早自己会走这条路。千万不要 over push,小孩有自尊心,你一 push,他不干了。还不如鼓励他的兴趣方向,因势利导,有事半功倍的效果。切切。。。
work&family 回复 悄悄话 回复金笔的评论:

work&family 回复 悄悄话 回复西门祝的评论:


西门祝 回复 悄悄话 少爷如不想当临床医师,学 Pharmacology 或 Biochemistry 今后搞研究也很好玩。只要能找到 Grant,没有搞临床的压力。混进 Sandia Lab 一类的,吃喝玩乐挺开心呢。哈哈。。。
金笔 回复 悄悄话 建议您将作文随机的选几句,加上双引号,google 一下,如果不是抄的话,那这个孩子很了不起。
西门祝 回复 悄悄话 少爷有上医学院的潜质。可先从 Biology、或 Neuroscience 入门,进医学院。日后上 Pharmacology 或学临床。先道喜了。