2008 (269)
2009 (271)
2010 (148)
2011 (119)
300百名志愿者参加誓师动员大会, 了解具体的行动与组织计划。这位地区总指挥曾参加过2004年JOHN KERRY竞选的总部工作,因此了解当年痛失城池的原因与教训。在简单回顾了2004年的失败竞选策略后,他勾画了奥巴马竞选的战略战术蓝图。那就是打一场全面的人民战争,将整个州按人口划分为均等的十几个区,每个区都有地区总指挥和竞选分部,和2004年的集中兵力攻陷选民集中的大城市/县的运动战不同,此次是持久战,阵地战,每一城每一镇必争,从每一条街道下手,依靠本地的每个志愿者去征召新的志愿者,争取在每个街区召开HOUSE MEETING,重点放在,REGISTER, PERSUADE & MOTIVATE,即,增加新选民的登记,说服举棋不定的选民,激励党内的选民投奥巴马的票。另外一点与2004竞选的重要区别,是宣布奥巴马竞选总部将全力支持民主党在本州,及当地的议员或其他公职的竞选人,人力物力财力共享,力争在赢得全国大选的同时,也改换州,市/县一级的政府机构组成。长期的计划是在八年内,巩固并扩大民主党的基层组织和影响,以确保奥巴马政府的国策能顺利贯彻。美国政界有句名言,“所有的政治都是地方性的,ALL POLITICS ARE LOCAL”。树大,必得根深。这位负责全州竞选总指挥的介绍,赢得了全场多次的掌声与欢呼。然后,负责本市竞选的总指挥宣布了城市的具体地域划分,以利于推动竞选,介绍了经过培训的各区志愿者负责人。这些负责人多在
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从group leader 的email可以看到,Obama 在得到广泛的支持。
"WIth the teamwork we had today I am more confident than ever that Barack Obama can win this state. We registered 3 first-time voters and changed addresses for 14 more,several from out-of-state,for a total of 17 voter registrations.We signed up 29 new volunteers for the campaign,an additional 3 persons are baking cakes for Barack's birthday celebration on August 4th. (5:30-7:30 Selby Rd. Park shelter house), and an additional 2 persons signed up to provide food and housing for staff for a total of 34 new volunteers.We distributed about 140 bumper stickers and over 100 buttons and made many,many contacts with other volunteers and community liaisons. Bravo Team Obama!"
Yes Or No? Obama stumbles:
早在2007年全国公共电视台PBS 报道, 莱特和奥巴马的竞选人员在竞选初期多次提醒奥巴马, 要他与莱特保持距离. 这说明他们都很清楚莱特的"憎恨"讲道与"仇恨"观点, 所以才要奥巴马远离莱特.
莱特: 憎恨美国视频片段
Jeremiah Wright - Hillary Clinton ain't never been called a Nigger!
Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" (2001)
Reverend Jeremiah Wright Blames the U.S. for 9/11 on 9/16/2001
奥巴马三月在费城向全国说, 他把莱特当做20年的精神导师, 看成叔叔, 是他人生和家庭的一部分, 为他结婚时证婚, 为他的两个爱女洗礼. 他不能割裂与莱特的关系.
尽管莱特"诅咒"美国, 用种族主义的语言谩骂希拉里, 经常发表黑人至上言论.
奥巴马的最近一本书就是用莱特讲道时的题目作为书名. 他在2004年赢得参议员选举后发表讲话时, 第一个感谢的就是莱特, 然后才是他的家人. 可想而知, 莱特在奥巴马心里的地位, 和奥巴马对莱特的认同. 这次总统大选, 奥巴马还委任莱特当自己的领导委员会成员.
但是, 几个星期以后, 当莱特上电视专题采访以后, 奥巴马毅然决然的"大义灭亲", 向全世界人民宣告, 他与莱特绝交, 再无任何关系了. 为什么? 因为莱特在电视采访中说, 奥巴马是个政客, 所以奥巴马与莱特, 以及莱特的观点保持距离是作为政客为了选举. 这是奥巴马最不愿听的, 因为他一直宣传自己不是政客,他要改变华盛顿的政治面貌. 莱特揭了他的"老底"!!!
奥巴马在电视采访时, 有时否认在教堂里听过莱特的"憎恨"讲道, 有时又承认确实听过莱特的"憎恨"讲道, 他想隐藏什么?Yes Or No? Obama stumbles早在2007年全国公共电视台PBS 报道, 莱特和奥巴马的竞选人员在竞选初期多次提醒奥巴马, 要他与莱特保持距离. 这说明他们都很清楚莱特的"憎恨"讲道与"仇恨"观点, 所以才要奥巴马远离莱特.奥巴马在2004年刚当选参议员后的记者采访, 他说绝不会考虑2008年选总统,因为自己还缺少经验。当时他还说,别人可能不管是否有经验,只要有机会就去选,他自己不是那种人。话音刚落,他就变挂了,真是宣扬"改变"的大师!Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!!
With President Bush suffering low approval ratings, the economy moving into a recession as gas prices surge above $4 a gallon, and growing resentment about the unending war in Iraq, Obama should be pulling away in the polls.
But he isn’t.
The Obama campaign has been quick to be out front on the bad news, claiming -- at the end of the trip -- it never expected a poll bounce from Obama’s trip anyway.
Obama campaign manager David Plouffe told Politico’s Mike Allen: “We wouldn’t expect any sort of -- I guess the term people use is ‘bounce.’”
In fact, during Obama’s global meet-and-greet tour, McCain’s poll numbers have risen in key battleground states like Ohio.
As crowds cheered Obama globally, Americans here on the homefront were left wondering if the Illinois senator wants to be their president -- or the president of some other country. [And whether the major U.S. media would at least offer the pretense of objectivity. An MSNBC poll from last week found that 47 percent of the public thought the coverage of Obama’s trip was “excessive.”]
After Obama’s speech to an estimated 200,000 Germans in Berlin, a columnist for Britain’s Guardian newspaper began his review this way: “Barack Obama has found his people. But, unfortunately for his election prospects, they're German, not American.”
Obama's speech to the Germans left much to be desired, from an American’s perspective.
For starters, the crowd’s size was beefed up by the fact that the event was billed as a free rock concert for German citizens, with popular musical performers helping to draw the big crowd. Scant U.S. media even noted the warm-up rock draws of reggae artist Patrice and rock band Reamonn.
Then there was the simple stage, with the podium surrounded by three potted plants. Missing was the American flag -- nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Obama’s staff might consider the U.S. flag offensive.
And then there was his speech, in which he proudly proclaimed he was in Germany as a “a fellow citizen of the world.”
And there was the spectacle of the presidential wannabe going to a foreign land to apologize about the United States.
Obama told his German audience he was sorry about his country because “I know my country has not perfected itself.” [This comment was made in the former seat of Nazi power. A letter to editor published in Obama’s hometown Chicago Tribune noted the irony: “While America may not be perfect, there is no reason to apologize to the Germans, architects of the Holocaust.”]
As for America’s role in saving Germany from the onslaught of Stalinist communism and the subsequent Cold War, there was nothing.
There was a rhetorical flourish about the Berlin Wall coming down, but nothing about the great American sacrifice, not to mention how our military might made President Reagan’s call -- “Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev” -- a reality.
There was a fleeting mention of the famous Berlin airlift of 1948 that President Truman ordered to thwart the Soviet blockade that sought to starve West Berlin.
As Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby wrote, “Obama seemed to go out of his way not to say plainly that what saved Berlin in that dark time was America's military might.
“Save for a solitary reference to ‘the first American plane,’ he never described one of the greatest American operations of the postwar period as an American operation at all. He spoke only of ‘the airlift,’ ‘the planes,’ ‘those pilots.’ Perhaps their American identity wasn't something he cared to stress amid all his ‘people of the world’ salutations and talk of ‘global citizenship.’”
The Hollywood-staged Obama event for a man who has yet to ascend to the presidency didn’t sit well with all the Germans. Germany’s Stern magazine carried the headline "Barack Kant Saves the World."
One of their columnists, Florian Güssgen, wrote: "The man is perfect, impeccable, slick. Almost too slick … Obama's speech was often vague, sometimes banal and more reminiscent of John Lennon's feel good song 'Imagine' than of a foreign policy agenda."
Slickness without substance seemed to be the enduring theme of his trip. Among the little hiccups covered up by the major media, there were several gaffes on the global coronation trip.
Perhaps the most notable -- and reprehensible -- was Obama’s decision to cancel a visit to wounded American soldiers at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in southern Germany.
Apparently, the Pentagon informed Obama that since his visit was a political one, the hospital visit would be only open to him and his official Senate staff. This excluded the press and campaign officials.
The Pentagon did offer to allow Obama’s campaign plane to land at the nearby U.S. air base at Ramstein. The media also was to be accommodated there.
Without the photo opportunity and his press entourage, Obama declined to meet the wounded soldiers. At first, Obama’s campaign claimed to the press he decided to cancel the trip to visit the troops because it was "a trip funded by the campaign," and therefore somehow inappropriate. [What is inappropriate about a presidential candidate visiting wounded troops?]
But the Obama story belies the fact it was only after the Pentagon closed the event to his traveling press, that Obama’s campaign nixed the event.
Rightfully, McCain noted that it is never inappropriate for a candidate or official to visit U.S. troops.
"If I had been told by the Pentagon that I couldn't visit those troops, and I was there and wanted to be there, I guarantee you, there would have been a seismic event," McCain said.
McCain continued the attack on ABC News Sunday show “This Week”: “Those troops would have loved to see him, and I know of no Pentagon regulation that would’ve prevented him from going there” without the news media.
The McCain campaign has been quick to pounce on Obama’s obvious slight to the troops and double-talk, airing a new commercial this weekend.
“And now, he made time to go to the gym, but canceled a visit with wounded troops,” the ad says. “Seems the Pentagon wouldn’t allow him to bring cameras. John McCain is always there for our troops.”
McCain added that Obama “certainly found time to do other things."
One of those other things Obama did was visit Paris and hold a joint press conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, typical of an American president visiting the French capital.
Interestingly, The New York Times quoted Elysee officials that “Obama aides insisted that an American flag not be displayed alongside the French flag because Mr. Obama is only a visiting senator and not the president.”
There is no protocol preventing an American official from having the flag displayed when abroad.
America snubbed once again by a lame excuse.
奥巴马同父异母的弟弟 Bernald (穆斯林教徒)在英国接受采访,Bernald 说: 奥将是一个世界总统...
奥父在肯尼亚娶妻生子,来美留学时又与奥母结婚. 奥母不知道他已有太太.
If you don't see the need to change, you are a fool. This country is screwed up. It will go down the drain if we don't change. Obama's inexperience is a strong point for change since the longer the politician in the white house, the more difficult for them to change. John Maccain is the best example of an old fart politician.
You know what about Obama?
融入主流,所言极是。常听到的是抱怨,埋怨。真正参与进去,一片新“天地”,备受鼓舞。尤其这次选举,关系美国国家和人民以后数年,数十年的兴旺或落后,关系到世界的和平,关系到每个人的切身利益。与其愤愤不平,不如努力改变。将会继续关注,此次的成功希望远远大于2004 年。
Like the way you put it.
Oh, I just realized that it does not matter if u know or not, nobody cares.
How much do u know about Jiang, Hu, and others?
So, lyon, you think u are superior? than who?
Cannot agree more.
这证实了一个多月前在house meeting中听到那位刚从德国回来的退休教师所言。老先生非常兴奋地告诉大家,他最近在欧洲旅行时,与人谈到奥巴马获得民主党提名一事,大家都对他表示很友好,这是多年来做为在欧洲的美国人所没有见到的。尤其德国人,对奥巴马很佩服,也寄予很高的希望,甚至称他为,KENNEDY ’S SON,
(奥巴马通往白宫的成功之路(1) 'Unite for Change' house meeting,三字方针 2008-06-29 )
9。油价狂跌, 美元坚挺!