在爱尔兰的四年里,我们一直住在科克。科克被评为2005年度欧洲文化之都(European Cultural Capital )。它位于爱尔兰的最南端,所以不象其他地方那么多雨,甚至还有少见的阳光。虽然号称是爱尔兰共和国的第二大城市,其实只有40多万的人口。因为与都柏林首都南北对峙,加上口音,文化背景相差甚远,当地人喜欢自称为一个独立的共和国--P.R.C.(People's Republic of Cork)。
科克附近还有一个小镇Blarney,最有名的是Blarney城堡顶端的一块石头,据说亲吻了这块石头的人会变得口齿伶俐,巧舌如簧,如果你碰到一个特会说话谄媚的人,你可以这么说:you must kiss the Blarney stone,或者用英女王伊丽莎白的话来说:no more Blarney talk.这块石都并不是那么好Kiss的,城堡顶端专门有一人帮助排长队的游客,他面对面地抱住你的腿或腰,然后你要用后弓翻的姿势伸到城墙外去亲吻那块。我当然是亲过这块石头,不止一次,效果当然好,不再那么笨嘴笨舌的了。
Written 20 years ago, the lyrics of Paul Brady's "The Island" ring even more true today. In this song with additional commentary, Brady expresses the devastation and emotions that engulfed the people of Ireland in the early eighties. However, the wars, bombing, and fighting that are happening around us today, remind us of the mindset Brady was addressing. "If you are not with us, you are against us. Turning your back on your own." In this powerful piece, Brady truly does pierce through the emotional flak from an ordinary man's perspective, to touch the heart of the human soul
They say the skies of lebanon are burning those mighty cedars bleeding in the heat they're showing pictures on the television women and children dying in the streets and we're still at it in our own place still trying to reach the future through the past still trying to carve tomorrow from a tombstone
but hey don't listen to me this wasn't meant to be no sad song i've sang to much of that before right now i only want to be here with you till the morning due comes falling i want to take you to the island and trace your footprints in the sand and in the evening when there's no one around we'll make love to the sound of the ocean
they're raising banners over by the markets white-washing slogans on the shipyard walls witch doctors praying for a mighty showdown the way a holy flag is gonna fall up here we sacrifice our children to feed the worn out dreams of yesterday and teach them dying will lead us into glory
but hey don't listen to me cos this wasn't meant to be no sad song we've had too much of that before right now i only want to be here with you till the morning dew comes falling i want to take you to the island and trace your footprints in the sand and in the evening when the sun goes down we'll make love to the sound of the ocean
now i know us plain folk don't see the bigger picture and all this peace and love's just copping out and the young boys dying in the ditches is just what being free is all about and how this twisted wreckage down on main street will bring us all together in the end as we go marching down the road to freedom,freedom