Not sure why, but I am still not well. :(
If this keeps up, I might just have to go to a doctor, I think.
Hopefully, it is just a temporary thing. Usually I wait sickness out,
and it goes away on it's own.
For now, I think I'll just blame it on the fact that I am apart from you! ;)
Anyway, how has your week been so far? I hope everything is well...has
Hao been treating you okay? I had a terrible dream last night of him
grabbing you, and yelling. I don't know why I bring that up, but the
imagery was vivid and strong. I remember waking around 3:00am feeling
angry and protective.
It hasn't been too long since I've seen you last, but you are right,
it feels like such a long time. I think when I left town, I had a fear
that you would soon get past me, that you would forget how I feel. Old
habits die hard, I guess.
I am trying to remain active, hopefully that will help me get past
whatever it is in my body that is making me so fatigued. For now
though, I think I will try to sleep. I am not worried though, I am
sure this will pass soon enough!
So...I will write more later, I am sure. I hope you have a wonderful day!
By the way...When I think of you, I feel is it that you are so comforting?