
This might be the most unwelcomed email...

(2006-02-14 16:29:18) 下一个

No e-mail from you is ever "unwelcome", regardless of whatever content it has.

You and I are in an interesting and confusing situation, but I don't
intend on ever leaving you, or forgetting what you and I have shared.

Looking from the outside in, the complications you and I have faced,
and continue to deal with, are at the least confusing and hard to
understand. We don't know how we can make what you and I have work.

The hardest thing I have heard was when you told me that you "don't
love me enough" to leave what you already have. I have not asked you
to leave what you have, nor do I think you should do so, at least this
soon. Someday, when and if the time is right for to change your life,
I will be there. I will always be there for you, waiting, and this is
my choice I have made that at least suits my needs in my heart. Loving
you is enough for me...for now.

I do love you, and you are so precious to me. The time is past where
you should need an explanation. You fulfill all the desires I imagine
sharing with another person, and I understood fully that you wouldn't
be able to change things for me. I could never ask you to leave what
you already have, no more than I could ask you to refuse the things we
have shared.

We will find our way, somehow. I place our being together as a
function of faith, not circumstance. I am patient, and I know you are
as well.

I love you, Wenfang...


On 2/9/06, Jennifer Zhang <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dan,
> I have a lot to say to you, yet, think back, it seems I have said them all.
> I just want you to know that it wasn't a easy decision and I feel very sad.
> Do you still remember I told you that you might be the best thing ever
> happened in my life? I still have the same belief. But nobody can have all
> the good things in life. It is a selfish decision from my side, because I
> weight in the pressure I have to face everyday.
> I want to make things right. Maybe a couple of years down the road, both of
> us will agree that  my decision is the best for all the party involved.
> You see, I am just a normal person, or, trying to conform to the standard of
> a normal person all the time...
> You don't need to reply this email.
> Take care.


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