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Movie “Sex and the City”

(2008-11-30 14:07:33) 下一个

Movie “Sex and the City”

Watching movies is one of the most effective approaches to relax during holidays. In order to have fun and to feed my long time desire, I watched the movie “Sex and the City”, and it was an enjoyable experience.

I have seen all seasons of the same titled series for a long time and for many times. At the beginning, I did not quite understand the theme that the story conveyed, though it was apparently about women and their life. Gradually, I realized that all of these women were trying to find love and long term relationships, marriage, in their life, out of those dazzling dresses, shoes, purses and parties. I was happy for Carrie, who finally found her true love Mr. Big, a man loved her too; for Charlotte, who adopted a Chinese girl to make her dream of being a Mom come true; for Miranda, who experienced family love and took care of her mother in law (the scene that Miranda bathed her mother-in-law was very touching); for Samantha, who received unexpected love through fighting with cancer.  Through their stories, the audiences are able to feel how they grew up and got mature, how they modify their perspectives toward love and relationship. Most likely, every woman is able to find herself in the story and echoes their growing pains.

The movie is the follow up of the series. Carrie is getting married but the groom fails to show up on wedding day. Miranda encounters mid-life crisis and separates with her husband Steve. Charlotte’s life is blessed and she gives birth to a baby girl. Samantha, the strong-minded non-marriage woman, sets herself free from her lover and goes back to her original life. Like in the series, Carrie is the center of the movie. By going through Carrie’s hardships resulted from Mr. Big’s run-away on their wedding day, the girls learn many lessons.

The most important lesson they’ve learned is forgiveness, which leads to the happy ending of the movie. Carrie finally forgives Mr. Big, who claims to be freaked out by the huge wedding   and expecting a small one, and they eventually get married in city hall. Miranda forgives Steve for his one night stand and saves their shaky marriage. The forgiveness between Carrie and Miranda ends their cold war and continues their friendship. Forgiveness is like a door separating dark and dawn. When one opens it, it will reward him/her an opportunity, a better world.

Other lessons they’ve learned are courage and be oneself. One of the scene is Charlotte stops jogging as she does regularly because she is afraid that it would terminate her pregnancy. With the help of Carrie, she beats her fear and starts jogging again. Fear and concern are sometimes the biggest hurdles to prevent people from doing something. People need to be lifted a bit by friends.  Regarding of being oneself, no one can beat Samantha. She is very determined, sharp-cut yet controversial. She always knows what she really wants and goes for it. Actually, being oneself and having courage are somehow interdependent. Above all, they are four independent individuals, which is the prerequisite of being a happy woman.

The story about four successful New York girls is interesting enough to attract me, not to mention their fashionable dresses, wedding gowns and shoes (they are more acceptable to me in the movie than in the series). But most importantly, it is their attitudes toward life touch me the most. At the end of the movie, the girls get together to celebrate Samantha’s fifty birthday, oldie and goodie, “Fifty and fabulous”. The girls are optimistic and confident. “Dressed head to toe in love”, they would never be out of style.  



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Flamenco_Girl 回复 悄悄话 回复melly的评论:
No travel plan, keep warm at home, practice dancing. May consider to write a book in my profession area, but too much work when think about it.

Any holiday plan for you?
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复Flamenco_Girl的评论:

Thank you girl for your nice words.

Any plan for holiday season? Enjoy yourself.
Flamenco_Girl 回复 悄悄话 Good review, melly. The movie is more dramatic ( both in story and fashion) then the TV series version.
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复edrifter的评论:

I am afraid I disagree with you. I think the story is for both men and women. My impression is I know more about men and women after watching both TV episodes and movie. They really expose some secrets of both men and women.

You might try. :)))
edrifter 回复 悄悄话 Enjoy reading your movie review! But I did not watch the movie, nor the TV episodes. I was under the impression that the show was made basically targeting female audience, not like Friends, it can fit either man or woman’s appetite.

Good weekend!
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复归来的评论:

you too, buddy.
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复飞飞~的评论:

Long time no see. A huge bear hug for you. :)))Wish you happy everyday.
归来 回复 悄悄话 melly飞飞好! wishes your guys nice weekend
飞飞~ 回复 悄悄话 MELLY好,节日快乐,HUG一下。
melly 回复 悄悄话 Actually, there are several pieces of music included in the movie. This one is the best for me. It is relative to the scene of friendship. On New Year Eve, Miranda called Carrie, who was asleep, since she felt lonely, while everybody were laughing and celebrating with their beloved ones. Carrie, after hanging up, went through all difficulties of traffic, managed to be a companion of Miranda on that snow night. The scene was very touching. People need friends, especially when they are down. Friend in need is friend indeed.Taken together of the scene and the song, isn't it heartwarming?