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(2007-03-13 15:25:27) 下一个

The Cat and the Moon

The cat went here and there

And the moon spun round like a top,

And the nearest kin of the moon,

The creeping cat, looked up.

Black Minnaloushe stared at the moon,

For, wander and wail as he would,

The pure cold light in the sky

Troubled his animal blood.

Minnaloushe runs in the grass

Lifting his delicate feet.

Do you dance, Minnaloushe, do you dance?

When two close kindred meet,

What better than call a dance?

Maybe the moon may learn,

Tired of that courtly fashion,

A new dance turn.

Minnaloushe creeps through the grass

From moonlit place to place,

The sacred moon overhead

Has taken a new phase.

Does Minnaloushe know that his pupils

Will pass from change to change,

And that from round to crescent,

From crescent to round they range?

Minnaloushe creeps through the grass

Alone, important and wise,

And lifts to the changing moon

His changing eyes.

-- William Butler Yeats




从来不知理财,也不懂艺术。竟然平生第一次走进艺术品拍卖行,为了他,Minnaloushe!去那间酒店探望朋友, 在她着装打扮的时候俺先下楼四处逛,以为是画展,进去看明白了是第二天要拍卖的。不意对那大幅的油画一见钟情。

画家处理得很聪明, Minnaloushe 这儿走走,那儿走走,不好把握,人家就捕捉他运动中的一瞬间:在一根路旁的木桩上平衡着身体,身体充满活力,随时会起跳。它抬头看月亮,月是新月但其他部分的圆若隐若现若明若暗(有时候我们仔细看月亮是可以看到这样的)。大地并不太昏暗,远处有亮的霞,或朝或晚。路的对面是绿草地,有斑驳的明黄色野花,再后面是人的房舍,不太重要,是或者不是Minnaloushe暂时栖身的家。

喜欢,实在是太喜欢。上网去试图找到他,想存到‘我的照片’里就是了。找到那画家60多幅作品,惟独没有Minnaloushe!就想去拍卖现场看看,再看看他也好。鬼使神差地登了记,拿个牌,找前排一个位子坐下。看到他了,心跳加快...心里受不了看他就要属于别人,而我可能再也不会见到了。...手中的牌子举了起来,从此他是我的了。 接下来开始冒冷汗,意识到为了他我已经差不多倾家荡产。眼下正要离开欧洲,南迁,安顿下来,领薪,虽说是眼前的事儿但整个过程要数月有余。开了支票给拍卖商,人家很妥善地包装好他,又帮我仔细放进车里。回到家见房东太太不在,暗喜,知她会说我是crazy girl。现在我看着Minnaloushe,他在看月亮, 我心里很踏实。生计的事,总是会解决的。

早上醒来,走着上学校,路上突然明白自己对那幅画的感觉竟然就是传说中的‘爱’, 那样的不顾后果,不计代价。还好只是一幅画和一首诗,只是倾家荡产而已!如果是个男人,后果不堪设想:被颠覆的将是俺全部的生活和自我! 当然这种事发生的概率小而又小,所以俺会安顿好Minnaloushe,在地球南端未来几年的家里,他会在俺书房里阳光不会直射到的墙上。看他与遥远的月亮亲密,看他到处走着,alone, important, and wise... 看他与他周围的世界和谐灵动,自在欢娱!



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