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美国腐败政治的地图: 最富有的 25 个县排名

(2010-03-07 11:41:47) 下一个
最近, 美国最富有的 25 个县排名出炉. 从其中不难看到美国政治的腐败. 其第 1,2,3,6,9,10,12,13,14,21,23名 竟然都是围绕着首都WASHINGTON DC. 第16名也不远. 也就是说, 有近一半的所谓最富有的县是靠吃纳税人的钱财的硕鼠.

加州的硅谷 所在的 SANTA CLARA COUNTY 一直到今天仍然是人们, 特别是老中们津津乐道的乐土. 这里有着GOOGLE, APPLE, YAHOO.... 等等如雷灌耳的著名的高科技企业, 居住着众多的身怀绝技的工程师,科学家. 有着大量的靠自己的奋斗成功的故事. GUESS WHAT? 这个县只是名列区区第19名而已.


1. County: Loudoun County, Va.Population: 277,433

Median Household Income: $110,643.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 58

2. County: Fairfax County, Va.Population: 1,005,980

Median Household Income: $106,785.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 60

3. County: Howard County, Md.Population: 272,412

Median Household Income: $101,710.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 60

4. County: Hunterdon County, N.J.Population: 129,000

Median Household Income: $100,947.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 52

5. County: Somerset County, N.J.Population: 321,589

Median Household Income: $100,207.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 53

6. County: Fairfax city, Va.Population: 23,281

Median Household Income: $98,133.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 52

7. County: Morris County, N.J.Population: 486,459

Median Household Income: $97,565.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 52

8. County: Douglas County, Colo.Population: 270,286

Median Household Income: $97,480.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 54

9. County: Arlington County, Va.Population: 204,889

Median Household Income: $96,390.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 71

10. County: Montgomery County, Md.Population: 942,747

Median Household Income: $93,999.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 59

11. County: Nassau County, N.Y.Population: 1,352,817

Median Household Income: $93,579.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 45

12. County: Stafford County, Va.Population: 120,219

Median Household Income: $89,536.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 36

13. County: Calvert County, Md.Population: 88,126

Median Household Income: $89,049.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 30

14. County: Prince William County, Va.Population: 358,719

Median Household Income: $88,675.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 38

15. County: Putnam County, N.Y.Population: 99,195

Median Household Income: $88,580.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 40

16. County: Goochland County, Va.Population: 20,494

Median Household Income: $88,552.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 32

17. County: Williamson County, Tenn.Population: 165,336

Median Household Income: $88,316.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 53

18. County: Marin County, Calif.Population: 246,985

Median Household Income: $88,101.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 55

19. County: Santa Clara County, Calif.Population: 1,734,756

Median Household Income: $87,287.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 46

20. County: Forsyth County, Ga.Population: 158,009

Median Household Income: $86,938.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 46

21. County: Charles County, Md.Population: 140,032

Median Household Income: $86,586.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 28

22. County: Summit County, UtahPopulation: 35,448

Median Household Income: $85,258.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 53

23. County: Alexandria city, Va.Population: 140,657

Median Household Income: $85,135.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 63

24. County: Chester County, Pa.Population: 485,083

Median Household Income: $84,844.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 51

25. County: Suffolk County, N.Y.Population: 1,510,716

Median Household Income: $84,767.00

Percent of Residents 25 or Older with Bachelor\'s Degree or Higher: 34
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阅读 ()评论 (33)
上海的木头 回复 悄悄话 您好!Google.tw搜:loose change


谷歌搜:shanghaipic 朝鲜。(凯迪网点击过12万了)
哈小玫 回复 悄悄话 你的这个排名源出何处?不说此排名荒唐,对此也起码不以为然。family household median income 八万以上的town 在我所在的麻州有一大把之多。而在加州,康州,科罗拉多州等省也不少。
instein 回复 悄悄话 任何一个政府都存在政治腐败的问题。同中国相比较,至少美国的制度是限制个人的权利,它的新闻自由可以监督政府以及政府里由权利的人。
life 回复 悄悄话 2 points:

This article did not specify the ranking is based on median income, NOT average income. I think it can be better interpreted as smaller proportion of poor residents, instead of more rich residents, in these counties. NYC, LA, SF surburbs will rank much better if it is average income.

Higher income around DC does not support the conclusion of corruption in fed government. Look at the education level of residents, DC surburs are among the best educated. NASA and NIH each boasts of thousands of employees with Ph.D. degrees. It is NOT suprising for people with better education to command higher salary.
猪胖子 回复 悄悄话 这就跟把北京跟某个金融开发区比一样,真是无聊。。华盛顿作为首府有百年历史,硅谷不过是一帮IT ENGINEER而已,华府多少精英,不要吵着硅谷,就觉得自己是世界中心了。
PeterTLH 回复 悄悄话 文章来源:
话明 回复 悄悄话 这张单子在什么地方?
天意不可违 回复 悄悄话 还有可能是DC附近律师多吧。这帮人工资水平高些
Scipio 回复 悄悄话 80万在马州买不了一个像样的house(3W学区),比较新的怎么也要1.2M以上。买个townhouse倒是显得比较宽绰。维州不是很清楚,不过才过一个朋友家,去年五月93万买的新房,房子还行,院子甚小,回来查查学区,中等偏烂。
crosfan 回复 悄悄话 "在美国是一流人才搞政治" 布什怎么说的, 那C就可以做美国总统了.美国总统, 拿的钱也不过是华尔街的CEO的零头. 哈哈哈~~~~ 美国是一流人才搞政治, 真是笑死人了.
Guoluke2 回复 悄悄话 我住在DouglasCounty, CO。这里和政治有关系吗?
愚若智大 回复 悄悄话 偶是进来找乐的~~~~~
gzlady 回复 悄悄话 回复吊睛斑斓,80万的房子在大华府地区算不上“豪宅”吧? 我知道不少住在这个地区的华人的房子(current price)都超过这个价格呢。 我倒不是说住在华府的华人特别有钱, 只是国人都比较勤俭,一般都会尽早置业。 而且, 即使房价在Fairfax跌了很多,但和1998年比, 还是涨了至少1.5倍, 所以, 搬来Fairfax比较早的人,房子的压力相对来说还是比较小的。 BTW, 在美国, 公务员的工资并不是特别高的。

我不是故意跟你抬杠, 只是说一下我知道的事实
drheyuan 回复 悄悄话 Here the term "richest" is misleading. Howard county has no billionares. median income is quite different than average.
无际 回复 悄悄话 这是政府低效,不叫政治腐败。不同的问题。
robosapien 回复 悄悄话 my friend works for a defense contractor. the amount they charge the government is jawdropping (hundreds of dollar for a couple screws), and all the senior management in the company are former high ranking army officers.
scim 回复 悄悄话 楼下吊睛斑斓同学,老中一般是四五十万, 不过好几栋啊。

吊睛斑斓 回复 悄悄话 我在华府附近。 认识的一个人住80万“豪宅”的, 是吃皇粮的。其他的搞技术的也就四五十万的房子吧。
吊睛斑斓 回复 悄悄话 一般在美国的老中看不到“美国政治的腐败”是因为本身是在这里辛苦打工的命,没有资格去接触腐败。

我的认识的一个混到美企中层的老中对我说,活的太辛苦,90% 的精力用于斗争。我说,我怎么感觉不到美国的人际关系复杂?人家哈哈一笑,“因为你混在底层”。
gzlady 回复 悄悄话 D.C。 附近的几个县比较富是因为这些地方的很多企业是以承包defence projects(国防项目)和 government projects 为主要的业务。 而这些项目是不能out source的, 在承包政府项目的公司工作的员工都是要通过一定的背景调查的。 近水楼台先得月, 大华府地区的公司能标到政府项目就不奇怪了。

据我所知, Fairfax作为全美最富的几个县之一, 已经是很多年的事了, 这里的公立学校系统据说是全美最好的, 所以很多人也因为子女的教育而搬到大华府地区来。这样也加速了大华府地区的繁荣。 美国并没有“户口”限制, 人们只要在当地的公司找到一份工作, 就可以在那里安家了。 Fairfax地区的华人还是很多的。 我就是其中的一个。
MrOldBull 回复 悄悄话 什么?就因在DC周围?不敢苟同!
未知晓 回复 悄悄话 合法的“腐败”是一个值得探讨的概念。我们都知道美国的人均GDP是中国的十倍。在美国生活和工作20来年,我并没有感到十倍的富裕。拿衣食住行来说,我哪一样也比不上国内无权无势无学位的哥们的十倍。要说平均2-3倍那差不多。5-6倍的也有,但人家是下岗工人,我家可是俩个为500强工作的在职工程师。中国腐败透顶,可美国的钱都被谁吃掉了?
qianpang 回复 悄悄话 这么简单的逻辑还理解不了?DC周围平均收入高是因为吃联邦政府皇粮的人多。相比之下,加州硅谷、麻州波士顿、新州等高科技人才的聚集之地的一般收入却比不上皇城根下。你不得不相信,要来钱,不能不从政做官。
scim 回复 悄悄话 wall street 和 DC 都聚集了大量“美国“精英。 不是那些拿 H1 的科技民工。 那种job迟早会给out source光。硅谷的原动力在于street的风头。

单单就IT民工来说,同样的position, 微软和格鲁门的pay的绝对不一样, 因为格鲁门要tsc, 这些职务不会out source的。


相对来说,加州更是外国人创业/淘金的天堂。 (单单就做民工,加州没有任何优势)DC是本国人创业淘金的天堂。Street也是。
请和咖啡好吧拉? 回复 悄悄话 越来越觉得美国跟中国像。美国有时是合法的“腐败”!
吊睛斑斓 回复 悄悄话 回复fitwxc的评论:



fitwxc 回复 悄悄话 如果作者真的是“轻飘飘,没根底”的话,会给自己取名“无根的浮萍”吗?

fitwxc 回复 悄悄话 看来楼下的两位来美国还不太久,或者自身原因理解不了作者在说什么。


晓仁悟 回复 悄悄话 美国富裕的地县就等于政治腐败吗?没看出BZ丝毫的解释和道理。事实上,在美国越富裕的人,往往缴税越多(不管是绝对还是相对)。

看来,BZ的名字起的真恰当 --- “无根的浮萍”,轻飘飘,没根底!
a_viewer 回复 悄悄话 "看到美国政治的腐败"? Are you living in U.S.??

The "richest counties" are having very higher education levels. It is the high eduction making the "richer".