

(2024-08-22 06:28:52) 下一个

这个佛州店主被起诉了。注意,不是佛州起诉, 是三笑姐的司法部, 起诉华人收留非法移民,提供免费住宿,打工机会,和发现金,逃税。

但是深入思考一下,首先要问的是,谁把illegal放进来的?放进非法移民最多的那个姐,现在正在竞选总统, 有没有被起诉?

然后再要问的是, 谁给illegal 最多的free housing, 最多的 cash 而且不用交税?纽约市政府! 这事只能民主党来做,其他的人做了换一点劳动都不行。






TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — The owners of sushi and Thai restaurants in Florida have been charged by criminal complaint with harboring undocumented workers for commercial advantage and private financial gain, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Tuesday.

U.S. Attorney Roger B. Handberg said Hua Yao Ke, 38, and Ping Ping Zheng, 37, who owned and operated restaurants in Ponte Vedra Beach and Jacksonville Beach, employed workers who were “unlawfully present” and “not legally authorized to work in the United States.”

The DOJ said Ke and Zheng also owned residences that provided rent-free housing and gave the workers free transportation between the homes and the restaurants.

They are also accused of paying the workers in cash and not withholding taxes and other payments from the workers’ wages, as well as giving them free food.

The case was investigated by Homeland Security Investigations and the Border Patrol, the DOJ said. It is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Arnold B. Corsmeier.

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Yuankai2000 回复 悄悄话 猪党本就是善于撒谎鼓动然后甩锅的党派,而且最坏的是他们仇视中产阶层因为中产阶层往往不是他们的票仓。所以他们要对青少年一代洗脑,让他们迷恋性别差异毒品福利而不是对他们有利的独立坚强和工作。