

(2024-08-25 11:32:41) 下一个

I read the article “ALIVE AGAIN”,  written by Pearl. S.Buck.
It tells a story of 87 years old lady,she made a lot of money when was young. At the age of 75, she fell in love with dancing and spent a lot of money on dancing lessons. She was sued by her daughter and be thought was a senile. She moved into a nursing home and was given money weekly by daughter. The male teacher who taught her dancing lost his job due to scandal. 12 years later, she found the male teacher with the help of the nurse. She used her accumulation to help him open an inn. She felt young and alive again.
1)(A) Ellie Jason, a new nurse, took care of Mrs. Lettie Gainesworth at the Retirement Home. She told Miss March, the supervisor of nurses: “ Mrs. Gainesworth is just very sad about something.”  “Sad indeed!”, Miss March said sharply.  “ Twelve years not going out of that room. She’s making herself sad. And her with all that money— it gives me the creeps.”
Ellie insisted : “we must try to understand .”
Miss March reported :  “They’re just old people waiting to die. She has a beautiful house and a married daughter who wants her to live with them.”

Ellie took the breakfast tray to Mrs. Gainesworth’s room.  Mrs. Gainesworth said:” Ellie, I don’t feel hungry. I’ll be eighty- seven next Monday. How long does this life continue?  Will you buy me some books at the Village Bookshop?”
At Ellie’s mid morning break she rushed to the book shop, and asked for the book buyer’s guide.
The bookseller muttered: “ Is that senile old fool still around?”
Ellie retorted: “ what do you know about her that gives you the right to speak so of her?”
The man said: “ It was in all the papers. About fifteen years ago, she went to a dance studio and got mixed up with one gigolo and spent a fortune on dancing lessons—thirty thousand dollars.
Ellie demanded: “ Did she inherit it in trust for her children?”
 The man admitted: “ No, that was hers, lady Gaines Cosmetics was the business woman.  None of her own children. They adopted a girl, she married.  Her kids took her into court said she was incompetent, spending all money on dancing. Made a big stink in the paper. The dance studio had to shut up.”

Ellie had not realized that Lady Gaines was her Mrs. Gainesworth.  Somehow she must hear Mrs.Gainesworth tell her own story. 
Ellie gave her the book and asked: “ Did you enjoy your dancing lessons, Mrs. Gainesworth?” Mrs. Gainesworth said firmly: “ No one knows the truth. They called me a senile old fool. I did what I want to do with my own money. I was just bored. One day, I heard a radio announcement dancing being good exercise for old people. I made an appointment for that. The manager, Bill Poltergeist, greeted me. I bought a few lessons. Expensive, of course, twenty dollars an hour. I didn’t tell my daughter about that, it was my money. I went every other day for about six months. Then I heard about a dancing Olympic, so I bought a hundred more lessons and went everyday. Bill Polter was a wonderful teacher. I came in first in the competition. I was never bored. The newspapers were always writing something about me.  My daughter didn’t approve of my dancing, but I didn’t care. It was my life- and my money. But I never dreamed they’d do what they did. My daughter had hired a private detective to find out how much money I was spending. When the detective told her that I had spent thirty thousand dollars on dancing, she got a lawyer and took me to court . The newspapers called Bill ‘ the thirty thousand dollar lover boy!’ I was declared ‘ mentally incompetent.’
I went to my own attorney, my daughter and her husband had to pay my expenses wherever I live and give me twenty-five dollars a week for spending money. I adopted that girl out of a poor orphanage when she was only a few weeks old years.  Poor Bill. They ran him out of the town. I’ll make up it to him. I haven’t spent a dime in the twelve years, I have fifteen thousand dollars, it’s all been invested in Lady Gaines stock. I’ve put it all in trust for Bill Polter. He can make a fresh start some day.”
“ It’s a horrible story,” Ellie said. “ And I wish I could help you.”
(B) Ellie thought, she must help Mrs. Gainesworth to get back into life where she belonged. 
Tomorrow morning, Mrs.Gainesworth said to her: “ Ellie, look at this newspaper.” Ellie read the headline: “ Thirty Thousand Dollar Lover Boy Handles Public Funds.” “Rodney Benson, whose real name is Bill Polter.” Ellie continued reading: “He was head of a fund drive. A member of of the Board had hired a detective agency to investigate and they had unearthed the story. Rodney Bodley resigned his job.”
The old lady snapped: “ I want you to buy me all the other newspapers.I’m going to tell the head nurse I need a full-time nurse-that’s you.”
The old lady glanced at one paper after the other. “ Ah, here it is-Rodney Benson lives at Cornell Towers. Go to the phone and call him. Go, find him, Ellen, and bring him back.”
Ellie told her: “ He wouldn’t come. He says he doesn’t want to get you into more trouble.” 
“Well, I’ll just have to go to him. I’ll be ready at tomorrow morning.”
When Ellie entered the room next morning she was startled.Ellie said: “ you are really a very beautiful woman. Are you in love with him. Mrs. Gainesworth?”
“ No. I do love him, of course, but I’m not in love with him.”
Mrs. Gainesworth’s spirits rose higher as the miles slipped by .Rodney Benson came to the door at the sound of the car.“Lady Gaines, how are you?” He kissed her. “ You shouldn’t have come, I’ve caused you enough trouble.”
“It was I who have hurt you, Bill. Well, we must capitalize on it. We’ll make a fortune on all this publicity. People will come just to see us. I must do something.”
Ellie said: “ You can, Mrs. Gainesworth.  All the money you’ve saved the last twelve years.”
Bill interrupted: “ I don’t want your money, Mrs. Gaines!”
“ Bill, don’t be proud,” Ellie said. “ She’s saved it for you and it’s been her only pleasure.”
Mrs. Gainesworth said: “ Bill, you made everyone have such a good time in the studio. Why can’t we do something like that? Perhaps an inn, we could make a success of one place and then another— Lady Gaines and Bill Polter.”
“Why not?” Bill demanded.
“ It’s done,” Mrs. Gainesworth decided. “ I’m twelve years younger!”

(C) Six months later, finally a house to accept to become a part of their lives. It was an old inn with a vast porch.“Now, Bill,” Mrs. Gainesworth had commanded, “ This is another beginning and we’ll keep on.”
That night, now a month ago, Mrs. Gainesworth danced just as she always had wanted to do. Bill caught sight of her, sitting in a high- backed chair that made her look like a queen.  “ Will you open the dance with me, Lady Gaines?” he asked.
“ Let Ellie take my place tonight, Bill— she looks so pretty.”
Bill laughed: “ You’re right. She is the prettiest girl.”
“ I’m alive again,”Mrs. Gainesworth thought. “I’m alive.”
2) I think: (A) This is a woman with ideals and passion. Under the pressure of public opinion, when her daughter sued her in court, people with weak willpower may commit suicide, but she is not depressed, but thinking about how to overcome difficulties. She succeeded.
(B) It is very bad for some newspapers to report some untrue news for the sake of sensationalism.

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