冥想带领老师介绍:20多年的能量诊断,做过1对1 超过10,000起。可以看到任何一个人的能量。这意味着什么呢?
一开始,只是一个能量,这一个能量经过40层业力屏障(karmic screen)的过滤,就变成了我们的情绪,然后,我们的头脑为了对这些情绪做出解释,就产生了很多内在对话,往往这类内在对话是为了保护我们,阻挠我们充分感受这类内在情绪(因为比较难受),这类内在对话天长日久,就会在身体上产生反应,也进而影响到我们的行动层级。
虽然老师可以在源头处就转换你的能量,但是,他也必须遵循自然之道:自然之道是不允许他做更进一步的掌控的,即不允许他拿走你自己的力量。(原话:Nature wouldn't allow me to take all the power of you)
所以,他帮助人们提升能量的方式是:非常强调他这一方法和技巧的“意图”(intention): 如果把业力屏障视为一扇需要清洁的窗户,那么我们的目的就是要做这个擦窗的工作,把更多的光带入房间,我们不需要修复任何房间里的东西,一旦擦完窗,你会自然地看到之前从未见到的东西。一旦你获得了,你是不会失去的。(what you gain, you do not lose)
2016.10.23: 做了能量诊断
2017.4.7: 做了生命线业力
What we are doing here is not fixed
What we are doing here is growth
Fixing happens along the way
Fixing happens while you move along the journey
Fixing happens when you are in tuned
That would be a healthy state when you are aware
and you continue becoming better and better aware, that's growth
That's a healthy state
We've been trying to search in nature for many, many years and try to mimic
Nature is only part of us
We have something that nature doesn't have
We have a hidden potential
hidden to us, hidden from our awareness
Looked at detail, but don't make it into your God
Looked at your pain, but don't make it as your life journey
Seek them, the short-term gratification, joys in your everyday life,
but don't make them your purpose, that's all.
Seek water, but don't make it into your God
Seek food, but don't make it for the purpose of your living
Seek wealth, and power, but don't make it into your God
You do not have to give up everything but your childish behavior
Your life purpose remains raising your awareness and the growth, that's where you make your choices, your effort, that's where you put your attention
Suddenly, you felt your were lifted, you don't have to use your own force to achieve your goals
You were lifted to reach the higher point on the way, on the journey
Effortless almost, vs. all your life to achieve to make this
Some of you send me emails to express your struggles, don't make them your life purpose, don't make them into your God
Don't idolize your downfall
Don't idolize those negative things
Don't idolize short-term verifications
Don't idolize them
Don't make them bigger than what they are
Time has nothing to do with Energy
Energy is a state, it can be switched!
Recognize that your focus/attention is not on meditation
Your focus/attention is really on growth
The new ability/awareness, you take it everyday
Every relationship you have to support
What we are doing here is not fixing, but growing
Fixing happened on the way
Email Search: Family karma, don't miss this
Email date: 2017 01 30
2014 King Solomon Overview.mps
Family Karma - Part Two:
1. Previous life stage(Karmic/Genetics and Family tree)
2. Child stage (parent, authority, indirect belief formation 'brainwashing'
3. Adult stage(self recognition, sexual development and awareness)
4. Guru/growth stage(social and vertical perspective)
Beyone Survival Two(Lesson Four) 2017 01 19
Replay - great insights, vertical energy and family karma
King Solomon Magic
Full Return Energy Meditation[audio] 01:03:15
Keep your vehicle nourished, happy, and in good repair
It's the only one you will be given
You are your body, a body living a life in this physical world
All the sensations your mind might miss - but your body experience
Opening Meditation
What we do here, is exact opposite
We literally, recognize that
if anything else happen to us
it doesn't happen coincidence, not only that,
it has value, hidden value
but it only can has value when we use the higher energy with it
It can only has value just like it would've had value at the time when it happened if the energy was high, but it didn't
But now we collected all those assets
as I always said, you know, here't the situation, the bigh problem right now,
in North America,
What we call is aging population
Aging population actually means that they're liability, they're not building wisdom
The children go to learn wise old men/women
They build retirement homes, and it feels like
the liability for the whole nation
Not only for the individual growing old,
and our image for those old is wise man
Their past is asset, they share with
Suddenly we have the opposite with it and
our fear is the old age will take life from us
I believe it's an opportunity here to recognize this difference
When a person is sitting in front of me, and I am doing life line karma
I automatically doing the same with them as if they were first come by looking thier life line karma
28 years, she felt in love because of this long journeys of traumas, the way she felt in love, is she gave away her power and so many of us felt the love means pain
Life line karma
A student, very new, beginner, after a long day's work, came 9:15 p.m, she could not be as focused as she would like to be...
Focused, able, are all survival responses
What we are here to do:
All that you don't believe you have strength for should be put on the shelf
because this is our rational thinking
this is our past experiences
this is our reactive state
this is our fear-based concerns
this is our needs to understand and remember
yet, what we do here is automatically awaken something different
So, to some degree, it's almost an advantage
Why you are tired?
You are tired because:
1) you couldn't fulfill your desires
Everything you've been doing, you try to fulfill the desire of others. It wasn't truly yours
Fighting this/that, the entire day, when you don't fulfill your desires, you are tired
See, you don't carry bricks to get tired
You feel tired, you feel aches in your body because
that's a state of slavery
The true slave
it's back to Egypt