Row 0 - Cell 0 |
Mint Mobile |
T-Mobile |
Contract length |
No contract (3 to 12 month plans) |
No contract (24mo device payments) |
5G data |
Up until 45GB (128Kb/s after) |
Yes (usage restrictions on some plans) |
Video streaming |
480p |
4K UHD (480p on some plans) |
Streaming perks |
No |
Netflix (w/ Go5G plan) |
International calling |
60 countries |
Mexico and Canada (Intl. extra) |
International roaming |
No |
Yes (w/ Go5G plan) |
Mobile hotspotting |
10GB cap on unlimited plan |
Unlimited 3G speed, 50GB max 5G speeds |
Deprioritization |
Yes |
Yes (only after 50GB+ usage) |
Family plans |
Yes |
Yes |