哈哈!我的回答:钢琴的音准、音色和手感的好坏对于弹琴者尤其是初学琴童的弹奏影响巨大,可是许多时候弹奏者自己是不知道其中的缘由的,需要调音师或者老师来指点迷津的。 一架钢琴有八千多个零件,一个人才206块骨头,所以要让一架钢琴维持在一个良好的状态,尤其对于多年没有很好整体维护的钢琴来说仅仅调整230根琴弦是远远不够的,也就是说调音不可以解决所有的问题。
我的套餐服务对于第一次调音会需要比较长的时间,因为需要进行全面的检测和维护;就好比一个家庭医生有新的病人先要做全面体检一个道理,但第二年开始只需要基础调音或者维护,所以费用会大大降低。 我目前的新客户既可以选择单项调音套餐,也可以选择综合维修套餐的客户,其中最重要的就是考虑到最佳演奏及音色和手感的需求,因为我也具有钢琴演奏水准呀。 纽约调音师yinan
Many tuners offer special deals or packages if you have more than one piano (of if your neighbor does), or if you're getting more than one service performed such as a pitch raise or inspection. These packages are designed to make your piano as close to "like-new" condition as possible without rebuilding and replacing parts. --Action Regulation Touchup-- An excellent choice for pianos which need normal maitain and ajust the most important points throughout the piano's action to regain some lost performance- from the base of the key to the strings.Allows for up to 4-5 hours of work.
1. Where do you need the piano tuning? 你的地址邮编 2. What type of piano do you own ? 你钢琴的类型 Spinet小型立式钢琴,Upright立式钢琴,Baby grand 小三角钢琴,Concert grand 演奏会三角钢琴 3. When was the piano last tuned? 上次调音的时间 4. How often is the piano played? 钢琴被使用的频率 5. How old is the piano? 钢琴的年代 6. Do you need any additional piano services? 有其他需要的附加服务吗? Regulation击弦机调整,Voicing 整音,Pitch raise提升音高,Fix sticky keys修理不抬起的琴键,Repair broken strings 修理坏了的琴弦......