
键盘上的生活点滴 - 用心生活,用脑子工作。
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首先,准备油皮,油心和馅料 (做12个小饼的量)

1. 制作油皮:取165克面粉, 45克植物油,先搅拌均匀,再加温水和好成团,放入盘中,铺上保鲜膜,搁置一旁醒发;

2. 制作油心:135克面粉,60克植物油,和好成团,同样放入盘中,铺上保鲜膜,搁置一旁醒发;

3. 调制馅料 (芝麻馅料):黄油在小锅里热化,加面粉调和,熄火加芝麻(喜甜的可加糖), 混合。放小碗里,稍凉后盖上保鲜膜,放进冰箱里凝固。如果用芝士馅,就只需要准备芝士碎(我用的袋装的Cheddar Cheese,所以就只简单的把那些条条捏碎一下)


1. 将醒发了一段时间的油皮轻揉至表面光滑,分成12份小面团,各自轻揉成小圆团形状,放置案板一角,用保鲜膜盖住,以免发干;

2. 将醒发了一段时间的油心分成12小份,在掌心揉成小球状,放置案板一角,用保鲜膜盖住,以免发干

3. 取一个油皮圆团,像擀饺子皮那样,摁扁,擀成圆皮;然后取出一个油心小球包入其中,像包包子那样把油心包好,再摁扁,上下擀成长条状,然后从下至上卷起如卷饼(此处目的,卷层越多饼层越多),搁置一旁,盖上保鲜膜,以免发干。

4. 小卷做好后,取出冰箱里的馅料,准备包馅儿。先重复第三步:把小卷压扁,上下擀成细长条,再卷起,成卷饼状;然后捏住小卷两端,连接到一起,压扁,再擀成饺子皮形状;放入馅料,像包包子那样包好,轻轻摁扁成小饼状……一个饼完工。



First,make the oil dough, oil filling and sesame/cheese filling:

1. to make the oil dough: 165 grams of flour and 45 grams of vegetable oil, mix them well; add warm water to form a dough. Place the dough in a dish, cover it with plastic wrap, and set it aside to rest.

2. to make the oil filling: Mix 135 grams of flour with 60 grams of vegetable oil to form a dough. Place the dough in a dish, cover it with plastic wrap, and set it aside to rest.

3. to prepare the filling: Melt butter in a small pot, add flour and stir until combined. Turn off the heat and add sesame seeds (add sugar if prefer sweet), mix well. Place the mixture in a small bowl, cover it with plastic wrap after it cools slightly, and put it in the refrigerator to solidify.

 If you're using a cheese filling, just prepare shredded cheese (I used pre-packaged Cheddar Cheese strips, so I simply broke them into smaller pieces).

Second, make the cookies:

1. Gently knead the rested oil dough until the surface is smooth. Divide it into 12 small portions, shape each into a small round ball, and place them in a corner of the work surface. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out.

2. Divide the rested oil filling into 12 small portions. Roll each portion into a small ball using your palm and place them in a corner of the work surface. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out.

3. Take a piece of oil dough and flatten it out with your hands, then roll it into a round disc, similar to rolling dumpling wrappers;

  • Place a small ball of oil filling in the center of the disc, then fold and seal the edges around the filling, like you would when making buns;
  • Flatten the filled dough, then roll it into a long strip;
  • Roll the strip from bottom to top, like a卷饼 (Chinese pancake), ensuring that the layers are tightly rolled to increase the number of layers in the finished cookie;
  • Set the rolled dough aside, cover it with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
  • Take out the filling from the refrigerator and start assembling:
  • Flatten each small roll, then roll it out into a long, thin strip;
  • Roll the strip back up to form a spiral shape, which helps to increase the number of layers in the cookie;
  •  Pinch the ends of the roll together to connect them, then flatten it out and roll it into a dumpling wrapper shape;
  •  Place a suitable amount of filling in the center and wrap it up like you would with a bun; 
  • Gently flatten the wrapped dough into a small, round cookie shape.

This completes one cookie.

Third, for the final step, bake the cookies at 160°C (320°F) for 30 minutes.



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阅读 ()评论 (17)
淡然 回复 悄悄话 今年中秋只买了月饼应景,一直想着该做一下鲜肉月饼,就用蘑菇的方子做皮!
花似鹿葱 回复 悄悄话 都是资深美厨啊,赞!
la-vie 回复 悄悄话 这道酥皮点心100%好吃,用这个酥皮做苏式月饼也很好的,N年前做过。

混迹花草中的灰蘑菇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '燕麦禾儿' 的评论 : 哈哈哈,太棒了!我就说我这菜鸟能做好的,心灵手巧的禾儿没有做不好的道理:)

燕麦禾儿 回复 悄悄话 哇塞,蘑菇又出点心大贴了,我本来是跑过来报告“咖啡蛋糕卷”的,又被蘑菇的酥饼给完全迷住了!我先生特别喜欢吃酥皮的东东,我一直不想学,也是因为黄油太多的缘故,还有要使用面板。有时间一定试试这个素油酥皮饼。可可说做鲜肉月饼,一定非常好吃。店里卖的月饼,实在是太不健康了!

混迹花草中的灰蘑菇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 : 谢谢亮妈!我在慢慢的把一些孩子们喜欢的家常菜写成中英文食谱,方便我也方便他们。少不得要时不时去你那偷师学艺的,先谢啦:)
混迹花草中的灰蘑菇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 菲儿真是个善解人意的可人儿,谢谢你体谅咱这种想参加读书活动却又疏于读书的人,允许咱用以前写的交作业。细想想,这几年不陪孩子读书了,除了专业读物和圣经,我读过且有感触的还是这本:“When breath becomes air”。我以前写过书评的,马上就给你交作业了:)

混迹花草中的灰蘑菇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'XQQ' 的评论 : 没错,shortbread也是属于知道怎么做的就不敢吃了的:)
混迹花草中的灰蘑菇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '桔子熟了' 的评论 : 谢谢桔子!嘻嘻,混是咱擅长的:)
亮亮妈妈 回复 悄悄话 非常赞!你自己出本英文食谱,孩子们用着方便。周末快乐!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 哇塞,馋死人了,中西结合,洋为中用,哈哈哈,太赞了,还有英文的配方,大赞蘑菇,蘑菇开启了和儿子一起写剧写配方的先例,赞赞赞!等蘑菇书评,原先写的也行!

XQQ 回复 悄悄话 我以前超爱shortbread,跟着老美朋友一做,基本上是用黄油和面哪,吓死宝宝啦。就再也不敢碰了。
桔子熟了 回复 悄悄话 中点西吃,顾全了两边文化和味蕾,赞~
混迹花草中的灰蘑菇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓青' 的评论 : 嗯,猪大油和黄油,差不多。我是看西餐做酥皮,把黄油切厚片码上去,吓人,这个用素油应该好点。问晓青周末好!
混迹花草中的灰蘑菇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '可能成功的P' 的评论 : 可可好!我看见有做酥皮肉月饼的,也是想着这个方子应该可以的,不过我不喜欢肉馅点心。在可可母女面前,我要是敢称大厨,那就真真的太过了,哈哈哈,城里这么多大厨,也就我脸皮厚才敢秀食谱。我只是边学边做,写了存下来方便我日后查找。可可周末愉快!
晓青 回复 悄悄话 是啊,国内酥皮点心是猪大油和面,好吃,但会胖:-)
可能成功的P 回复 悄悄话 我做的酥皮点心的配方和蘑菇的一样呢,都是素油。这次中秋做了鲜肉月饼,效果也不错。开心蘑菇开始总结菜谱而且还有英文。我建议女儿加入蘑菇大厨粉丝团:)周末愉快!