

配音秀: 英文版:Sense and Sensibility (理智与情感 ) 祝仙妈生快

(2023-05-03 13:42:53) 下一个

“Sense and Senbility"是我最喜爱的李安电影,没有之一。 也是我心目中名著改编的典范。 今天偶然在“配音秀”上发现“咻咻尘”网友上传的系列, 开心得不得了, 豁出一上午撺成两段, 送给配音高手仙妈, 祝生日快乐!

快速说英语实在是我的短板, 上气不接下气, 绕不利索! 我记得仙妈配音的“乱世佳人”吵架片段, 觉得自己大概再过几十年也望尘莫及了!

这是我从网上搜来的台词, 供有兴趣的同学参考。 不得不说脚本实在是一流!


                         Margaret, are you there? Please come 

                         down. John and Fanny will be here 


              ( A pause. ELINOR is about to leave when a disembodied and 

               truculent young voice stops her.)

                                     MARGARET (V.O.)

                         Why are they coming to live at 

                         Norland? They already have a house 

                         in London.


                         Because houses go from father to 

                         son, dearest not from father to 

                         daughter. It is the law.

             (  Silence. ELINOR tries another tack.)


                         If you come inside, we could play 

                         with your atlas.

           MARGARET (V.O.)
                         It's not my atlas any more. It's 
                         their atlas.


                         Fanny wishes to know where the key 

                         for the silver cabinet is kept.


                         Betsy has it, I think. What does 

                         Fanny want with the silver?


                         I can only presume she wants to count 

                         it. What are you doing?


                         Presents for the servants. Have you 

                         seen Margaret? I am worried about 

                         her. She has taken to hiding in the 

                         oddest places.


                         Fortunate girl. At least she can 

                         escape Fanny, which is more than any 

                         of us is able.


                         You do your best. You have not said 

                         a word to her for a week.



                         I have! I have said 'yes' and 'no'.




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