据说THCB要和Microvast SPAC Merger: 合并
大家最近也看到了EV(电车)板块的威力,是猪都飞上天了,周一DPW做充电庄的涨3倍,今天NBAC做V2G(V2G stands for “vehicle-to-grid” and is a technology that enables energy to be pushed back to the power grid from the battery of an electric car. )的, 都还不知道细节,但今天接近1倍的日内涨幅
这个THCB,如果能和Microvast合并, 如果消息确凿,这个估计也是几周几倍那种。
Microvast 是专门做电车用锂电池的,我还在进一步确定和研究,如果属实。。 那肯定飞。 技术上看这里11离开10的平台没几天,可是成交量和资金看来翻滚起来了。 值得注意了。
THCB 是SPAC组里的股票, 是它的warrants 代码,而是common stock代码
Yet another special purpose acquisition company deal is charging up on Wall Street. This time, electric vehicle battery firm Microvast is looking to come public. And as rumor has it, Tuscan Holdings (NASDAQ:THCB) is the lucky SPAC. So what do you need to know about the Microvast SPAC merger?
To start, Microvast focuses on making batteries for electric vehicles. This means the Microvast SPAC merger is already incredibly interesting, especially as investors have focused heavily on electric car stocks in 2020.
With all of this in mind, here are 13 things you need to know about the Microvast SPAC merger.
技术上看这股这几天实在异常的放量, 而且我看到数据说70%在机构手里,这和SBE开始13块附近时的机构持股比例类似。
免责声明,本人非专业金融分析师(Financial Analyst)也非证券行业专业人士,以上仅是个人对市场和个股的观点和判断,难免偏颇,所以不构成任何投资建议,也不对任何个人的投机投资操作和盈亏负责。