
Travel to the West (10): The beautiful city of Victoria, BC 1

(2024-09-02 11:21:27) 下一个

April 11 : Rained a little bit in the morning and then  kept Cloudy

Leaving the Butchart Gardens at about 1:30pm, We headed to the city of Victoria. It is only half hour's drive to the downtown of Victoria and  the hotel check-in time is 3pm. So we decided to drive to the seashore to admire the beautiful views and gorgous houses first.






P6: stopped by a a park beside the beach

P7:Is this a leash free dog park?

P8:I was mis-leaded by the description of the hotel in the website and thought this casle would be our hotel. When GPS led us to that please, I didn't see the building as show in the picture. We drove around and double_checked we had the correct address.

P9:After we came back, we saw that casle and realized our hotel is next to the casle. This hotel was transformed from a big old house. 

P10: Common area of the hotel: dinning room

P11:common area of the hotel: living room

P12: After checking in hotel, we contined to explore the  Victoria. The streets are lined with cherry blossoms.


P13: Arrived at Chinatown at about 5pm. 



p15: Then we went to the Inner harbour area to see the BC Parliament Buildings.

P16: There are quite a fews neatly trimmed Cherry blossom trees around that buildings.




P19: Poor horses are  waiting for clients.

P20: Empress hotel 

P21: Inner Harber


It was later. We went back to the hotel after having a quick Glimpse of downtown Victoria. Will back again next day.







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