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两个基本点:Libertarian Party is more culturally liberal than Democrats, and more fiscally conservative than Republicans。





The Libertarian Party (LP) is a political party in the United States that promotes civil libertiesnon-interventionismlaissez-faire capitalism, and limiting the size and scope of government. The party was conceived in August 1971 at meetings in the home of David F. Nolan in Westminster, Colorado,[10][11] and was officially formed on December 11, 1971, in Colorado Springs.[11] The organizers of the party drew inspiration from the works and ideas of the prominent Austrian school economist, Murray Rothbard.[12] The founding of the party was prompted in part due to concerns about the Nixon administration, the Vietnam Warconscription, and the introduction of fiat money.[13]

The party generally promotes a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the Democratic Party's modern liberalism and progressivism and the Republican Party's conservatism.[14][non-primary source needed] Gary Johnson, the party's presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016, claims that the Libertarian Party is more culturally liberal than Democrats, and more fiscally conservative than Republicans.[15] Its fiscal policy positions include lowering taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), decreasing the national debt, allowing people to opt out of Social Security and eliminating the welfare state, in part by utilizing private charities. Its cultural policy positions include ending the prohibition of illegal drugs, advocating criminal justice reform,[16] supporting same-sex marriage, ending capital punishment, and supporting gun ownership rights.[14]

As of 2023, it is the third-largest political party in the United States by voter registration.[17] In the 2020 election the Libertarians gained a seat in the Wyoming House of Representatives, giving them their first state legislative win since 2000.[18][19][20] As of August 2022, there are 310 Libertarians holding elected office: 193 of them partisan offices and 117 of them non-partisan offices.[9] There are 693,634 voters registered as Libertarian in the 31 states that report Libertarian registration statistics and Washington, D.C.[21] The first electoral vote for a woman was that for Tonie Nathan of the party for vice president in the 1972 United States presidential election due to a faithless elector supporter who eschewed his expected votes for President Richard Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew in favor of the Libertarian ticket. The first and only Libertarian in Congress was Justin Amash, who joined the Libertarian Party in 2020 and left the U.S. House of Representatives in 2021 after choosing not to seek re-election.

In 2022, the paleolibertarian Mises Caucus (LPMC) became the dominant faction on the Libertarian National Committee, leading to internal conflicts and significant policy changes, such as regarding immigration and abortion.[22][23]

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魅力野花 回复 悄悄话 美国政治的堕落是选民的堕落。
BigP 回复 悄悄话 最苦的就是中产,交的税多如牛毛,没有任何政客关注社会多数人群的实际利益。。。
其实在哪里都一样,中国更是如此,最后的解决办法只有成为他们的一员。 Libertarian 就是理想主义者,这种公平公正的理念只在乌托邦里才有,现实社会,天下熙熙只为利来。。。占有其它人的利益是几乎所有聪明人想干的。。。
BigP 回复 悄悄话 美国的事实专制主义就是富人买通共和民主两党议员政客,政治经济体制上富人得失利,穷人因为莫名其妙的理念分裂,而形成得超稳定的”民主“体制,其实民主自由是统治的精英阶层给99%大众的洗脑,形成穷人脑子里的美国最伟大最正确最自由虚假观念。。。穷人中产整天在意识形态领域被伪命题左右所有的精力,例如堕胎枪支厕所,真的富人有谁会在乎这种傻逼关注的伪命题,就是挑动群众斗群众,背后搞利益输送。。。真正的美国利益就是统治的精英层的利益。。。
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 I will vote for myself, at least five of my friends will vote for me as well.
neshershahor 回复 悄悄话 Are you saying you will vote Libertarian in 2024? and from now You have become a Libertarian voter?