


(2021-03-14 06:49:36) 下一个

今天了解到娃可以再12年级以前学2门top6的课,一门是CS一门是数学。这样12年级娃只需完成4门top6的课即可。前几天收到CS teacher的email 说“I'm Daniel's Computer Science teacher at SJAM.  It's been a pleasure to have Daniel in my class.  

Below is a summary of Daniel's progress in CS to-date.  This takes the place of the usual midterm report card.

Understanding of the content

Daniel has easily mastered all of the topics we've covered so far:  logic and problem solving, basic syntax of the Processing programming language, 2D arrays & file reading, and modeling & simulation.  He goes above and beyond on every task and assignment. His cellular automaton model of animal communication in the ocean was especially well done.

Completion of HW and assignments

Daniel has done a great job of completing assignments and HW.

Attitude and learning skills

Daniel brings a natural curiosity and a passion for learning to class each day.  He asks great questions in class and during our Google Meets, and he makes good use of the guidance I give him.  Daniel participates actively in class discussions. 

Achievement level so far 

Level 4+.  A numerical mark will be granted at the end of the quadmester.

Please email or call if you have any questions or concerns.

All the best,





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