两位博士生在一所世界著名的大学餐厅里吃午餐。电视里一只母灰熊正趴在一头壮公牛的臀部,用其“铜爪钢牙”抓着牛皮,一点点地向牛头方向挪动。其中一位博士信仰伊斯兰教,直摇头说吃素有益健康;另一位是无神论者,说画面确实残忍。旁边有位基督徒凑过来,指着无神论博士的手说,“哎,你不也在吃‘野猪头’吗?” 无神论博士忙解释:“那是商标,里面是金枪鱼三明治。”
Two doctoral students were having lunch in a world-famous university restaurant. On TV, a female grizzly bear was clinging to the buttocks of a strong bull, using her "copper claws and steel teeth" to inch towards the bull's head. One of the doctors, a Muslim, shook his head and said that being a vegetarian was good for health; the other, an atheist, remarked that the scene was indeed cruel. A Christian approached and pointed at the atheist doctor's hands, saying, "Hey, aren't you eating Boar's Head too?" The atheist doctor quickly explained, "That's just the trademark; it's a tuna sandwich inside."