2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
西门庆文盲执法有招: 看不懂信, 雇人,没有文凭,雇人,不同法律,有权。
西门庆财源半径扩展: 先赚穷人钱,开药店,放高利贷,收古董当品,他开店不坐店,贿赂外省皇族权贵是闪富的捷径, 又开拓产品,船舶杭州丝绸,经营山东绸店,把瓶儿闲房当作店铺,用别人的钱赚钱,房租皆免,丝绸本钱,两月回归。 自当上山东首脑后, 权财礼贡,免费腾升。
The illiterate Ximen has a skill to run jury without any experience. He hires people to read for him, he hires people with sounding resume. He doesn’t understand the law, he has power!
The money-sense Ximen has enlarged his business radius: he originally makes money from the poor, by running a drug store, engaging in loans, pawn, but bribery to the powerful people outside the village is a quick way to his riches. He then develops product lines, purchases silk from Hangzhou, ships to Shandong, use Ping’s empty house to open a silk store where he doesn’t have to pay for rent, in two months, he gets all his silk principle back.