
何必在意 (热门博主)
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父亲节 – 被老公的文字感动

(2023-06-20 13:10:02) 下一个













When I was little-little my dad was my hero.  He could do everything, he knew everything, he could solve all problems.  I was amazed and inspired.

As a grew a bit, my dad was my teacher.  He patiently spent time with me, sharing his vast wealth of knowledge, and explaining how to break down my problems into manageable pieces.  I was enlightened and felt creative.

Later as a pre-teen, my dad became my restrictor.  I wanted freedom and autonomy.  He laid down the laws of what I (as a budding adventurer) could and couldn’t do.  How could he not believe that I could figure out how to solve my problems?  I was frustrated and felt confined.

As a teenager, my dad was my oppressor.  He came down hard on me whenever I crossed the line (and I always crossed the line!).  We fought, argued, and drove each other crazy.  These were our most difficult times together.  I felt his overbearing attempts to control me were the source of all my problems.  I was restless and motivated to get my freedom.

After high school, my dad was my cheerleader.  He encouraged me to believe in myself, go to college, pursue my dreams, and move out on my own.  I wanted freedom, and now my problems were all my own.

After I graduated from university, my dad was proud.  Even though he was subtle at expressing it so soon after our feudal years, he made sure I knew.  Once I moved out of the house, we learned to talk again, and his comments no longer felt like commands/demands but heartfelt advice.

As we progressed, my dad became the person I could discuss life with, a confidant who didn't pass judgment, someone who accepted my shortcomings and would always offer a safe place to run ideas by.

In the later years, we became true friends, sharing stories, sorrows, joys, and laughter…there was always laughter.

I miss my dad every day, but especially on Father's Day.  Luckily, he's still in my heart, my thoughts, and the character of who I am.  He’s always here, and whenever I need his sage wisdom, all I need to do is ask.


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何必在意 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 谢谢菲儿留言!从你的博文中可以读出你对你千金能力和独立的赞赏,有时放手是让双方能和谐相处的最好方式。祝端午安康!
何必在意 回复 悄悄话 回复 'PingJiangLi' 的评论 : 谢谢留言,祝端午安康!
何必在意 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓青' 的评论 : 谢谢晓青留言,经常看你的周末感言,很治愈!希望龙卷风造成的损坏能很快修复,祝端午安康!
何必在意 回复 悄悄话 回复 '海风随意吹' 的评论 : 谢谢海风留言!祝端午安康!
海风随意吹 回复 悄悄话 写得真好,感人!亲子关系是双方都在成长,经历成长之苦乐。
晓青 回复 悄悄话 写得真好,感动!
PingJiangLi 回复 悄悄话 谢谢分享!你老公写得真好。
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 超级感动,你先生写得真好,我从他的信中也看到了自己和女儿的影子。